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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Neyawn It was just a personal opinion and hv nothing against forum guys.I think its always better to do SWOT analysis and prepare ur own time table.Joining an full test series is diff where u can study as per own for whole week and then give a test on sunday(or any other day) for practice.Whereas in SFG u hv to give test everyday that too not acc to ur schedule.That may work for some but not for me.

About the discipline factor u talked about,I have seen plenty of students who join SFG with full motivation but stop giving tests after a mere week.So discipline never comes by joining a particular course/test series.It always comes from within.

Regarding giving more weightage to polity and m history,let me remind u that in upsc prelims 2019,there were around 24 ques from m his+polity and 32 from eco+env+sci.

All i am saying is sfg is for those people who hvnn't completed basic books and want to complete them alongwith course.Not for someone who has already studied basic books and scoring around 90+ in test series and want to the value addition of those 20-25 odd marks.

Neyawn,Oasisand13 otherslike this
@Neyawn  sorry for the same . I accept my mistakes. Will be cautious while helping others with any future reviews !!

@Neyawn  sorry for the same . I accept my mistakes. Will be cautious while helping others with any future reviews !!

No apologies needed, please?  :)

Just that I want to build this to discuss good ideas. You see we dumped an entire discuss platform with more than 5 lakh users because crap discussions wasn't aligned with our vision.

There is no point having so much traffic. We prefer being small, anonymous and focus energies on doing a good job. 

Also I want to get good faculty to join the discussion here. Everyone can make a meaningful contribution. That way we can build things better. But good people will walk out the minute they find a judgemental crowd here. Everyone already has relatives doing that :)

You can always recommend courses to people you know personally, but avoid feedback - positive or negative ( even if it is with best intentions ) of forumias academy also on this platform. 

Last to last year there was one peacefulwarrior, Pratham, who got Rank 5. I asked him to meet some students from the crowd that had gathered to see him. Not even one single time he gave a positive feedback about any forum program to the crowd / public. But he sent at least 50+ students from his library ( people he personally knew ) and PEC, his college.

This also does not come at a cost to platform neutrality perception, isn't it?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Nathan05and7 otherslike this
@Neyawn It was just a personal opinion and hv nothing against forum guys.I think its always better to do SWOT analysis and prepare ur own time table.Joining an full test series is diff where u can study as per own for whole week and then give a test on sunday(or any other day) for practice.Whereas in SFG u hv to give test everyday that too not acc to ur schedule.That may work for some but not for me.

About the discipline factor u talked about,I have seen plenty of students who join SFG with full motivation but stop giving tests after a mere week.So discipline never comes by joining a particular course/test series.It always comes from within.

Regarding giving more weightage to polity and m history,let me remind u that in upsc prelims 2019,there were around 24 ques from m his+polity and 32 from eco+env+sci.

All i am saying is sfg is for those people who hvnn't completed basic books and want to complete them alongwith course.Not for someone who has already studied basic books and scoring around 90+ in test series and want to the value addition of those 20-25 odd marks.

Thank you Esha :)

I had two students - a couple, whom I saw write their Prelims test - beginning ones  exactly one month before the prelims.

They would join Prelims Test Series, then disappear then one month before the Prelims, they would appear and write their first test. When you write a test and write another one, there is a learning curve. The earlier you start the better it is. It WILL take a while to develop the understanding / knowhow of cracking Prelims. When I asked them why they are writing Tests that one is supposed to write at least 4 months before the exam - they giggled and said - because its flexible :)

I saw them year after year when I thought enough is enough, lets turn the tables around. 

And that is why SFG. I may sound avuncular for saying and doing this.

I can tell you that dropouts do not happen after a week. I know this because we empty the office space to make space for people to sit and write the SFG. Dropouts happen when subjects change and people move from a favourite subject to a less favourite subject. Its not even motivation problem, it is sometimes a knowledge problem :) Co-existence or co-occurrence should not be confused with causation :)

I have few thoughts for you to ponder over :)

I write them, as I think aloud :) 

One, what percentage of questions of polity and history vis-a vis economy and env are from current affairs ? Which areas have more questions from current? If more time is given for topics from which questions are either from current or from highly distributed sources ( by which I mean random sources ), what should one do? 

The Polity + History have 24 Q and Eco+ Env+ S & T have 32 questions. But when I see the score of a candidate who has secured 130 or 140 marks ( There is an annual answer key events and kids submit what answer choices they have marked ) , what I see is that majority of there marks are coming from P+ H. By which I mean, they have gotten almost all questions from the two subjects right and ALSO done well in Eco, Env, S & T. 

So effective weightage of P+H is higher in your actual score and they are also the lowest hanging fruits + missing them = being eliminated in the competition. 

The other subject such as Eco, will have questions based from CA and not so much from Static, for which there are dedicated CA Tests. So if I give more time for static Eco, and I am memorising Five Year Plans, it sets me off in the wrong direction. 

Two, SFG works for beginners, ( thanks for that ) Why? Because they are book based tests . And after reaching 90 marks or so, book based tests are not that useful. Which is why SFG Level 2. Not book based tests only. 

We are very agile, and if there is a wonderful idea, we'll not shy away from adopting it.

P.S. I know you have nothing against Forum guys :) 

Forum 🖤 you too :)

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Itachiand19 otherslike this

Can people in Delhi enlighten me on how the situation in Delhi currently is !

1) Will the remaining interviews happen from 20th July since I haven't heard of a single person who has received the call letter till now?

2) How is the normal life? Things seem scary in news stories but is the day to day life coming back to normal?


Can people in Delhi enlighten me on how the situation in Delhi currently is !

1) Will the remaining interviews happen from 20th July since I haven't heard of a single person who has received the call letter till now?

2) How is the normal life? Things seem scary in news stories but is the day to day life coming back to normal?

From what I know there has been a spread in few blocks in ORN. I do not think people are coming back. Its mostly outward flow. People who are there@Patrick_jane and others can provide more info. 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir



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From what I know there has been a spread in few blocks in ORN. I do not think people are coming back. Its mostly outward flow. People who are there@Patrick_jane and others can provide more info. 


  • Regarding situation in delhi in specific ORN,the 40+ corona cases are reported (new + old).
  • The spreading has beenscattered across the areawhere only particular building is contained rather than block or gully.

Fearamong the people isdecreasingday by day,small chunck of people started their daily walks.More than 50% of orn becomefunctional.Maids are coming regularly.

Coming to students life in particular.

  • Much of the ORN is vacated(some left home till oct and some completely shifted their base).
  • Only merger % of students comingback(but most of them cmng to shift their luggage)

Those who arestaying are 3 types of people

  1. People whodoesn't have proper facilities at their homefor creating study environment like the one they are having now.
  2. People like me whofear that their routine will be disturbed (or destroyed).
  3. People whoget used to ornand made orn second(1st home)(just kidding😉).

Regarding interviews, i have no idea(might happen as per todays pm statement there will be no further lockdown)

Regardingnews stories they were/are/will be scary,but thoseimpact on residents are minimalbut impact on other states public are more(creating panicking).

At last to conclude, Situation is bad(will become very bad in cmng days as per news stories)but normalcy has been restoring at very fast as corona spread.


Views are personal(from armchair person who doesn't breached his own gully road for past 80+ odd days)

Fun fact here is that small percentage of people (among hometown returnees)are going back due to fear of speculated big earthquake that may happen in upcoming days(bcoz last 40 days have registered more than 7 small quake's)not because of corona(my roomie is among them😂)

I end my arm chair reporting with inconclusiveness.

peacefulwarrior,Tetsukoand16 otherslike this


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From what I know there has been a spread in few blocks in ORN. I do not think people are coming back. Its mostly outward flow. People who are there@Patrick_jane and others can provide more info. 


  • Regarding situation in delhi in specific ORN,the 40+ corona cases are reported (new + old).
  • The spreading has beenscattered across the areawhere only particular building is contained rather than block or gully.

Fearamong the people isdecreasingday by day,small chunck of people started their daily walks.More than 50% of orn becomefunctional.Maids are coming regularly.

Coming to students life in particular.

  • Much of the ORN is vacated(some left home till oct and some completely shifted their base).
  • Only merger % of students comingback(but most of them cmng to shift their luggage)

Those who arestaying are 3 types of people

  1. People whodoesn't have proper facilities at their homefor creating study environment like the one they are having now.
  2. People like me whofear that their routine will be disturbed (or destroyed).
  3. People whoget used to ornand made orn second(1st home)(just kidding😉).

Regarding interviews, i have no idea(might happen as per todays pm statement there will be no further lockdown)

Regardingnews stories they were/are/will be scary,but thoseimpact on residents are minimalbut impact on other states public are more(creating panicking).

At last to conclude, Situation is bad(will become very bad in cmng days as per news stories)but normalcy has been restoring at very fast as corona spread.


Views are personal(from armchair person who doesn't breached his own gully road for past 80+ odd days)

Fun fact here is that small percentage of people (among hometown returnees)are going back due to fear of speculated big earthquake that may happen in upcoming days(bcoz last 40 days have registered more than 7 small quake's)not because of corona(my roomie is among them😂)

I end my arm chair reporting with inconclusiveness.

Thank you Sir/Ma'am for taking out your time to write this. :)



@Neyawn But Forum MGP s promoted at blog in big bold letters sort of monopoly and going against own so much talkd rules??

There is a difference between ‘Programme’ and ‘Review of a Programme’ :)


Need some guidance or inputs regarding mains test series , I am planning to join a mains test series and start answer writing practice. Few questions regarding the same

1. i have gone through some reviews online and zeroed down to two test series 1. Vision and. 2. Forum. Can anyone who has taken them previously throw some light on pros and cons on both of them

2. when I checked vision ias mains test series, I could see almost 10 different schedules With different number of tests over there.. do all of them have different questions or how does it work

3. Forumias 2019 mpg has almost 42 exams.. this year they have reduced it drastically.. any specific reason

4. I

@Patrick_janeThe way you wrote this comment it appears that you are into the "answer writing zone". You covered all dimensions and broke down everything properly. You even highlighted key terms.

p.s It provoked me to review it. So here it is.

peacefulwarrior,Tetsukoand22 otherslike this


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From what I know there has been a spread in few blocks in ORN. I do not think people are coming back. Its mostly outward flow. People who are there@Patrick_jane and others can provide more info. 


  • Regarding situation in delhi in specific ORN,the 40+ corona cases are reported (new + old).
  • The spreading has beenscattered across the areawhere only particular building is contained rather than block or gully.

Fearamong the people isdecreasingday by day,small chunck of people started their daily walks.More than 50% of orn becomefunctional.Maids are coming regularly.

Coming to students life in particular.

  • Much of the ORN is vacated(some left home till oct and some completely shifted their base).
  • Only merger % of students comingback(but most of them cmng to shift their luggage)

Those who arestaying are 3 types of people

  1. People whodoesn't have proper facilities at their homefor creating study environment like the one they are having now.
  2. People like me whofear that their routine will be disturbed (or destroyed).
  3. People whoget used to ornand made orn second(1st home)(just kidding😉).

Regarding interviews, i have no idea(might happen as per todays pm statement there will be no further lockdown)

Regardingnews stories they were/are/will be scary,but thoseimpact on residents are minimalbut impact on other states public are more(creating panicking).

At last to conclude, Situation is bad(will become very bad in cmng days as per news stories)but normalcy has been restoring at very fast as corona spread.


Views are personal(from armchair person who doesn't breached his own gully road for past 80+ odd days)

Fun fact here is that small percentage of people (among hometown returnees)are going back due to fear of speculated big earthquake that may happen in upcoming days(bcoz last 40 days have registered more than 7 small quake's)not because of corona(my roomie is among them😂)

I end my arm chair reporting with inconclusiveness.

Thank you Sir/Ma'am for taking out your time to write this. :)

Above comment is regarding this comment. Forgot to Quote.

@BlueLotus did u use this profile name because of Ramanuja's aprathaksiddhi?

@Patrick_janeThe way you wrote this comment it appears that you are into the "answer writing zone". You covered all dimensions and broke down everything properly. You even highlighted key terms.

p.s It provoked me to review it. So here it is.

Ha ha thank you for the detailed review.It is very funny.(i had a good laughter with my half opened eyes).

People in this platform are creative in spreading humor. Btw u have high patience level(may be i assuming😆).

Ur points are noted will value add to my upcoming comments.😁

Casablanca,GreenArrowand2 otherslike this
@BlueLotus did u use this profile name because of Ramanuja's aprathaksiddhi?

No, it is inspired by the chair I am sitting on Neel Kamal (Blue Lotus).

Oasis,Tetsukoand11 otherslike this
@Patrick_janeThe way you wrote this comment it appears that you are into the "answer writing zone". You covered all dimensions and broke down everything properly. You even highlighted key terms.

p.s It provoked me to review it. So here it is.

Ha ha thank you for the detailed review.It is very funny.(i had a good laughter with my half opened eyes).

People in this platform are creative in spreading humor. Btw u have high patience level(may be i assuming😆).

Ur points are noted will value add to my upcoming comments.😁

Patience can't say but, definitely  Impact of Lockdown.


Need some guidance or inputs regarding mains test series , I am planning to join a mains test series and start answer writing practice. Few questions regarding the same

1. i have gone through some reviews online and zeroed down to two test series 1. Vision and. 2. Forum. Can anyone who has taken them previously throw some light on pros and cons on both of them

2. when I checked vision ias mains test series, I could see almost 10 different schedules With different number of tests over there.. do all of them have different questions or how does it work

3. Forumias 2019 mpg has almost 42 exams.. this year they have reduced it drastically.. any specific reason

4. I

Please Somebody answer this (putting it here so it don't get lost in comments.)

@Patrick_jane yeap even libs, teastall all are open. it's just less crowded orn where all wear mask n from last couple of days hardly any street light after 9 but police personnel atleast in delhi or orn if ur found wondering dogs are currently bigger menace then covid...



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You made my day. This is wonderful! Great effort. 

Here is a tip. 

Evernote is a great note taking tool, not a great note revising tool. So if at all you need to revise, you must not shy away from taking a print out and reading and underlining and revising it. A lot of EN guys who have great notes, the great content doesn't reflect in the answer because they are not so good with revision.

If something is in your EN, at some some point, it has to be in your head too :)  

One of my former students, who had great EN notes, and who introduced me to EN, ( we expected him to get a Rank 1, but he got a Rank 10 ), used to take print outs for the notes, and this helps. So if you ever feel that you have revision issues, do take print outs - no it wont defeat the purpose :)

@Neyawnthank you sir. I will make sure that these do not end being limited to EN alone. :D

That former student of yours, was it Abhishek Surana, Physics Optional?

Few are open clandestine style ...
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