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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


What is the IUCN status of Pygmy Hog? It's mentioned as critically endangered in Raus C3 but endangered on Wikipedia.

Its status recently changed from CR to EN.

Oh wow! Yeh kab hua! Thanks, just checked.

Pygmy Hog is still Critically Endangered. The species are in fact declining. The IUCN Red list data is as per 2016 assessment.

@SergioRamos bro I would suggest you to not to neglect QR and quant section. Number of Questions from comprehension are decreasing. 

What is the IUCN status of Pygmy Hog? It's mentioned as critically endangered in Raus C3 but endangered on Wikipedia.

Its status recently changed from CR to EN.

Oh wow! Yeh kab hua! Thanks, just checked.

Pygmy Hog is still Critically Endangered. The species are in fact declining. The IUCN Red list data is as per 2016 assessment.

its endangered ...along with this forest owlet status changed from CR to endangered!!! checkout pt365 env pg 45

What is the IUCN status of Pygmy Hog? It's mentioned as critically endangered in Raus C3 but endangered on Wikipedia.

Its status recently changed from CR to EN.

Oh wow! Yeh kab hua! Thanks, just checked.

Pygmy Hog is still Critically Endangered. The species are in fact declining. The IUCN Red list data is as per 2016 assessment.

its endangered ...along with this forest owlet status changed from CR to endangered!!! checkout pt365 env pg 45

Noted, thank you :)

What is the IUCN status of Pygmy Hog? It's mentioned as critically endangered in Raus C3 but endangered on Wikipedia.

Its status recently changed from CR to EN.

Oh wow! Yeh kab hua! Thanks, just checked.

Pygmy Hog is still Critically Endangered. The species are in fact declining. The IUCN Red list data is as per 2016 assessment.

its endangered ...along with this forest owlet status changed from CR to endangered!!! checkout pt365 env pg 45

also, wild ass status has been shifted to near threat. from endangered, don't know if it is covered

@Dead Man really? I thought it was the other way round 

@Dead Man Na bro. Pretty constant!

@SergioRamos if I may ask, how would you rate the difficulty level of last year's comprehension part?

@Sankoza trickier than papers before that.

@SergioRamos the quant portion is really not tough. Basic qs are being asked. I would suggest you to spend a day or two and try them. Last year I relied only on comprehension and neglected quant, though i cleared the margin yet it was stressful. Try PYQ papers


I just finished 2015-19 CSAT attempt this week So my (amateurish) analysis is as follows- 

1. In comprehensions we can expect more assumption-driven questions rather than logical corollary ones. (For each successive year around 5 lesser corollary questions are asked which seems to make the comprehension mix more challenging each year) 

2. More statements to analyze and infer. (GS Paper 1 seems to be the inspiration!)

3. For math, simple questions like %age, speed and work done are gradually coming with minor quirks/traps as well.

4. Venns, graphs based statement questions and some Permutation & Combinations which check mostly basic reasoning.

3. It seems though, whichever the set, last 10-15 questions always had some very easy questions.

Bottom line is they want us to think more rather than simply deduce/eliminate in the exam hall. Perhaps beginning the paper by a quick glance at questions to ascertain the ones candidate is comfortable with attempting (accurately!) seems a helpful exercise. - you wouldn't want to come out of the exam hall and discover that easier questions were missed out on. Even for the 2019 paper, I felt that there were 25-30 questions spread across the entire breadth of paper which would be straight-forward (irrespective of the fact whether your fortè is math/literature; or like me you're mediocre at both). The challenge is really to identify these  at the early onset.

EiChan,Rise from Ashesand5 otherslike this

@kochikaame Cool. Still continuing with the same optional?
Good luck for prelims :)

Hello guys, I am facing a major challenge of time management in paper 1.. Attempted forum open mock.  1st round of (attempted around 60 q in 1st round) took1. 45 hr.. Was left with only 15 minutes for second round.. Hurriedly attempted another 25.(total 85).got 114 (Was marking in OMR simultaneously) ...could you suggest any method of improving my time management so that I can give more time to second round which require more reasoning.. 
@Rj_Khan How many questions were roughly asked from Comprehension form 2015-19 out of 80 ?

Hey people, does anyone know where to find the solutions pdf for Sim X? The email said it would be released last night. 
Hey people, does anyone know where to find the solutions pdf for Sim X? The email said it would be released last night. 

not released yet but the discussion video has been uploaded.


Sorry for a non related post. Putting it up here because it's an emergency for a friend and many of you might be living near Ganga Ram

As already mentioned, this is not for a covid case. Any blood group will suffice. Thanks

Can any1 plz xplain how cm Rajya Sabha move no confidence motion tht 2 against deputy chair as yesterday??
Any info on marks?
@Rj_Khan Thanks man! Will keep it in mind! 

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