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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@MarcusA Very true. But sometimes, seeing so many things going so awful, it makes one feel bad and thus the venting. But yes, to be something in life, we have to turn a blind eye towards everyday happening for the time being and focus on ourselves.

GaryVee,kochikaameand6 otherslike this
As Gramsci said, we must be pessimists by our intellect and optimists by our will. The former is easy enough, given that we have been studying about how thingsshould befor at least this past year - it’s the latter that’s the challenge. But we can choose to be optimists of the will, choose to believe that we will be able to use our understanding of the present to improve it, if not for the country, then at least for a few people - for which according to the present plan, we first have to clear prelims to have a shot at it :) This is the only satisfactory conclusion I reached after weeks of angst and restlessness with the present political scenario.
GaryVee,Dora-the_Explorerand8 otherslike this

Guys ,Intellectuals are being mocked down because of their own mistakes of past .The liberals and left of this country live in intellectual bubble of their own .They produce knowledge but dont know how to communicate with people in peoples language .Political education (in real sense )in this country is near to zero  .People who know how to communicate  with masses are ruling this country .like why people joke about WhatsApp university .Why can liberals and left make whatspp colleges of their own .Lot of it is global phenomenon but this sense of moral and intellectual superiority  is one of the key reasons .

What a guy phd scholar of jnu said that to me holds correct ,fasciwad fakeer hai kaise bhi ajata hai ,kranti lane walo ke nakhre bht hai khali rote rehte hai fasciwad agya agya.

GaryVee,kochikaameand3 otherslike this

I was shocked when farm bills were passed through voice vote, in complete disregard to parliamentary rules and democratic ethos.

If that is how bills are gonna passed, then what is the need of  MPs. Speaker or chairman can decide based on his /her political leaning. 

I feel that this incident is the final nail into the modicum of democracy we were witnessing in last 6 years

GaryVee,BDand3 otherslike this

Thank you! :D 

@Lost @iskool 


Farm bills are a progressive step, but the way it was passed, would remain a blot on ur democratic polity for years to come.

There are high chances of total breakdown of social harmony in years to come, and we might witness violence that India has never seen.All that depends on how early, we as Indians realise the sinister motive of the current political system. 

This isn't just about BJP, because i am quite sure that even if BJP loses power in 2024, the party that forms govt, will be equally evil, if not more. The broad notion of India as a cohesive and inclusive project has already being eroded, and it might be too late to revive it 

Antineutrino ,Monkey D. Luffyand2 otherslike this
now is not the time guys

Bolne doh bhai. Mere hisaab se toh abhi hi sahi time hai. :/

Selection ke baad vaise bhi  “part of the system” ki dorr sebandhjaana hai. Tab galat ko galat kaha hi bol paogay.

As someone above said, 

Agar Harsh Mander, Shah Faesal ya Kannan Gopinathan ho toh alag baat hai. 🙂


Aah thank god for this venting out. I had this on my mind since the CAA protests were happening and the way they were crushed and the police functioned, then the Delhi elections with all the hate speech etc etc.

A lot of things we, as an aspirant read in the syllabus have been totally disregarded, creating a 'cognitive dissonance' 😛

Each time such an incident happened, it actually made me question my decision of going for UPSC and not applying for a PhD in foreign and escape this pandemonium altogether. 

The only solace I hold is I might become of help to atleast some people, the way a soldier saved my mother's family during the 1984 riots.

I dont know what lies ahead, but it sure doesn't seem very bright.

Btw what do you all feel about suddenly a wave of populist and nationalist leaders coming to fore? (Trump, Modi, Bolsonaro)

GaryVee,rafaeland7 otherslike this


rafael,gOdFr33dand1 otherslike this

Woah! Woke up to this doomsday analysis. Realised I wasn't reading Harsh Mander's column in The Hindu. 

Populist & Nationalist are more of complementary words though, if we go by their literal meanings. Moreover putting Modi, Trump, Bolsanaro, etc in the same basket is really lazy. 

What I gather is the institutions in India are very hollow since Independence. It is not a recent phenomenon. We know this know because the gatekeepers of our thought process "the intellectuals" have been discredited by the common people. And no, they are not dumb. So in a way it is good ( high on optimism). The abuse by some intellectuals who have lost control over the institutions is understandable. 

There is a kind of churn by the digital medium. I think as a Polity we will emerge better for sure. We need a credible opposition as well as long as we have certified hooligans from TMC killing opposition workers in their state and manhandling deputy chairman in RS, BJP will have the last laugh. It is the TINA effect.  People will vote them. And public intellectuals will cry a river in newspapers on how populist, majoritarian government is bad. That is what I see. I have high disregard for political vendetta and pseudo intellectualism both.  I began to explore more and not only from "certified" sources. It is not all gloomy. Keep your ears on the ground. A class of people benefitted from Swacch Bharat Abhiyan, Ujjwala, PM kisan,etc. These are real people. Have faith in the capacity of the masses. What moderates didn't had but revolutionaries/extremists had. That kind of faith. A reformed and matured Polity will emerge for sure.  

उत्तिष्ठ भारत! 


GaryVee,Mariposa27and4 otherslike this

For those who want to attempt/read (at their own risk of course)

abhyas 4A.pdf

abhyaas 4 Q.pdf


Just for Laughs - Good Morning everyone 

Wo petition jo postpone waali thi uska kya hua?Baaki everyone knew about drugs in Bollywood,whats new to show about it?Atleast tell about petition

Listed for hearing on 24th. I mean no disrespect, but the SC has dismissed the petition already!
The new strategy amongst the folks seeking postponement is to file multiple petitions in various High Courts and hope for relief from any of them. Let's see! 


Try at ur own risk🤣


Rise from Ashes,GaryVeeand8 otherslike this
@Howzthejosh The problem isn't about whether the show should be telecasted or not anymore.
The idea has already entered in discourse. Now WhatsApp university and social media will do the rest.
I used to be a strong supporter of social media and free speech at one point. Now I feel it has the potential to create unrest and social tensions, as it's become a free playground for propagandists of all kind.

GaryVee,AzadHindFauzand3 otherslike this
I want to warn future beaurocrats . What ev u write online . Even if in private mediums like wattsapp and telegram is ur digital history . India's capacity to process information has reached sky high . Dont think we r backward in that regard . With help of allies like isreal and usa we have made credible infra in recent yrs and it ll only be strengthened in future . I have my frnds in such areas and i knw it . So keep ur political opinion 2 urself be it pro or anti bjp . Political systems keep changing. Keep that in mind . GOI has the capacity to process ur past in 2030 based on wht u thought in 2020 . It wont matter if u r a road side shop owner . But it ll if u r secretary in GOI . So dnt take it lightly  . We dnt knw which party ll be in power in 2030
Sherkhan1428,Homo Neanderthalensis
@rafael bhai darr to muje bhi lagta hai,
What if it hampers my career. 

But chup rehna bhi sahi nahi hai, we have to raise our voice. Otherwise the system would collapse rather very fast. 

What you are suggesting is what our system wants from us, that is to be silent. 
Yes, social media is not the right platform,but as u can see, govt acts hard  on everyone who raises a voicr of dissent, even more who protest on the street. 

GaryVee,kochikaameand5 otherslike this

Woah! Woke up to this doomsday analysis. Realised I wasn't reading Harsh Mander's column in The Hindu. 

Populist & Nationalist are more of complementary words though, if we go by their literal meanings. Moreover putting Modi, Trump, Bolsanaro, etc in the same basket is really lazy. 

What I gather is the institutions in India are very hollow since Independence. It is not a recent phenomenon. We know this know because the gatekeepers of our thought process "the intellectuals" have been discredited by the common people. And no, they are not dumb. So in a way it is good ( high on optimism). The abuse by some intellectuals who have lost control over the institutions is understandable. 

There is a kind of churn by the digital medium. I think as a Polity we will emerge better for sure. We need a credible opposition as well as long as we have certified hooligans from TMC killing opposition workers in their state and manhandling deputy chairman in RS, BJP will have the last laugh. It is the TINA effect.  People will vote them. And public intellectuals will cry a river in newspapers on how populist, majoritarian government is bad. That is what I see. I have high disregard for political vendetta and pseudo intellectualism both.  I began to explore more and not only from "certified" sources. It is not all gloomy. Keep your ears on the ground. A class of people benefitted from Swacch Bharat Abhiyan, Ujjwala, PM kisan,etc. These are real people. Have faith in the capacity of the masses. What moderates didn't had but revolutionaries/extremists had. That kind of faith. A reformed and matured Polity will emerge for sure.  

उत्तिष्ठ भारत! 

P.S have not watched even a 10 minutes  of a news TV show in last 6-7 years so don't share that frustration, luckily. And I think daily show with Trevor Noah doesn't count. :D


GaryVee,Koro-Senseiand4 otherslike this
@Howzthejosh The problem isn't about whether the show should be telecasted or not anymore.
The idea has already entered in discourse. Now WhatsApp university and social media will do the rest.
I used to be a strong supporter of social media and free speech at one point. Now I feel it has the potential to create unrest and social tensions, as it's become a free playground for propagandists of all kind.

True bro 

social Media should charge some minimum amount like whatsapp Done in initial days 

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