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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

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jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Itachi IMO Banglore won't be an issue..lot of people speak Hindi and English there..
Communication won't be a problem for u

@Itachi IMO Banglore won't be an issue..lot of people speak Hindi and English there..
Communication won't be a problem for u

Yes. Bangalore and Hyderabad are IT hubs. The cities have become very accommodative for North Indians. Bangalore is a bit colder than Hyderabad@Itachi 


@Itachi 'less people giving mains in that region'. May I ask why you are counting this as factor? As I have not written mains yet, is this also a factor that people consider while filling mains center? Any benefit? 



@Raillife thanks. The thing about cold is that i hav heard from old candidates that cold reduces writing speed....i am not sure of it but its a factor to consider
@Buddhijeevi Parsad  thanks for suggestion. i was considering Bangalore. no offense but south of maharashtra there is difficulty in communication and food.


why are not choosing mumbai/thane/pune ?

and wouldn't it  be a problem to take so much stuff, books from here to there?


@Itachi 'less people giving mains in that region'. May I ask why you are counting this as factor? As I have not written mains yet, is this also a factor that people consider while filling mains center? Any benefit? 

Yo! Even i have heard a smiliar theory like this. 

Last year my Prelims centre was at Dwarka. During the interval gap between paper 1 and paper 2, i got to know one veteran who gave interview in 2018 but unfortunately was not able to make in the final list. While sharing suttas, i requested him to shower some tips that i must adhere to while in preparation as 2019 was my first attempt. 

Out of some tips that he gave, one thing which  he recommended was to not take Delhi as a centre for Mains but some other state. On asking  why so, he said that competition in Delhi is most severe. He said that best and most talented exam takers  are sitting in Delhi(e.g. ORN) and this factor makes the competition severe. I took his words as credible ones  because i noticed that he didn’t wait for the evening for unofficial keys to come out. He sat in front of me, made a random friend there, borrowed his smart phone because he himself was using a simple phone and matched his GS paper 1 answers then and there only in between the interval gap. While matching the answers, he had a wicked smile on his face which meant that he was surely writing mains that year.

Post seeing the recent notification mentioning about the centre-change, this thought came into my mind and to get a clear picture, i texted one Sir of mine. I have been a student of Ashutosh Sir at GS Score.

Post asking him this thing, he straightaway told me not to believe such things as this examination is a centralised one. He said that in terms of evaluation, there isn’t any biasness at all. For example, it is not possible for a centre say Ranchi to evaluate a candidate’s copy in a lenient manner and give the candidate higher marks because competition there is not as severe as compared to Delhi where best of the aspirants are taking the exam. He said that wether the evaluation is being carried at Delhi or at Ranchi, it will be a uniform one and not biased of any kind. 

Can anyone else shed more light on the matter for further clarity. Thanks!

Itachi,Raillifeand1 otherslike this
Isn't evaluation done in a centralised pattern ? From what I've read about the process, the examiner and addl examiner meet all evaluators and discuss the paper comprehensively with them first. Each question and the relevant points and relative weightage of different parts of the question is discussed. After that papers are distributed among evaluators, and out of every evaluator's bunch, main examiner randomly evaluates 5-10 papers to check the variance between his marking and that of the evaluator, and if there's considerable variance, then the avg difference is added/subtracted in all the paper's checked by each evaluator.(this is the reason why upsc answersheet or question-wise marks are not disclosed because) This is the process I came across on internet after mains last year, so i don't think there's any scope of choice of centre being a determinant of score. All papers are physically evaluated at the same place. Urban legend at best😜
Itachi,GaryVeeand2 otherslike this
do evaluators use internet while checking the answersheets?
do evaluators use internet while checking the answersheets?

I guess this might be possible.

For example, i have heard toppers saying that they used content from GOT in essays and ethics. Now, if one person quotes about Tyrion Lannister in these papers, and evaluator is one who has never ever in his life used Netflix or heard about GOT, then I’m sure he would be searching on google  who the fcuk is this Tyrion Lannister. 

I am also sure that many of fellow aspirants here who haven’t watched GOT will be doing the same post reading this. Ha ha ha!

@Chanakya so you mean to say that papers from pan India come to one single place and are evaluated? (I’m assuming it must be Delhi if so)

I thought that the evaluation process would be similar to that of Board examinations one ie region wise.

@TheNotoriousreally?? did he quote tyrion lannister.


CCMB director opines that vaccine is not possible before Jan-21.

any ideas??

@TheNotorious yeah,I read about the process from UPSC response to SC in 2011 on Quora. Around 10-15k students write mains everywhere so I guess it's not as cumbersome as it appears

do evaluators use internet while checking the answersheets?

I guess this might be possible.

For example, i have heard toppers saying that they used content from GOT in essays and ethics. Now, if one person quotes about Tyrion Lannister in these papers, and evaluator is one who has never ever in his life used Netflix or heard about GOT, then I’m sure he would be searching on google  who the fcuk is this Tyrion Lannister. 

I am also sure that many of fellow aspirants here who haven’t watched GOT will be doing the same post reading this. Ha ha ha!

I didn't do this :P 

@TheNotoriousreally?? did he quote tyrion lannister.

Arey nahi bhai!

He just mentioned that he used examples from Marvel, GOT in essay and ethics. 

He also said that serials such as NARCOS can be used to write one complete GS answer on menace like drug cartelisation.

Plus, mera bas chale toh mai toh GS3 ke NPA aur debt ke question mei dono Vijay Malya aur Tyrion Lannister ko quote karu aur debt ke against unn dono ka  attitute/perception mention karu, aur bas hope karu ki evaluator meri rating negative mei na gira de xD


First of all thank you guys for helping me out.

And secondly lol i didn't think my question would start a debate. I am just following advice of my senior who said it for convenience in commute, less crowd on the day, etc. also the theories that you all put seems logical but i have to try myself this year to see whether it is a contributing factor.

By the way the senior who gave me the advice gave interview this year by giving mains in delhi.(of course its bcoz of his own hard work ...but still..)

i don't want delhi and mumbai bcoz it is a lot crowded.

@Raillife  pune is not available for mains.if it was then i would have given it as a choice. Nagpur is available for forest service which i will definitely give as my centre.

@Chanakya but they must be inviting evaluators/professors from pan India right or let’s suppose the papers are coming to Delhi for example, then only delhi based professors/evaluators are evaluating the papers?

@TheNotorious yeah pan india professors....some time ago i heard majid hussain talking about the process he said that the papers are evaluated in a large hall or something


What do you guys think about the "cold factor" in delhi. I am from delhi itself, and i won.t particularly like to go through all the hassle of shifting books for a week to a new place. But i clearly remember,@Neyawn sir in one of the sessions mentioned about the old times when Mains was in winter months and people found it difficult to write in the early mornings. He even mentioned that one candidate used to practise by dipping his hand in cold water. Would it be wise to shift center just because of cold, even though am a Delhiite ? 

Sir any views.@Yo_Yo_Choti_Singh @IWRA


@NeyawnPlz help regarding making a decision about centre change thing. It's difficult to take a call in the present situation.

Currently in Delhi, have been waiting for the exams. Will it be a good decision, 3months before the prelims, to shift back to hometown for the exam, considering all the other factors like the mental pressure, change in place, etc. ?

@Itachi How is crowd related to you giving the exam?
I don't see any relation there.

Every state has only 1-2 centers for mains, so number of aspirants attempting the mains at every center will be more or less similar, 100-150 tolerance. Every state will have candidates cracking the prelims, you can not predict which state has more or less crowd beforehand, especially in COVID-19 time when even Delhi Junta is dispersed all over India.

Stop believing everything seniors tell you.
You'll waste crucial day or 2 (just before the mains) in travelling to different state and searching for proper food at that place and panic if something goes sideways, while in Mumbai you'll not have to face that.

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