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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

Oasis,GaneshGaitondeand10 otherslike this

Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

Ha ha.. exam rewards risk takers unless they r dibetic  overweight , asthmatic or suffering frm sometype of life style desease like hypertension etc..  They shd skip this yr exam . And those whose parents have all these deseases shd send them somewhere else aftr exam fr some days .

slightedge109,Ludvik_Jahnand1 otherslike this


traffic around orn


Prelims won’t happen on Oct-4 if State Govts object. That is, even if a few state govts object. 

Can anyone tell me if the Water tank area of ORN is out of containment zone?

Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

but what if the supposed victory here is at the cost of lives of your dear ones. I also thought that covid is being overhyped, but now my relatives have tested positive and we are awaiting my father's report. Covid is not something that is happening to some imaginary people anymore, it's here and it's knocking at our doors. You can't even imagine the level of anxiety and fear we are living in now. 20k..26k...35k....these are not mere statistics , clearly an increasing number of people are getting sick and there's no guarantee that your number wont come. And when it comes the biggest worry is not about your own life but that of your parents and then this nagging feeling of helplessness for being useless and a burden in their time of need

JSMill,neroand11 otherslike this

Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

but what if the supposed victory here is at the cost of lives of your dear ones. I also thought that covid is being overhyped, but now my relatives have tested positive and we are awaiting my father's report. Covid is not something that is happening to some imaginary people anymore, it's here and it's knocking at our doors. You can't even imagine the level of anxiety and fear we are living in now. 20k..26k...35k....these are not mere statistics , clearly an increasing number of people are getting sick and there's no guarantee that your number wont come. And when it comes the biggest worry is not about your own life but that of your parents and then this nagging feeling of helplessness for being useless and a burden in their time of need

If you don't mind sharing, can you tell how your relatives are doing? I hope no serious symptoms?


A singles death is a tragedy; millions of it is just a statistic.

~~Stalin (unconfirmed)

Deepak802,Oasisand11 otherslike this
@Ludvik_Jahn bhai pareshaan mat ho.... Negative hi aayegi unki report... 


Exams scheduled to be held in July will go ahead. Too late to reschedule them. October 4th is not close enough to make a prediction.

Feeling concerned about covid19 and health is natural, but I believe the exam rewards risk takers and those with a single minded devotion towards it. Human concentration is limited and covid19 thoughts are an unnecessary drain on this valuable resource.  Forget covid19 and stop following the doom and gloom news. So, keep calm, eat well, sleep well and most importantly, study.  And study like you are the terminator. Nothing can come between you and your mission, not even this dreaded virus.

Who dares wins. 🔱

but what if the supposed victory here is at the cost of lives of your dear ones. I also thought that covid is being overhyped, but now my relatives have tested positive and we are awaiting my father's report. Covid is not something that is happening to some imaginary people anymore, it's here and it's knocking at our doors. You can't even imagine the level of anxiety and fear we are living in now. 20k..26k...35k....these are not mere statistics , clearly an increasing number of people are getting sick and there's no guarantee that your number wont come. And when it comes the biggest worry is not about your own life but that of your parents and then this nagging feeling of helplessness for being useless and a burden in their time of need

If you don't mind sharing, can you tell how your relatives are doing? I hope no serious symptoms?

thankfully they are doing fine and showing mild symptoms only so far like gas, cough, fever. 6 people including my father are awaiting their reports since they came in contact with them.
@Ludvik_Jahn bhai pareshaan mat ho.... Negative hi aayegi unki report... 

aap ki baat shi ho . wishing good health for your family and everyone.


ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।


Can anyone tell me if the Water tank area of ORN is out of containment zone?

its inside containment zone...and corona testing center is opend there

» show previous quotes

but what if the supposed victory here is at the cost of lives of your dear ones. I also thought that covid is being overhyped, but now my relatives have tested positive and we are awaiting my father's report. Covid is not something that is happening to some imaginary people anymore, it's here and it's knocking at our doors. You can't even imagine the level of anxiety and fear we are living in now. 20k..26k...35k....these are not mere statistics , clearly an increasing number of people are getting sick and there's no guarantee that your number wont come. And when it comes the biggest worry is not about your own life but that of your parents and then this nagging feeling of helplessness for being useless and a burden in their time of need

Well said. Corona virus is real. And the frustration, panic and fear associated with it is also real. Cases are expected to be 4 million by August end. I live in an containment zone where cases are increasing day by day. Corona is there in my neighborhood. Sometimes I feel it is only a matter of time before it catches us. Had I lived alone I would not have cared this much but I live with my family. So this Corona induced fear,  anxiety and paranoia has totally pissed me off. Also, it is really a tough time to study.


Hi guys. Wanted to share something with all of you. In the month of March, I came to my hometown from Delhi as colleges were shut due to covid-19. Lockdown happened, and with lots of uncertainty around, corona was about to enter our lives. It originated in Wuhan and has now reached our neighbourhood. Thanks to globalisation. I kinda took it lightly,thought it will go away in sometime and definitely not infect me or my family. Just two days back, i came to know that my uncle(father's first cousin) got infected with covid. He was admitted to AIIMS,situated in our hometown. He was doing fine, mild symptoms. All the members of the family staying with him (8 in number) including our grandmother were immediately quarantined and put in isolation. Everyone got themselves tested except grandma who couldn't go to the test centre. Test reports of all the family members came positive. All got admitted into AIIMS except my bhabhi and her 3 year old kid who also tested positive. Yesterday at 3 am midnight, grandma complained of breathlessness and pain(let me tell you that she was super fit and had no comorbidities). Bhabhi, who was herself covid positive, called family and grandma was taken to the hospital where she lost her life, even before the treatment. We suspected it was covid, but were not sure because she wasn't tested yet. 2 hours after her death, her covid report came positive. We were not even able to see her face for the last time. She left us alone. She never travelled anywhere, kept telling everybody to wash hands, practice healthy habits, but covid snatched her from us. The next day, she was paid electric cremation. We could not see her for the last time. She died in the same clothes she had been wearing for two days, she was not literate, knew nothing about Corona, bacteria,virus, Wuhan, or any of the terms, but covid took her life, in the most brutal manner. Most of the family members have still not recovered from covid and are in hospital. I don't know how my bhaiya, bhabhi and Tauji(Indian uncle) might have felt on grandma's demise. They got no shoulder to cry on, only doctors and nurses in PPE kits. Life is hard sometimes.

Friends, I shared this story just to remind you again, that Covid is not as easy as we are taking it, or as the government is handling it. Covid is barbaric. Before it touched my own family, I use to take it quite lightly and thought that I will not get infected and never really felt the pain that others who were infected were experiencing. One case in family, and covid 'ne literally hamein hila ke rakh diya hai'. Yesterday my parents also got tested for covid.

Take care of your family and your own. Call it basic, but please wash hands again and again, tell your family members to do so. Mask pehno guys. And avoid sitting near  your grand parents or anyone in the family who is weak or has heart ailments or is diabetic. Pehle main bhi easy le rhi thi, but ab nhi le rahi. Covid is real guys. 

I don't know what I have to say for exams, be it the prelims 2020 or NEET/JEE. Iss saal se bas zinda aur safely bahar nikal jayein, achievement hoga. We have to save ourselves and of course our families. Take extra care, all of you.

Thank you for reading, you can wash hands now and also ask your family to do so. 

Prevention is the only solution.

peacefulwarrior,Oasisand43 otherslike this

@Neyawn  can you do a live stream Q&A on YouTube or on some other platform. I think it would be really helpful if you share some insights on current situation and how to further plan our studies.....and most importantly how to be 'sane' psychologically in these frustrating times. A 30 min session would also suffice.

If not then an article would also help.

I think everyone here too wants the same.✌️

peacefulwarrior,vamgaduand3 otherslike this
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