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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


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If you think Caste goes away because you hold an influential position, you should also know that our President was denied entry at a temple only recently. I don't understand why people think untouchability goes away with wealth. 

Acc to this logic I say if one doesn't want to be discriminated further and are economically ok or near ok , simply apply from General category. Case closed. 


I guess this thread is lost, but here's the analysis of gs score test 33(full test 1)

- attempted 67, incorrect 13, score 99.33.

-some questions were too specific,but that's something we can expect

-static questions were straightforward

-liked the economics part, good emphasis on conceptual questions and current t affairs- also the area's I need to cover up. 

Hope more people join from tomorrow✌️

@Patootie Correct so it has a social angle also which will not go away with reservations alone. State also needs to create awareness, stop rumor-mongering and work for upliftment in other ways. Reservation is not a panacea for caste system for India. It is just one of the way and if other things are not done it may never bear fruits and some part of the society will always remain marginalized because benefits will be taken by the well to do off among them. 

@Patootie Definitely not. 

1. There are generations of officers from one family taking benefit of reservation. If they are not stopped, the benefits of reservation will never reach the ones who truly need them. This clearly needs to stop. 
2. Once in service if you continue giving them promotions, it will never let the prejudice die. In fact the difference may become stark leading to more discrimination in office as well as outside the workplace. 

I agree that we need to direct reservations better. But why is the fact that a General category candidate would get pissed because a reserved candidate gets a higher service relevant at all?

To your second point, the need for reservations in promotions is that all the higher levels are dominated by a very small minority. (Brahmins/ savarnas) Without reservations in promotions, a much lesser number of Dalits/STs would get promoted. Because the upper caste boss just would not promote them. 

@God constitutionally reservation was not supposed to last forever at all. 

Request you to check your facts. The time limit contemplated was only for reservations in legislatures (which is why periodically they are extended through Const. Ammnd). It was never contemplated for reservations in Jobs/ Educational institutions.

@rafael I believe the most shameless guy on planet are those SC/ST/OBC people whose parents are top bureaucrats nd rich influential people of the society yet seek reservation..It's gross injustice to the deserving ones among those communities...tina-mina-diga of such people should not be given any respect at all..Bhai aap apne hi community ke logo ke sath nainsafi kaise kr skte ho??

If you think Caste goes away because you hold an influential position, you should also know that our President was denied entry at a temple only recently. I don't understand why people think untouchability goes away with wealth. 

fake news ...

@God yes, u r right......but economic backwardness is a cause for social and educational backwardnesa..... And at present time when CLASS system is spreading its root EW sections are at receiving end..... 
At last, all of us know(at least at personal level) that RESERVATION has become a political tool to gain brownie points...... Otherwise castes whose members have ruled in hindi heartland as CM's shouldn't consider as backward till now....... I like to see every needy getting it's share for the progress of our nation. 

@Patootie Correct so it has a social angle also which will not go away with reservations alone. State also needs to create awareness, stop rumor-mongering and work for upliftment in other ways. Reservation is not a panacea for caste system for India. It is just one of the way and if other things are not done it may never bear fruits and some part of the society will always remain marginalized because benefits will be taken by the well to do off among them. 

Never said reservation was a panacea. My simple point is with respect to representation. The least one can do is not piss on reservations and also make arguments for doing away with what depressed classes have worked for, for so many decades. 


as directed by chanakya, i wrote test-33 of gsscore. 63 attempted. 57 correct .. final score 110/200.

final comments:- could have done better by answering 3 or 4 more bits.

i should work on some advanced macro economics sort ( if at all they be asked), and some current affairs part in depth..


ball to ball commentary:-

1 pulitzer don’t know 2 cvigil direct 3 doctrines direct 4 disq direct 5 day direct 6 goods direct 7 util curves elimination 8 psbloans elimination 9 cgtmse direct 10 rbi sch guess 11 digi pay direct 12 hunter don’t know 13 arya samaj strong gut feeling 14 swadeshi direct 15 karachi direct 16 settlemt direct 17 communal easiest bit ever 18 mahila sabhas heard for first time 19 quit indi direct 20 ambedkar don’t know 21 acts another easy bit 22 jute read it somewhere 23 seas wrong guess 24 boung direct 25 vembanad reverse guess from options 26 passes read somewhere but left out 27 fronts read somewhere but left out 28 rivers reverse guess from options 29 peaks I know about gurusikhar, then wrong guessed other 30 pvtg read about abujmarias and rest is option reverse working 31 NSS read about NCC-NSS at school. 32 cttees don’t know at this depth 33 sch easy 34 siva reddy read somewhere 35 plan bee read somewhere 36 rodra saw it for first time 37 sppel saw it for first time 38 art 178 easy 39 rupa easy 40 cj hc easy. Why should he exclude gov 41 spl status got confused with options 42 autonomous just this mrng discussed with a friend 43 pil bad guess about british. 44 rights another easy bit 45 jurisdiction easy 46 thrift easy 47 keynesian confused hence unattempted 48 elasticitiy easy 49 pfms confused hence unattempted 50 utkarsh easy 51 diem 25 unknown 52 nab unknown 53 philips curve fumbled due to options hence unattempted 54 IAT first time 55 capital reciept easy 56 fiscal deficit easy 57 zbb reverse guess from options 58 public instructio committee easy 59 chavang kut any kut will be of mizo. Hence easy 60 kailasa temple don’t know at this depth 61 kalidaasa easy. I heard both stories on AIR 62 IVC I thought they would have eliminated aryan debate. My bad 63 sarcenic style don’t know 64 jain god wrongly marked. I regret for this 65 bronze easy 66 mughal zamin easy 67 pari khanda don’t know 68 puppets reverse guess from options 69 samudrayaan don’t know 70 saffir simpson first time 71 palm oil read an editorial and marked correct. One of the most satisfying bits 72 mist and fog easy 73 minerals don’t know 74 IEMF first time 75 UNNaTEE confused hence unattempted 76 wipo easy 77 GRIHA read on pib 78 chakrashila I knew that its in assam,but nothing further 79 terms the term rhizo means root. That made the answer easy 80 crocodile don’t know much 81 ecological succession easy and eliminatio based 82 replan couldn’t recall much 83 pygmy hog don’t know at this depth 84 carbon credits confused hence unattempted 85 ramsar easy and eliminatio based 86 bioleaching read somewhere but left out 87 forest rights the paper setter is lenient to give such easy options 88 solar mission don’t know 89 hygo easy 90 oic worked from first option and great 91 osaka don’t know 92 ecosoc read in shankars 93 sacep don’t know 94 launchpad don’t know 95 prithvi 2 confused hence unattempted 96 cac read somewhere and attempted. Luckily its correct 97 exercises my banker cousin made me "rat maro" these 98 DPC a bit confused, but should have attempted this 99 RISAT 2B easy 100 folds don’t know much

overall:- I don’t think saraswati samman, pulitzer are asked in upsc some options are given in a very easy way some questions have flavors of previous papers. could have answered three or four bits score 110/200

@sulawesi that's a great analysis buddy, I'll try to do the same next time✌️


I made a promise to myself that i will never involve in "reservation" debates, because it is a never ending bubble gum. but i have two updates.

1) GSSCORE test 33 has  some interesting bits. have a look. i made 37 misses and 6 wrongs and ended up at 110.  esp. some unknown current affairs bits are asked. i even made two silly mistakes. (Detailed above)

2) the change org petition which we drafted and raised 24 hours ago garnered 1100+ supporters. Those who are willing to support can sign at share the link further in your social media circles.  yet continue revising.

Sadhika,curiouscseand1 otherslike this
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If you think Caste goes away because you hold an influential position, you should also know that our President was denied entry at a temple only recently. I don't understand why people think untouchability goes away with wealth. 

Acc to this logic I say if one doesn't want to be discriminated further and are economically ok or near ok , simply apply from General category. Case closed. 

So, I was working with a colleague of mine in Chennai. We both earned upwards of Rs. 18 LPA. He couldn't find accommodation even though he had the exact same paying capacity as I did. He was turned away by so many Brahmin/FC households on the basis of caste. He would never lie about his caste like he shouldn't despite this. 

So, you still think discrimination goes away if you acquire wealth?


Full movie available on forum ias 😂

Caesar,GaryVeeand3 otherslike this

Nice questions to try for prelims..decent standard

@Patootie just tell me one thing..... How many children of manual scavengers(lowest strata) have u ever seen in govt Institute and govt jobs at officer level....but whenever reservation debate starts,posters of these manual scavengers are presented by those who r enjoying the cream at their hurts the most........ What we want is REFORMS that too with honest intention of upliftment and not political purpose.......


some doubts

a) Is aryan invasion still considered as probable reason for fall of IVC

b) will upsc ask questions like military exercises list ( i think they will be asked in bank exams)

c) are awards based questions asked in upsc (--do--)

@Patootie it's not about sc/st vs general..Its about rich sc/st vs poor sc/st..its about deserving obc vs bogus obc..It's about morality bro..For the sake of  Untouchability few rich sc/st/obc are robing their own brethren of their due legal social rights..Not fair..Unke baddua lagenge bhai..Garib sc/st/obc ko apne untouchability ka bahana krke unko loot rhe paap hai bhai ,,ghor paap.. General people like me are happy if reservation is being exercised by right sc/st/obc people

@sulawesi no......climate change is the major cause

@Tangent arre baba itna mat bolo anti....nahi to dilip mandal yahan bhi aa jayega....

@Patootie just tell me one thing..... How many children of manual scavengers(lowest strata) have u ever seen in govt Institute and govt jobs at officer level....but whenever reservation debate starts,posters of these manual scavengers are presented by those who r enjoying the cream at their hurts the most........ What we want is REFORMS that too with honest intention of upliftment and not political purpose.......

The people who have it the hardest don't often get the benefits of reservation because the more well off outcompete them. To that extent, there needs to be better targeting of reservation. Maybe you could exclude people who have gotten benefits of 3 generations of reservation. Or something similar. How is that the same argument as saying someone who is economically well off shouldn't get the benefit of reservation? Especially when there is tangible evidence to show otherwise?

@Tangent last line is the crux.....

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