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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Guys how many hours on average  are you studying nowdays? This corona has messed up my entire schedule. 
@Agog  I think they are not going to postpone it. Interviews and other exams are already taking place.

I think this year will be called Zero Academic Year.I really don't know how exam will happen in pan India.
If they check body temp on exam day and a student has high temp i.e he could be corona carrier, will they allow him to sit for exam? Because he says he is healthy as horse. How will they deal with it?
@JackFarmer that is actually a valid point.

Body temp cant be relied upon. Student will take paracetamol before hand to bring down BT even if he is Covid + and doesn't want to risk the exam

@JackFarmer @LeoMessi  I also feel that 2020 is a washout. Considering what's happening in US & our population, we might see e.g. 40k cases/day in next month or next to it. Also different parties are in power in different states. But looks like this will continue (with lows & high cases cycle) until vaccine comes in market which is unlikely in 2020. So that may prompt govt to go ahead with exams. JEE NEET will clear the clouds. We can't be complacent anyway!!

@Agog  I think they are not going to postpone it. Interviews and other exams are already taking place.

This only has a notice for changing interview dates on Saturdays and Sundays. Rest of the interviews will go on.

@Sadhika hey I am also in same boat.I too gave Upsc 2019 mains and uppcs 2018 mains.Now have uppcs2019 mains from 25 aug.My strategy is to complete/revise my optional and ethics till July along with 50mcq a day.From August onwards GS/CA revision, and GS pre test.If uppcs is rescheduled well and good.If not then from aug 20-24 ,I am planning to dedicate for Hindi,and other uppcs mains specific topics.

My near by illiterate grocessary shop wala told me that cases ll increase and increase untill vaccine comes ..  Are bureaucrats that naive to think situation ll be normal by oct .. many state psc have their mains in aug sept even which ll go on for several days..   Its nt just abt 5lakhs of aspirants.. There are autowalas, teashop , cab, resturant owner , hotels , family members of those aspirants and family members of those side kicks all of them at risk ... many aspirants have developed life style deseases aftr studying for hours in libraries..  many of our parents have life style desases..  how many lives we r talking abt...         
@rafael Eventually all of them gets postponed unless govt is that careless to conduct such exam. God forbid even if one student is a casualty in any of these mega exams jee/upsc/spsc/ssc/bank/other you will see the opposition eat this govt raw which would be justified also. So in a nutshell considering physical+statistical+legal+political effects of conducting exams in an ever exponentially increasing covid situation, most likely scenario is a no exam/washout year scenario assuming no vaccine release in 2020.
I second with the above two comments. 

But, washout or not. Don't be complacent, this is a golden chance to book your rank. Aisa mauka (so much time to study) dubara na milega.
Deepak802,ssver2and14 otherslike this
Is there a telegram group of MGP/CA ?

Na ho paayega !

GaryVee,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this

Not gonna lie, what felt like a good opportunity to make sure my first attempt at prelims is my best attempt (or at least theoretically better that it could’ve been than had it been on time in May), doesn’t seem comforting anymore. I’ll be actually disappointed if the exam doesn’t take place in October, again.

I know it doesn’t matter, and I know how small my concerns are in the grand scheme of things with all the chaos around, but this already was the longest year of my life (an year of preparation). Now it feels like it’s doomed to be the longest two, before I even know if I’m even in the game.

But then, what else can we do. 

ssver2,Oasisand12 otherslike this
All eyes are now on JEE and NEET exams. If at all these exams are conducted then Upsc pre will definitely going to happen. JEE and NEET exams are held on much larger scale as compared to Upsc both in terms of number of candidates and centers. 

Notorious milestones (tombstones)  of 2020

March14: 100+cases

March 29: 1000+cases

April13: 10,000+ cases

May18: 1,00,000+ cases

Jul16: 10,00,000+ cases


it took 14 days for the cases to double from 62,500 to 1,25,000

15 days for the next doubling from 1,25,000 to 2,50,000

20 days for next leap from 2,50,000 to 5,00,000

and finally 21 days for the latest number from:  5,00,000 to 10,00,000

what happens next....... i hope this be the end of every damn number. I wish an iron man comes up and destroy this thanos with a snap.

 the erratic monsoons are already impeding the containment process. on the other hand, the decreased temperatures increase the onset of respiratory disorders which increase the risk of getting infected.....

let's hope for the best.

Oasis,Ayushi7and5 otherslike this
So yesterday, we had a new single day high again (36K nearly)
Now let's try and see if we can work our way backwards from October 4th and predict the future course of events :

October 4th is the D day

by September 15th they need to start dispatching question papers to various centers and get on with their administrative work.

by September 15th they need to start mailing our admit cards too.

so between August 30th and 7th September, they must sit down and finalize their decision to hold the exams after all. 

And by the looks of it, by August 30th  we are looking at 50-60 K cases (a modest guess) or even 70-80K (worst case scenario) cases per day if the situation keeps deteriorating.
or even if a miracle were to happen today itself and the graph starts to flatten and then go down, even that would require a good 2-3 months till cases become negligible.

so where does that leave them and their decision ?  Are they seriously willing to risk safety of Lakhs of aspirants , not to mention the family members of these aspirants and the endless chain of contacts that can emanate from these family members ?

More importantly, where does that leave us and our constant struggle to keep ourselves motivated ? we went all guns blazing from Feb to April (despite having to travel to our hometowns and not having our books and resources) ; then mellowed down when we got clarity in May ; joined essays and mains programs to possibly make up for our errors in syllabus completion. And its already July 15th and we are supposed to start with Prelims again. But for all we know, exam might get postponed again.

Speculate all you can fellow aspirants.
Bas himmat mat haarna.

By the looks of it, our battle is pretty much on course to get extended further and we will need every shred of willpower to keep pushing and stay consistent.

Itachi,GaryVeeand10 otherslike this
So yesterday, we had a new single day high again (36K nearly)
Now let's try and see if we can work our way backwards from October 4th and predict the future course of events :

October 4th is the D day

by September 15th they need to start dispatching question papers to various centers and get on with their administrative work.

by September 15th they need to start mailing our admit cards too.

so between August 30th and 7th September, they must sit down and finalize their decision to hold the exams after all. 

And by the looks of it, by August 30th  we are looking at 50-60 K cases (a modest guess) or even 70-80K (worst case scenario) cases per day if the situation keeps deteriorating.
or even if a miracle were to happen today itself and the graph starts to flatten and then go down, even that would require a good 2-3 months till cases become negligible.

so where does that leave them and their decision ?  Are they seriously willing to risk safety of Lakhs of aspirants , not to mention the family members of these aspirants and the endless chain of contacts that can emanate from these family members ?

More importantly, where does that leave us and our constant struggle to keep ourselves motivated ? we went all guns blazing from Feb to April (despite having to travel to our hometowns and not having our books and resources) ; then mellowed down when we got clarity in May ; joined essays and mains programs to possibly make up for our errors in syllabus completion. And its already July 15th and we are supposed to start with Prelims again. But for all we know, exam might get postponed again.

Speculate all you can fellow aspirants.
Bas himmat mat haarna.

By the looks of it, our battle is pretty much on course to get extended further and we will need every shred of willpower to keep pushing and stay consistent.

since you have elaborated on most of it so let me add a pinch in it:-

India is currently banking on a vaccine of corona. testing has started on 7th of july at 12 centers across India including AIIMS patna & Delhi. 

Everything depends upon the success of this vaccine. GOI, ICMR is very close, I must say and plan is to launch it on 15th of AUG by NAMO. It has to survive on all parameters till Aug, 14. Till then and if not. Nobody has a power to conduct paper pencil test in India and till what time??? Till any other vaccine/medicine i.e. =1/0.

Prefer not to give any closing line because we are 135crore.



So yesterday, we had a new single day high again (36K nearly)
Now let's try and see if we can work our way backwards from October 4th and predict the future course of events :

October 4th is the D day

by September 15th they need to start dispatching question papers to various centers and get on with their administrative work.

by September 15th they need to start mailing our admit cards too.

so between August 30th and 7th September, they must sit down and finalize their decision to hold the exams after all. 

And by the looks of it, by August 30th  we are looking at 50-60 K cases (a modest guess) or even 70-80K (worst case scenario) cases per day if the situation keeps deteriorating.
or even if a miracle were to happen today itself and the graph starts to flatten and then go down, even that would require a good 2-3 months till cases become negligible.

so where does that leave them and their decision ?  Are they seriously willing to risk safety of Lakhs of aspirants , not to mention the family members of these aspirants and the endless chain of contacts that can emanate from these family members ?

More importantly, where does that leave us and our constant struggle to keep ourselves motivated ? we went all guns blazing from Feb to April (despite having to travel to our hometowns and not having our books and resources) ; then mellowed down when we got clarity in May ; joined essays and mains programs to possibly make up for our errors in syllabus completion. And its already July 15th and we are supposed to start with Prelims again. But for all we know, exam might get postponed again.

Speculate all you can fellow aspirants.
Bas himmat mat haarna.

By the looks of it, our battle is pretty much on course to get extended further and we will need every shred of willpower to keep pushing and stay consistent.

since you have elaborated on most of it so let me add a pinch in it:-

India is currently banking on a vaccine of corona. testing has started on 7th of july at 12 centers across India including AIIMS patna & Delhi. 

Everything depends upon the success of this vaccine. GOI, ICMR is very close, I must say and plan is to launch it on 15th of AUG by NAMO. It has to survive on all parameters till Aug, 14. Till then and if not. Nobody has a power to conduct paper pencil test in India and till what time??? Till any other vaccine/medicine i.e. =1/0.

Prefer not to give any closing line because we are 135crore.

Vaccine on Aug 15th is a gimmick to say the least. Human trials take a lot of time and it's availability in 2021 also has slim chances. It takes 3 to 4 months to manufacture just millions of doses. India is a country with a billion and so, let's not have false hopes on these matters.  

Oasis,Itachiand11 otherslike this
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