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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Hello everyone, 

A gentle advise from my side, having cleared 3 prelims with decent Margin I feel I should give you some tips pertaining to mock scores.

1. Don't solve mocks at this stage. Just ak yourself if you have studied with dedication for the past 1 year or so. Do you think you would get 80-85 marks as you get in mocks. 

2. Be assured of one thing if you people with nice preparation are scoring 85 marks than the cutoff will certainly decrease. And I can bet on the fact that hardly one or two questions from abhyas would come in the exam.

3. I can sense only one reason for vision making difficult questions this time around, and that is their question bank seems to have exhausted. And covid seems to have taken mental toll on their question setters or perhaps there is salary reduction being carried out as part of post covid expenditure augmentation exercise.

4. Just focus on revising 3 pts daily and just look back atleast 15 years papers subject wise for static part. And while reading link static and current.

5. Even if next 5 days are spent on doing pyqs it will be a superb add-on to your preparation. Time is limited think accordingly, if I had to invest 5 hours in doing something I would definitely solve atleast 10 years pyqs in them, rather than solving some shitty mock.

Deepak802,Itachiand28 otherslike this

Don't lose your sleep over abhyas or any other thing, I mean aaplog bor kaise nahi hote aise wahiyad questions solve karne se??

Think from upsc perspective, they have to make a balanced paper. Even if you perform decently in economy, environment, polity and science technology. You can easily sail through.

If paper is difficult options would be such that you will be in 50:50 scenario and even in such a case the more convincing one is mostly the correct option, so think of such strategy.

These 12 days should be to decide a way of approaching the exam. Although no strategy would suffice, mostly everyone will need to think on their feet only, so ensure your mind is very stable and calm.

eurydice,EiChanand10 otherslike this

If you can revise 

Environment, science, economy pt 5 times, and with maximum retention. You will definitely clear the paper.

Along with this just keep on doing pyqs. 

Even for national parks don't rattofy everything because you will not remember any in the exam. Just go through previous papers you will get  a fair idea. 

For instance, keibul lamjao and silent valley has been asked or has been in options for many mcqs, read about all the biosphere reserves in short, emphasize more on Achanak amarkantak br. Can be a question on it. Very important

EiChan,GaryVeeand5 otherslike this

Hello everyone, 

A gentle advise from my side, having cleared 3 prelims with decent Margin I feel I should give you some tips pertaining to mock scores.

1. Don't solve mocks at this stage. Just ak yourself if you have studied with dedication for the past 1 year or so. Do you think you would get 80-85 marks as you get in mocks. 

2. Be assured of one thing if you people with nice preparation are scoring 85 marks than the cutoff will certainly decrease. And I can bet on the fact that hardly one or two questions from abhyas would come in the exam.

3. I can sense only one reason for vision making difficult questions this time around, and that is their question bank seems to have exhausted. And covid seems to have taken mental toll on their question setters or perhaps there is salary reduction being carried out as part of post covid expenditure augmentation exercise.

4. Just focus on revising 3 pts daily and just look back atleast 15 years papers subject wise for static part. And while reading link static and current.

5. Even if next 5 days are spent on doing pyqs it will be a superb add-on to your preparation. Time is limited think accordingly, if I had to invest 5 hours in doing something I would definitely solve atleast 10 years pyqs in them, rather than solving some shitty mock.

Thank you. Definitely needed to hear that. Much better to do PYQs & revision than anything else basically (and definitely the absurd Abhyaas mocks!) 

@Archand questions will be very basic in nature, that has been the nature of exam. I can bet on it.


Don't be a fool to neglect your marks and think that "My revision and learning is enough. I don't need to revise more as these mocks are shits etc etc"

On the other side, don't consider yourself asSherlock Holmesif you had crossed 120+ in Abhyaas/Forum X etc. 

Nothing will matter. Be exam ready and don't let your armors loose. 

Raillife,chamomileand8 otherslike this

Thank you all for writing such good words. Needed at this time. I attempted Abhyas, and it was such a disaster. It felt like I had hit rock bottom. Even thought to skip this attempt (and focus on BPSC).

But now have decided not to attempt mocks anymore. I'll only revise my notes, sfg, PYQs and CA. 

I analysed my last attempt in retrospect. The major reason I could not clear Prelims was the under-confidence. 

Recently I re-attempted the last year's Question paper, in which I could easily cross the cutoff (that too without any revision). I could easily eliminate options and arrive at the right option.

In conclusion (to those who are new to me in this journey), UPSC is not testing one's knowledge. It only tests one's aptitude. Aptitude is built over time. If you think you were consistent in your studies, be assured that you'll be able to eliminate the wrong options.

How I'm going to approach the paper:

I'll divide paper into 4 subparts of 25 questions each. Then will keep count of the number of questions attempted in each section. How many were with 100% confidence, how many with 50% doubt, and complete tukka.

On an average, I Should be able to solve 12-15 questions with 100% surety in each section. 5-8 with 50% surety. And rest some calculated risk based on the level of toughness of the paper.

Rationale behind such approach is that the Prelims papers have become lengthy in recent times. So it's wise to divide the paper in subparts, to have clear idea about the number of attempts. Also, it will surely have some psychological effect and ease some burden off our minds.

P.S: This is not a tried and tested approach. It's just an alternate approach which I'm going to adopt. So, have discretion at your part.

P.P.S: "Yes, we can!"




Signing off. Will meet after Prelims.

Aurora,Rise from Ashesand18 otherslike this
@Archand questions will be very basic in nature, that has been the nature of exam. I can bet on it.



Great words. Just putting my scores out here as well for further perspective. Cleared prelims comfortably in both attempts so far, 

Abhyas 2,3,4 - 71, 89, 111 

Not at all a measure of your preparation. One can only find it amusing at this point.

Have faith in yourself

It's all about finding the calm in the chaos

Good luck friendly people of forum! 

GaryVee,Dora-the_Explorerand7 otherslike this
A query regarding travelling for exams..
I have a couple of exams lined up in october , all in my home state[jharkhand]. But for UPPCS I would have to travel interstate. And on returning back,there is a mandatory 14 day home quarantine rule[ mentioned in the state govt press release] . This means i won't be allowed to give the exams falling in the quarantine period ? I know a few people who came back home in August and they all were stamped for home quarantine. Anyone else facing this issue?
@Naadan_Parinda I like your strategy. I think it's very important to note down how many questions we have attempted every 20 or 25 questions. This way you won't have to be flipping through the test booklet at the last minute counting how many questions you attempted and whatnot. Also I think a good idea, as Naadan_Parinda said, would be to note down how many where 100% sure, how many were 50% sure and how many were a bit more of a wild gut feeling guess. This way you only have to add them up individually to get an idea on whether you need to attempt more, and if so, how much more you need to attempt. 

@Naadan_Parinda I like your strategy. I think it's very important to note down how many questions we have attempted every 20 or 25 questions. This way you won't have to be flipping through the test booklet at the last minute counting how many questions you attempted and whatnot. Also I think a good idea, as Naadan_Parinda said, would be to note down how many where 100% sure, how many were 50% sure and how many were a bit more of a wild gut feeling guess. This way you only have to add them up individually to get an idea on whether you need to attempt more, and if so, how much more you need to attempt. 

Just curious bhai. But isn't it the general norm ?

3 rounds...100%...50%....desperate guess.....

then calculating marks in each one of these over a span of 20 tests to see what works and what doesn't. To see if we are able to stay in the net positive zone for the 2nd and 3rd categories ? I mean sab yehi karte hain right ? or am i missing something ?

Today’s Shankarias test was amazing. Felt like final paper. Lengthy, factual, application 

@kohliwag Can you send here? Also was elimination working or it was like abhyas very difficult to eliminate options?

@Constant The test was over. We can’t give now. But you can download the paper and answer them. Regarding elimination, yeah it works. You can eliminate two options in most of the questions. Just try it if you are willing. But please don’t curse me if you don’t like 😅


@kohliwag haha...No I will not curse u.Just wanted to make sure that it's better than abhyaas. I will see if I can download the paper. But if you have pdf can you send it here, anyway I'm going to take a print out

@Constant Could not copy the link. See your inbox bro.


Hello everyone help me in csat.

Accordingly to my experience i will attempt 30 questions from quant + reasoning and 15 from rc. Total 45 questions.  Whom i want to correct 35 atleast. This is good or not?

@Sherkhan1428 I meant during the actual exam. Like last year I had to spend time counting at the end how many questions I had attempted in the actual exam which wasted some precious time. What I mean is that after like every 20 questions write down how many of those 20 you have attempted. This way at the end when counting how many you attempted during the exam you just have to add those instead of counting one by one. 

GaryVee,MaeveWileyand1 otherslike this

It's gud to see ppl are discussing so deeply about prelims. Ppl who are really clearing the paper from past 2/3 years. 

I fail to understand why still ppl are going for khabyas. They are shit, were shit, and remain shit. 

Even the forum simulators are not upto mark considering the UPSC standard but since it's not actual exam they make ppr to compel everyone to study basics again and again....

Now why I am writing this:

Because, I fail to understand, everyone knows that previous years ppr are the real Bible still why not considered seriously?

Because, I personally feel the institute ppr very close to Upsc standard is Pajiram. Specially 4/5 Flt after lockdown. 


Then if u r left with any breath go for BABA>KSCORE>then your favourite khabhyas.

My honest opinion.


Le@iskool is disappointed withforum ias simulators.

*leJaya bacchan in Rajya sabha be like*

EiChan,Ayushi7and9 otherslike this
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