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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Neither we have willingness to track it nor the manpower to do so.

All we can do is to turn a colony into police camp. No civilian officer is to be seen. So, u can see the only solution which we have is to turn the containment zone into a police camp.


Latest Pics from orn , containment zone 
does anyone think that prelims will be further postponed beyond oct-4 @neyawn sir
does anyone think that prelims will be further postponed beyond oct-4

My GUESS says there will be no cse in 2020...or till some cure is not found ...



does anyone think that prelims will be further postponed beyond oct-4

My GUESS says there will be no cse in 2020...or till some cure is not found ...

NEET has 15 lakh applicants. Agar vo hua toh there's no reason why CSE nahi hoga.


i heard patanjali has found a cure in which 100% people were cured....they said the clinical trials report will be published soon....can that be trusted?......i don't know why the media is not covering it much....or maybe this is just a bluff by patanjali....par agar sach hai to bhai sach me desh atmanirbhar hai :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Neyawn  I know a lot of people place demands on your time, and I don't want to bog you down with a long comment explaining the circumstances around this attempt, and where I am wrt prep etc, but your posts are always so well timed and useful that I always find the answers to my Qs, on whether my prep is on the right track, there. 

Could really use your guidance right now wrt the Mains and Prelims prep balance. Since there's been no post from your side since the new dates came out, I am sure tons of people are waiting for something of that sort. So this is just a gentle nudge to create a common public good! :p

Thank you!
peacefulwarrior,Oasisand15 otherslike this


@cot_ainok  Also, any changes that we make to an existing system, no matter how small it is, it has it its own set of supporters and opponents, and we get mails from both blocks, so it becomes difficult to bring changes.

There are so many suggestions that sometimes we feel we do the test writing part and let the students run the academy :P

Which is why if you don't see any response its because sometimes, we decide to stick with one mind one plan. Hope you understand :)

Sir, I can.t but be amazed by your frank and open way of communicating with the students here on forum. The way you are receptive to the feedback is highly appreciable. And this is actually something that sets Forum apart from others. 

I can understand your predicament regarding the rule changes. And i am sure that you guys will try your best to make it useful for the students. 

And please, don.t let the students run the academy. You guys are already doing a great job. :)

I won.t take much of your time, by giving anymore unsolicited suggestions. But would like to end with two requests :

..Please do start with the emails again as requested by@Anjali8 . Your blogposts are always helpful. I am sure that emails would be equally helpful, if not more.

..Also as mentioned by@ishitatri, many of us have been eagerly waiting for your post since June 5th. Please.

Thank you, Sir.@Neyawn 

peacefulwarrior,Itachiand6 otherslike this
shrikrishna decision.mp3@cot_ainok yes@Neyawn  please don't stop writing..... also listen to this it may help :)

Neyawn,Nalandaand1 otherslike this

@Neyawn Can you please clarify on the starting date of SFG? Also, will the registration date be extended if, the program is being delayed? Thanks.

@cot_ainok Agreed.

Also, taking the opportunity here to note down some of my anxieties wrt the new prep timeline here which many of you may share. If any of you can add to this list or have anything to say about addressing these, please do reply.

I am jotting it down here because I literally am not able to sleep with all this latent anxiety. Communicating this to my current support network of past and current aspirants has not yielded any definite answers (this is ofcourse an unprecedented situation and uncertainty will dominate)

All the new variables and moving parts that this 4 month extension has introduced--
  1. Extension meansmore revisionrequired esp for Prelim specific bits done in Jan/Feb
  2. Atleast fourmore months of Current Affairs
  3. Now that we have marginallyfewer days for Mains(95 days, as opposed to 110 days before) how much more time can you spend studying for it? (i have been getting some 100s but mostly averaging 75 in prelims mocks)
  4. Do I takeanother test series?
  5. Definitelymore pressureto crack it this time around since we've been awarded a vardaan from the COVID underlord 
  6. Seriouslyslagging motivationto clock anywhere close to 2 digit hours, as you were hoping for a big break come May 31st but here we are all (lucky to be) locked up at home with no respite from cohabitants and books
Just putting it out to the universe for inspired answers 🙊 

GaryVee,AJ_and1 otherslike this
Bhai...if upsc is cancelled seeing the rise of covid cases..will they give chance to aspirants who will cross age limit?


Bhai...if upsc is cancelled seeing the rise of covid cases..will they give chance to aspirants who will cross age limit?

They will don't worry.

@Tokyo Exam will not be cancelled. Because, 

  1. Glenmark has been granted permission by DCGI to sell Favipiravir (For mild and moderate cases - It stops replication of virus at early stages and brings down the viral load in about 4 days). This medicine is an oral medication and the biggest benefit is that it can be taken at home unlike Remdesivir which has to be injected. This will reduce the need for hospitalization and therefore not burden our healthcare systems.
  2. And for severe cases where immune system is going crazy and causing organ failures, Dexamethasone (Immuno-suppressant steroid) has been found to be doing a fair job. 
  3. Both the above medicines will prove to be beneficial in the management of this epidemic and help us re-open and go on with the economic/public activities, even when the cases will be rising everyday. 
  4. October is still 3 months away and things will stabilize by then and we would have learnt how to carry on with life with this virus lingering around us.
  5. Do not stop studying thinking that there will be another postponement. It won't happen. Exam will be held on October 4th. 

Oasis,Just_relentlessand7 otherslike this
A very good article on lacuna of various govt regarding economic policies, issues, what should be done etc. titled : Need to settle NREGA the moment work is executed... pay at the end of working day "  in Express today !! must give a read to have in depth understanding. !!
Caesar,titanium17and2 otherslike this
@pizzza Thanks for the assurance, sounds logical. Been reading that NEET will be postponed from july 26 to a further date, it made me anxious.

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