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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this

@kritisolanki1997 So sorry about your grandma. This is actual an issue.

If someone here frequents Reddit and especially the r/covid19positive subreddit which has thousands of corona positive users now, this is not new. Many have confirmed this sudden creeping up of breathlessness out of nowhere even in people which otherwise show no symptoms or only mild symptoms. And to deal effectively with this requires emergency healthcare which atm is a big mess here. It’s hard to secure a bed even in a span of days let alone in the critical hour or two one has in the situation like the above. 


This week, I got into a confrontation with a science denialist. Whats worse was this guy is at a managerial position in like the 2nd most leading government hospital facility in the city. 

So he comes in and proposes that basically this whole pandemic has been exaggerated by the govt. He says the people dying are due to diabetes and heart problems and not due to Coronavirus. Coronavirus is just a flu. My arguments explaining co-morbidities and how compromised immune system ultimately creates perfect storm for the virus to be fatal were a waste, obviously! Then routine rant of how I’ve only relied on news and media (it’s weird how so many of our arguments are dismissed just due to lack of experience) to gather my information and how he, has been seeing this stuff from four months now.

I then asked him what he’d say about the asymptomatic patients then. This is where it gets interesting (read crazy) because he says the reports are fudged. He says the corona positive patients which are asymptomatic are actually just a small fraction, very rare. We all know how much of BS this was - 80% of the total are asymptomatic at this point.

This was followed by a few other ridiculous assertions about masks affecting oxygen levels (debunked). My efforts to counter him were in vain, plus this happened in a jam packed social setting in the four corners of the drawing room so I was also risking being labelled a rebellious youngster by fam, so I called it quits.

Its dangerous how people with such kind of scientific outlook exist, let alone work in a medical institution. And this guy is a post graduate. How can a person with a such a scientific temper be trusted to work in a medical setting. It seriously felt like debating someone belonging to those Trump supporters anti-mask, antivaxxers brigade (I need a punching bag that day).

GaryVee,iskooland7 otherslike this

This week, I got into a confrontation with a science denialist. Whats worse was this guy is at a managerial position in like the 2nd most leading government hospital facility in the city. 

So he comes in and proposes that basically this whole pandemic has been exaggerated by the govt. He says the people dying are due to diabetes and heart problems and not due to Coronavirus. Coronavirus is just a flu. My arguments explaining co-morbidities and how compromised immune system ultimately creates perfect storm for the virus to be fatal were a waste, obviously! Then routine rant of how I’ve only relied on news and media (it’s weird how so many of our arguments are dismissed just due to lack of experience) to gather my information and how he, has been seeing this stuff from four months now.

I then asked him what he’d say about the asymptomatic patients then. This is where it gets interesting (read crazy) because he says the reports are fudged. He says the corona positive patients which are asymptomatic are actually just a small fraction, very rare. We all know how much of BS this was - 80% of the total are asymptomatic at this point.

This was followed by a few other ridiculous assertions about masks affecting oxygen levels (debunked). My efforts to counter him were in vain, plus this happened in a jam packed social setting in the four corners of the drawing room so I was also risking being labelled a rebellious youngster by fam, so I called it quits.

Its dangerous how people with such kind of scientific outlook exist, let alone work in a medical institution. And this guy is a post graduate. How can a person with a such a scientific temper be trusted to work in a medical setting. It seriously felt like debating someone belonging to those Trump supporters anti-mask, antivaxxers brigade (I need a punching bag that day).


ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।


this has lost relevance!! :((((

todays tally is 38k+ us tally is 70k+ 
we are approching :(((((


So जो आज से 1 2 महीने पहले सोच रहे थे कि अगर एक दो महीना exam postpone होजाए तो फोड़ देंगे वरना फूट जाएंगे ! क्या क्या पढ़ (उखाड़) लिया आप लोगों ने अभी तक एक्स्ट्रा ?? :grin::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

ssver2,Oasisand17 otherslike this

So जो आज से 1 2 महीने पहले सोच रहे थे कि अगर एक दो महीना exam postpone होजाए तो फोड़ देंगे वरना फूट जाएंगे ! क्या क्या पढ़ (उखाड़) लिया आप लोगों ने अभी तक एक्स्ट्रा ?? :grin::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

Parkinson's law : "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion"

Toh wahi test series, wahi revision, wahi incomplete portion abhi 4 months mein hoga jo pehle 1 month mein hota... Aur extra puch rahe ho?? Yehi sab toh extraa hai..😂

Oasis,iskooland2 otherslike this
@iskool We might be topping charts in a month or two as is predicted. 70k will be a small number then.

People of other states are now in more confusion. Earlier they filled delhi, after notification changed their local center are now like yahan to itna badh gaya.......... isse better delhi tha....... confusion hi confusion hai soln kuch mila nahi........

how many of you still think that paper is possible on 4th oct!! koi hai???

@iskool mushkil lag rha hai. 

@iskool paper is not possible on 4 October. See, I am corona and i myself declare today. I will not let the exam conduct on time. When next year i will be subsisded then it is possible... 

ArchAngel96,GreenArrowand3 otherslike this

just a random thought:-

elections are ahead. so, the government will not take any decision that is unpopular.

youth are a decisive force that change the game. so, they will not ignore our concerns....

if anyone of us have concerns regarding the exam date / attempt extension/...., enough that we get public attention. it gets snowballed and gets noticed. don't forget the day when shashi tharoor picked up a change org petition about prelims postponement and made it noteworthy.

step1: agitate

step2: make it noticeable

step3: some random politician picks it up

step4: it gets news coverage

step5: the govt ignores, condemns and finally concedes

step6: pressure group tactics worked out.

though the MPPG- Jitendra singh agreed soon for prelims postponement, MHRD- Nishank was too adamant to concede to postpone jee. but at the end, the mass campaign paid off. so, if at all any of us have some genuine demands, lets put it in public forum (I mean twitter) instead of just murmuring in an echo chamber.

my only concern is about the risk of getting exposed to virus. if a vaccine is available, then its fine. if not, it will be a hell broken loose. yesterday, a man travelled from delhi to guwahati with his corona positive report just to show the callousness of the security personnel.  (

so, such inconsistencies even if witnessed by 1% of candidates, will be like punishing the innocent.

(in one of the earlier attempts, UPSC asked a question about farmers as a pressure group. this will be the students as a pressure group theme)

PE14,slightedge109and1 otherslike this
Many reports of corona having long term impact, i now hope that it indeed gets postponed. Health first. 
@MaverickAPS  I am crying now... Anyway all the best to all the interview aspirants... But i will try my best to stop the interviews and other upcoming exams ... 😥

@Karona18  Exam is happening on 4th October 2020. Admit Cards will Come Next Month.  CSE 2019 Interviews begin tomorrow.  Nothing stops UPSC, Not even Corona.  All the very best to all.

cc :@pizzza 

For interview letters have been sent to chief sec of all states which has been forwarded to respective dist collectors to help candidates reach delhi.. also some travel compensation .. as per dristi video in u tube

@MaverickAPS  I am crying now... Anyway all the best to all the interview aspirants... But i will try my best to stop the interviews and other upcoming exams ... 😥

Then file a case in supreme court ..  Its violation of fundamental rights ..  specially art 21 . Also art 14 for nt providing equal oppertunity .


While I understand corona is real and the threat of getting it from examination hall is also real, I don't understand how is everyone ready to bring at halt everything.

Exams can spread corona but it's already spreading at a very high rate. From milkman, to vegetable seller it's right out there. And no one is stopping any of this because we can't stop everything. 

If vaccine doesn't come for another year, we all will sit at home and prepare for the same exam for more time? I am sure people will die of anxiety and depression if not corona in that case. 

The concern for family members is real, but no one's entire family is sitting at home all the time. Someone or the other has to go out for work, to get groceries, vegetables etc. The risk is there too. 

With some necessary precautions, we will have to move ahead. Expecting the world to stop or even wanting it to stop is definitely not a way out. 

My father has to go out regularly, there are cases in my immediate neighborhood but we are moving out for necessary work with some precautions - in fact when we go out and return back we don't touch anything at home and directly head for a shower after washing hands. Don't use those clothes and immediately soak them in detergent water. 

We are living in extremely difficult times, probably the worst we will see in our lifetime but wanting life to stop is not a wise thing to do. 

I am sure I will recieve a lot of wrath for writing this but clearly wanting exams to be postponed indefinitely or till we don't get a vaccine which itself is uncertain is not the best way. 

Of course I really hope UPSC finds a way out to give age relaxation/attempt relaxation to those who don't want to or can't appear in the exam this year due to pandemic but stopping some 3-4 lakh students is not the way out. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a family that that support them for years or have a financial backing that they can afford it. 

Oasis,Raillifeand6 otherslike this
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