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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Hey guys, a question about PYQs. Been solving them subject-wise so far, with the purpose of identifying frequent areas and repeats. But I also want to try solving some as proper mock tests. Which years should be solved as mocks, considering that the general pattern itself has changed?

2016-2019.Have been doing them for the past two days with the purpose of identifying hints and clues to solve seemingly difficult questions. Very good exerciseimoBound to boost your confidence if your static and CA have been revised multiple times by now.

Do take a note of the cutoffs :116 in 2016. 106 in 2017 and 98 each in 2018 and 2019. 

Try and notice things like:

1. Did I find the question paperrelatively easy , like others did in 2016?

2. What was thedifference between 2016 and 2019 papersthat ended up bringing about a difference of almost 20 marks in the two papers ? 

3. Are "tricks, rules and hacks" the real deal or do we tend to over emphasize their importance ?

If you can find satisfactory answers to these questions, you will come out a better equipped and more empowered person on the other side of this exercise. 

All the best !

Thank you so much senpai :) that’s what I’ll do.

In this test series conundrum, I like the attitude of insights. They have literally written on their website that they know their questions are on the tougher side so please do not complain regarding the level of questions. XDDDD
Any idea about avadh Ojha sirs cycle satyagraha?
Are libraries at ORN open now? Could anyone staying there please confirm? 
@TheNotorious i have heard some libraries like 'Learn in a min'(my old library) are opening from 10th october

Hey guys. Could anybody point to the most reliable summary of Eco Survey and Budget? I dont want to revise complete documents it seems wasteful at this point. Thank you!

People filing petitions to remove "secular" and "socialist" from Preamble.

Supreme court (justice chandrachud) says, " If you don't want to watch the UPSC jihad show by sudarshan channel, turn off your TV and read a novel."

Rajya Sabha passes bill without formal voting.



("10 to the power n" points later...)


Media refuses to let go off SSR and report on more pressing issues.



Not setting off any debate. But,Yeh chal kya raha hai iss desh mein ? 

Dhertez,Just_relentlessand18 otherslike this
even i got to know that institutes will most probably be allowed to open in October. So, if institutes will open so will the libraries.
But the thing is that there is a friend of mine who is willing to join a library as soon as possible as she is not able to study at home. So i wanted to know if libraries are open or not. And if they are, are all libraries 

open or only a few so as to compare the charges, facilities as well as the environment of library.

I asked one of my ex-library friend who stayed at ORN but went home during lockdown and he said few libraries are open now. To confirm, i asked another person who works in management of one of the institutes at ORN and she said all libraries are closed as of now.  I called one library named KK library near Vajiram and they said their library is open. Now i am confused as to what to recommend to my friend -.-

Humble request to ask any of your friend who is staying at ORN, if any, to tell if libraries are open or not(and if they are, are all libraries open or just a few) and let me know as well. Thanks again. :D


People filing petitions to remove "secular" and "socialist" from Preamble.

Supreme court (justice chandrachud) says, " If you don't want to watch the UPSC jihad show by sudarshan channel, turn off your TV and read a novel."

Rajya Sabha passes bill without formal voting.



("10 to the power n" points later...)


Media refuses to let go off SSR and report on more pressing issues.



Not setting off any debate. But,Yeh chal kya raha hai iss desh mein ? 

EiChan,Rise from Ashesand14 otherslike this
@TheNotorious Few libraries are open...I don't go to the library..but I can see people going in and coming out from one of the libraries situated in WEA Karol bagh..forgot the name.
Wo petition jo postpone waali thi uska kya hua?Baaki everyone knew about drugs in Bollywood,whats new to show about it?Atleast tell about petition
@TheNotorious i have heard some libraries like 'Learn in a min'(my old library) are opening from 10th october

Mine also..... HIGH FIVE. But no more interested. I guess coolest one in ORN :) 

even i got to know that institutes will most probably be allowed to open in October. So, if institutes will open so will the libraries.
But the thing is that there is a friend of mine who is willing to join a library as soon as possible as she is not able to study at home. So i wanted to know if libraries are open or not. And if they are, are all libraries 

open or only a few so as to compare the charges, facilities as well as the environment of library.

I asked one of my ex-library friend who stayed at ORN but went home during lockdown and he said few libraries are open now. To confirm, i asked another person who works in management of one of the institutes at ORN and she said all libraries are closed as of now.  I called one library named KK library near Vajiram and they said their library is open. Now i am confused as to what to recommend to my friend -.-

Humble request to ask any of your friend who is staying at ORN, if any, to tell if libraries are open or not(and if they are, are all libraries open or just a few) and let me know as well. Thanks again. :D

See as of now they are not allowed to function. They are someway managing(you know) and opening. All library at peculiar places like main road are closed. So officially everything is closed. :) 

No 1,

People filing petitions to remove "secular" and "socialist" from Preamble.

Supreme court (justice chandrachud) says, " If you don't want to watch the UPSC jihad show by sudarshan channel, turn off your TV and read a novel."

Rajya Sabha passes bill without formal voting.



("10 to the power n" points later...)


Media refuses to let go off SSR and report on more pressing issues.



Not setting off any debate. But,Yeh chal kya raha hai iss desh mein ? 

Ye agri bill is ok. Chalega........... its gud for agri. But actual question should be SC ko kya hua hai.........

They have gone mad.  They asked "if we ban that UPSC jihad show- wont it infringe Article 19."

I doubt they are pro govt. they are....................... skip. I will be charged with contempt. 


People filing petitions to remove "secular" and "socialist" from Preamble.

Supreme court (justice chandrachud) says, " If you don't want to watch the UPSC jihad show by sudarshan channel, turn off your TV and read a novel."

Rajya Sabha passes bill without formal voting.



("10 to the power n" points later...)


Media refuses to let go off SSR and report on more pressing issues.



Not setting off any debate. But,Yeh chal kya raha hai iss desh mein ? 

There was a time when following news was considered a great thing. I always felt awareness is important and it helps shape a person as a productive member of the society.

But now, I am just done with news. I think too much connectivity and awareness has more cons than pros. Add to that, absolute state of media these days. All we see these days are things to agitate people. I feel like giving up news altogether once done with CivilS preparation.

GaryVee,Koro-Senseiand1 otherslike this
I think being immune to these current shit happenings and doing our work is part of our training.Because in the job we are aspiring for we will have to take orders for from same politicians,judges who are centre of this shit .Kill the activist within you .Kanan gopinathan ,harsh mander ya sha faizal ban na hai to alag bat hai.
Dora-the_Explorer,kohliwagand2 otherslike this
The saddest part is the sheer disregard of the intellectuals of our society.  The common man can only gather and know about so many things, therefore intellectuals and well read people are necessary. But a party x in a country has struck off their legitimacy. Being intellectual is now mocked upon. I see my friends doing corporate jobs, having 0 knowledge about the state of this country, literally 0( imagine an avg. BTECH college student) laughing off and disregarding Guha, Mander, Yogendra Yadav etc.  On top of that, all the news channels are doing everything in their power to dumb down the common populace. With the intellectuals discredited and the working class dumbed down, it is so easy to scare the latter and drive them to do anything. 
There is a caste angle here too if you draw your Venn diagrams closely but I won't dwelve into it as I would be called a Casteist.
Things are not going right is all I can say. With increasing uncertainty due to Covid and Economy spiralling down, people are more vulnerable, more easily swayed to a herd mentality. 
I do not want to be a doomsayer but with pliable institutions at the helm, 2021 will disrupt the social fabric very badly. Just keep safe guys. 
EiChan,Rise from Ashesand14 otherslike this

Supreme court doesn't have the spine to stand up to this government. This is what happens centre becomes too strong. Previous CJI gave all landmark judgements in favour of government in the last two years. He didn't even wait for the cooling off period after this retirement and within 3 months, joined BJP as a Rajya Sabha member and here we are reading about the independence of judiciary in laxmikant.
And then, what to say about TV media? Most of the mainstream tv media is is pro government. So they will never shown anything on their channel that puts the government in a bad light, so forget about pressing issues. There are no pressuring issues in this country except justice for SSR, justice for kangana, justice for payal (newly started by media), drug problem in Bollywood, that is purification of Bollywood and they are also running trials on their channels for that. TV media has dumbed down the masses Now I don't watch any TV news because it it frustrates me seeing this shitshow. 
GaryVee,kochikaameand2 otherslike this
@Tyler Durden There is a method to this madness. Many a times governments do things to scare others to even doing them in the future. Deepika went to JNU, she has a huge following, and now she is being purged. Many others too. There is a reason why actors who were whining about prices are mum. There is a message being sent. 
Similar message to the commoner. Kafeel khan had to spend 9 months in Jail? Why? to scare other people. 
As it is said, making an example out of people as to create a mental deterrence in the minds of people of standing against the rulers.
We often take politicians to be just random greedy people, but they are very smart and intelligent. 

GaryVee,kochikaameand5 otherslike this
now is not the time guys
kohliwag,BDand1 otherslike this
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