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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this




@iskool what cultural difference precisely you have with a sc/st family? please enlighten..its not cultural difference its acceptance of social hierarchy with respect to caste which we call in other words caste discrimination

you still didn't get it??? my god 

consider I am pandit and want to marry a rajput girl........ both the families won't agree. now you answer your question...... you must get it or u r biased a lot.  

If you want to marry any person, be an adult first and have independent decision making. If you are rejecting your love for a silly thing like caste, god bless your existence.

samjho yaar its not about me. its about my father who considers himself out the society in which he resides. that sharmaji/ pandeyji or haq saab matters him alot. 

this is middle class. still not getting then you must be an alien on earth. 
its not about being right/wrong. its about he is rudimental, dont want to change........

bhai tum galat angle se link kar rahe ho...........  

Bas, aur kya. You proved my point. 

Aapke pitaji is a part of the society and with utmost respect, it's because of him and similar others, the caste system exists and therefore, reservation exists. 

This is why I asked everyone to speak to their parents/elders first. After that conversation, you will know why reservation exists. 

There is nothing more to debate on this. Bye bye.

Fytto,Oasisand4 otherslike this
Lagta hai baraf padne wali hai๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Barish bhi kafi ho rahi hai ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


My thought process while answering: - 

1) I don't know whether or not vembanad is largest lake of Kerala. So, I disregarded stmt1 ) for a while....

2) I know for sure that vemband backwaters are from Arabian sea and not of Indian ocean ( because I read somewhere that Nehru trophy - vallamkali boat race happens in Arabian backwaters of vembanad) .. so, the stmt 2 which says of Indian Ocean is wrong...

3) I read in Shankar's ias about wetlands conserve prog. So, vembanad is covered there. Hence stmt3 is correct.

Now, coming to option selection, we have to pick up the incorrect stmts ::-  I  selected an option which has stmt2 (becoz it is false) and which  doesn't have stmt3 ( because it is true) ... Hence I picked option: a)

Even though I don't know the fact that vemband is largest in Kerala, I could thus manage with the combos given in options. Sometimes the papersetter will thus help you with option combos::-
Finally, some facts about vembanad::-
It's also known as Kochi / punnamada lake
It is largest in kerala and longest in india
2nd largest Ramsar site in India after sundarbans
It's backwaters are Arabian
It's under wetland conserve prog
It is shrinking now
Kumarakom bird sanctuary is near vembanad lake east coast. 

Hope it helps, sorry for any typos, in transit and using smart (?) Phone. Will check again for mistiked in pc at night

Appreciate the thought process, but my point was Arabian Sea is a part of Indian Ocean...

So how can something join it and not join Indian Ocean, itโ€™s implied no?


My thought process while answering: - 

1) I don't know whether or not vembanad is largest lake of Kerala. So, I disregarded stmt1 ) for a while....

2) I know for sure that vemband backwaters are from Arabian sea and not of Indian ocean ( because I read somewhere that Nehru trophy - vallamkali boat race happens in Arabian backwaters of vembanad) .. so, the stmt 2 which says of Indian Ocean is wrong...

3) I read in Shankar's ias about wetlands conserve prog. So, vembanad is covered there. Hence stmt3 is correct.

Now, coming to option selection, we have to pick up the incorrect stmts ::-  I  selected an option which has stmt2 (becoz it is false) and which  doesn't have stmt3 ( because it is true) ... Hence I picked option: a)

Even though I don't know the fact that vemband is largest in Kerala, I could thus manage with the combos given in options. Sometimes the papersetter will thus help you with option combos::-
Finally, some facts about vembanad::-
It's also known as Kochi / punnamada lake
It is largest in kerala and longest in india
2nd largest Ramsar site in India after sundarbans
It's backwaters are Arabian
It's under wetland conserve prog
It is shrinking now
Kumarakom bird sanctuary is near vembanad lake east coast. 

Hope it helps, sorry for any typos, in transit and using smart (?) Phone. Will check again for mistiked in pc at night

Appreciate the thought process, but my point was Arabian Sea is a part of Indian Ocean...

So how can something join it and not join Indian Ocean, itโ€™s implied no?

Yes yaar, but  it seems that papersetter didn't think so deep. Sometimes thinking beyond becomes a problem .. if you see the same question paper, there is a question on ivc downfall. I overthought that " since Aryan ancestry DNA sort of debate is going on, that should not be a reason for ivc downfall", but at the end , it turned out that the paper setter had not updated so much and my answer became wrong. Thus I learned a lesson, " sometimes it is not good to fly too nearer to the Sun"....   

// Technically you are not wrong, but contextually, the key says so// 

@Zilingo din door nhi jab upsc ka bhi paper leak hoga !!!
This man is riddled with so many controversies, why do they always find such men for such prestigious posts . Be it gajendra chauhan aka. khuli khidki XDD and now him..


Sorry for the earlier post, it was a bait to distract.

Anyone having PIB compilation, ministry wise official data. This link doesn't have any.

asking for RBI's ESI paper prep.

Anyone with PIB compilation of last 6/9/12 months.


Consistency,Sniperand1 otherslike this
@Villanelle may be it is like those questions in which tributary of a tributary of main river is not counted as tributary of main river๐Ÿ˜ถ. 
Though I am also little confused whether in such cases it is counted as one. 

@Villanelle may be it is like those questions in which tributary of a tributary of main river is not counted as tributary of main river๐Ÿ˜ถ. 
Though I am also little confused whether in such cases it is counted as one. 


For last 2 3 days my inbox on all social media  plateforms is full with personal messages. A few are *" Thank-you sir for all your help. Got XYZ rank in CSE 2019. "* with happy faces on the other side. But a lot (more than 90%) are *messages of Pain , Frustration, Disenchantment and Regret.* Most of these want just a *soothing few lines reply* from me, because they somehow feel that *I can understand* their situation better given that I myself, achieved CSE target in 5th attempt after multiple failures.

But I can't reply to the most except with some clichรฉ statements like *"STAY STRONG COMRADE."* It feels so bad and so hurtful to see such talented minds of the country regretting being not successful in this *Chakravyuha Challenge of UPSC CSE.* ๐Ÿ˜”

I have personally seen people having *reached even Interview stage 2 3 4 5 6 times,* but still not being able to make it, leave about those who exhausted their all attempts with other stage failures. And when such people message you asking for what to do now - *it feels bad, very bad.* How can I match their level of wisdom and experience ? How can someone getting selected without those level failures be called more intelligent or worthy than those people by society? I, simply, can't fathom out. 

If I compare my selection with such souls, I have no hesitation to say ki *KISMAT ACHHI THI JO NIKAL GAYE IS GAMBLE SE.* Nothing else special I done or have to be out of this cycle. *I am sorry friends* I have nothing substantial to guide you or tell you what to do NOW. Just few self-experience based  basic advices I can speak out like that *don't take any decision now only. Take time,give your mind and body some relaxation. Also don't lose hope before it's totally Blackout.* You were one of the best brains of the country and *YOU ARE STILL ONE.* Merely one overhyped exam don't make you any less worthy. 

Keep trying for anything you will love to do now. If attempts and courage left, *come back better.* If , unfortunately not, *PLEASE MOVE ON.* Find out each and all possible alternatives for you like *State PCS or Coaching profession or anything else your heart wishes for including pending life decisions about marriage etc.* It's *NEVER TOO LATE.* Even if it is, be the FIRST ONE TO CHANGE THE PATTERN. 

All this excessive happiness of selection or excessive sorrow of failure is transient. Life is much more brutal and competitive than this CSE. *If you as a sperm, could win over crores of other competitors , before your own conception itself - you can still win.* You can still flourish. You can still succeed. *You can still be worthful for your family, society and nation.* Just go for it and show others that *YOU WERE DIFFRENT YESTERDAY. YOU ARE DIFFRENT TODAY. And YOU WILL BE DIFFRENT TOMORROW.*

With Best wishes and feelings ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Always Yours, 

*Yo Yo Choti Singh aka Vijay Wardhan Sarswat*


Sapien,abhilasha1811and24 otherslike this
There is substantial talk on culture here. Just let me add my perspective.
What constitutes culture you may ask? Acc. to me, it is a mix of language, food, traditions, and religion, as its pillars and other ancillary portions. It is a very fluid concept. Not static. Let me explain.
Let us go one by one. Language. People of an x caste from Lucknow will be more than happy to marry people from the same caste in Patna. The language, traditions, food barrier, gone. Caste wins.
Food. it is impossible for 2 families to have the same food habits. People can have preferences, but they will not cancel a wedding over different food habits. Bound to differ. 
Traditions. They are a part of history and every family has its own. It is impossible to literally have the same traditions even in two families. From fasting to a way of praying, mostly everything differs one way or the other.
Religion- This can be debated. 
Let me give you an example, what we decide to protect as culture is pretty much selective and based on our biases. See, 100 yrs ago, crossing the seas meant loss of caste and people were literally shunned from villages in the "upper castes".  It was an integral part of the culture then. Is it now?
Sati was an integral part of the culture in many households. Is it now?
Even eating food from anywhere outside your own house was an integral part of the culture. Tell me, is it now?
Protecting culture is akin to protecting "honour" of women where it is less about the namesake and more about exercising control by deciding boundaries as they like.
So yeah, in the guise of culture, people really want to protect their privileges in a hierarchical society. It is logical. If you are at the top of the ladder, you will protect your so-called identity as it prevents dilution of authority. That is why those at the top of the caste hierarchy have stringiest norms. Simple norm, if a club was historically powerful, to retain or try to retain its power, you have to make the club as exclusive as possible because the privileges are linked to the club, not to you..
There was some gentleman here pointing out that his father will not accept any other caste, be it even the so called upper. To answer this, again the privileged group theory. See, the caste system thrives on oppression, you got to make yourself exclusive and oppress those below you in any way to gain some clout. That is why, even in any caste group, sub-categorisation is there for high and low.  People are ready to claim some status even at the lowest level, doesn't matter if they themselves are oppressed by someone above them.
Another point, your father will oppose all, but be softer towards you marrying someone in a caste "above" you, compared to going for someone "below" you.
I could have explained better by naming castes, subgroups and all but do not want some unnecessary controversy.
Peace! :)
Just remember, if someone from another city, even of the same caste gets married to you, Your culture is affected in a similar way when marrying someone of the other caste. In the latter case, you just cannot claim ritual superiority and that's what creates exclusive groups. :)
Please do not tag me in further discussions. Just wanted to share my thoughts, do not want to engage in a debate. 
Because in all fairness, not getting reminded of your caste literally everywhere you go in a negative sense is a privilege deeply ingrained that those who enjoy it, do not even realise it. :)
Let us focus on our papers now. 
I just hope we people here, all of us, aspire someday to build a society free of all kinds of discriminations. We owe it ourselves and the future. 
All the best fellas!
@Interstellar05 So most likely oct 4 is D-day 

@Samurai_jackif they're ready to open colleges and high schools , can't see a reason for them to stop a one-day exam for which people in their 20s appear.
Padhte raho !!
@Chanakya bhai ek thread bana lo

Yeh abhyaas ka kya scene hai?? 



@iskool what cultural difference precisely you have with a sc/st family? please enlighten..its not cultural difference its acceptance of social hierarchy with respect to caste which we call in other words caste discrimination

you still didn't get it??? my god 

consider I am pandit and want to marry a rajput girl........ both the families won't agree. now you answer your question...... you must get it or u r biased a lot.  

If you want to marry any person, be an adult first and have independent decision making. If you are rejecting your love for a silly thing like caste, god bless your existence.

samjho yaar its not about me. its about my father who considers himself out the society in which he resides. that sharmaji/ pandeyji or haq saab matters him alot. 

this is middle class. still not getting then you must be an alien on earth. 
its not about being right/wrong. its about he is rudimental, dont want to change........

bhai tum galat angle se link kar rahe ho...........  

Bas, aur kya. You proved my point. 

Aapke pitaji is a part of the society and with utmost respect, it's because of him and similar others, the caste system exists and therefore, reservation exists. 

This is why I asked everyone to speak to their parents/elders first. After that conversation, you will know why reservation exists. 

There is nothing more to debate on this. Bye bye.

u seem to be jahil bhai..... Reservation is there not because of my pitaji and your thoughts.
its there because i studied in a pvt school and u studied in a govt school. i came in this world with golden spoon and u might have not seen spoon in ur life. 

the logic u r having m sure you will be IAS one day!

Reservation is there and needs to be there not because of the jahil ideas you have but because of the inequality present in the society. Since it's easy to give it on caste basis it is being done and now it has political angle.
Point is the deserving ppl of SC/ST/OBC are not getting the reservation....... and SC/ST/OBC ppl are actually suffering out of it...... nahi samajh aaya to AARAKSHAN dekh lo........ by prakash jha. i know a ST guy taken more than 10 attempts to this very exam. you can meet him in ORN. he is filthy rich.
EWS is welcomed on that front only because it has economic criteria out of NON-SC/ST/OBC. Out of rest 50% that are not getting reservation and are poor are now eligible under EWS.

Can you imagine how it is actually uplifting the ppl. and the point is he wont be able to claim it after selected nor his upcoming generations.

dimag lagao aur samjho........... SC/ST/OBE ppl are being fooled in the name of reservations. only affluent ppl are getting benifitted.


p.s. i am a general catogory/non-ews student and left with only 72 seats for IAS. 

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