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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@Villanelle  he isn't reckless, society is. 
If people are stupid enough to invest their life savings on a tweet of a person, they seriously need to be more rational. 

I agree, musk is also the part of the problem. Hurting those who're investing in crypto as a serious avenue. But to point the fault on one person is a bit immature. It's the society of it's flawed nature allowing him to influence them. 

He’s pretty reckless otherwise also. This is not the first time he has misled people.

Even if we keep stocks entirely out of conversation, he was spreading outright fake information about covid, suggesting doctors are inflating cases for a financial reason. His laughable stand on the covid restrictions, and so many more things. 


I hugely admired the man until he said things about doctors. The man is a capable of single handed lay sinking American economy.

@calvinhobbes first rule of investing, invest only that which you are willing to lose. Especially after Wall street bets, everyone thinks, YOLO, we just like the stocks.


How you all are preparing culture? I thought to finish it from mains perspective

Read Vision supplementary material and Tamil nadu ancient books. But I glanced over mains pyq. Though they are static question I feel I wont be able to write 150 words even if I keep material in front of me.

How you guys are managing it? will be pleased from someone who has written mains..



@calvinhobbes first rule of investing, invest only that which you are willing to lose. Especially after Wall street bets, everyone thinks, YOLO, we just like the stocks.

I have a deep investor since 2014. Only did Mutual funds. I have so far invested 6.7 lakhs from my savings at job. Current value is 11 lakhs. I am fairly satisfied. I remember one of my friends asking me to invest in crypto 2 years back. I refused but gave him 2 lakhs on loan with fixed interest. He bought crypto and promised me fixed returns. 

Then crypto crashes. He panicked sold and made heavy loss. Returned me my money somehow but couldn’t pay interest. I said okay. 

Last week I was in call with him. He was excited about crypto because of the high. He bought worth 2 lakhs again . Today he is not taking my call.

Mariposa27,AJ_and2 otherslike this

How you all are preparing culture? I thought to finish it from mains perspective

Read Vision supplementary material and Tamil nadu ancient books. But I glanced over mains pyq. Though they are static question I feel I wont be able to write 150 words even if I keep material in front of me.

How you guys are managing it? will be pleased from someone who has written mains..

Check out Lucent GK once. It is a good basic material. 150 rupees book.

@TwoFace The fault lies in people who don't know when to hold and when to fold. In the ideal world, noone one should be able to influence things single handedly, but it is not so and people have done it and people would do it.



@TwoFace The fault lies in people who don't know when to hold and when to fold. In the ideal world, noone one should be able to influence things single handedly, but it is not so and people have done it and people would do it.

The first rule of investing is but when others are selling and sell when others are buying and yet people do the opposite.

May Kasahara,
@TwoFace like the say buy the dip



@calvinhobbes first rule of investing, invest only that which you are willing to lose. Especially after Wall street bets, everyone thinks, YOLO, we just like the stocks.

I have a deep investor since 2014. Only did Mutual funds. I have so far invested 6.7 lakhs from my savings at job. Current value is 11 lakhs. I am fairly satisfied. I remember one of my friends asking me to invest in crypto 2 years back. I refused but gave him 2 lakhs on loan with fixed interest. He bought crypto and promised me fixed returns. 

Then crypto crashes. He panicked sold and made heavy loss. Returned me my money somehow but couldn’t pay interest. I said okay. 

Last week I was in call with him. He was excited about crypto because of the high. He bought worth 2 lakhs again . Today he is not taking my call.

I’m sure he won’t take your call for another week. 

Momentum Trading looks good in theory, miserable in practise : (

@Villanelle  he isn't reckless, society is. 
If people are stupid enough to invest their life savings on a tweet of a person, they seriously need to be more rational. 

I agree, musk is also the part of the problem. Hurting those who're investing in crypto as a serious avenue. But to point the fault on one person is a bit immature. It's the society of it's flawed nature allowing him to influence them. 

He’s pretty reckless otherwise also. This is not the first time he has misled people.

Even if we keep stocks entirely out of conversation, he was spreading outright fake information about covid, suggesting doctors are inflating cases for a financial reason. His laughable stand on the covid restrictions, and so many more things. 

I respect Elon Musk the entrepreneur, engineer, genius. I don't like Elon Musk the person.

I lost respect for him during that Thai cave rescue incident when he called the diver a pedo. The reason for the outburst was that they politely refused Elon's help, or something like that. Just proved how massive his ego was.

Villanelle,discoFighterand3 otherslike this
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I have a deep investor since 2014. Only did Mutual funds. I have so far invested 6.7 lakhs from my savings at job. Current value is 11 lakhs. I am fairly satisfied. I remember one of my friends asking me to invest in crypto 2 years back. I refused but gave him 2 lakhs on loan with fixed interest. He bought crypto and promised me fixed returns. 

Then crypto crashes. He panicked sold and made heavy loss. Returned me my money somehow but couldn’t pay interest. I said okay. 

Last week I was in call with him. He was excited about crypto because of the high. He bought worth 2 lakhs again . Today he is not taking my call.

Also, just curious to know, what was the market price of your investment, just an year ago (time when cyclone Tauktae hit the sensex) :D


I think credit should also be given to our own RBI, for playing it extremely safe, and not deviating from its original stand of banning the currency (though not done yet), specially after the last year's supreme court judgement which chided them for issuing that 2018 circular, which debarred regulated banks from offering any services related to crypto currency.

It's also interesting to see how things move ahead from here. While we don't want to miss out on the very technology of decentralised ledger, but a vigil on crypto currency is a must, specially in a country like ours where financial literacy is poor. Investing in Laksmi Chit Fund was never safe. The consequences are always bad... Regulate, instead of banning it. The Bill to ban crypto is still languishing in parliament. Policy vacuum must not affect the budding fintech potential. BHIM is a good example. Well regulated, and guarded by RBI, but provides the much needed easy entry exit flexibility.

Aurora,GaryVeeand11 otherslike this
@Villanelle  he isn't reckless, society is. 
If people are stupid enough to invest their life savings on a tweet of a person, they seriously need to be more rational. 

I agree, musk is also the part of the problem. Hurting those who're investing in crypto as a serious avenue. But to point the fault on one person is a bit immature. It's the society of it's flawed nature allowing him to influence them. 

He’s pretty reckless otherwise also. This is not the first time he has misled people.

Even if we keep stocks entirely out of conversation, he was spreading outright fake information about covid, suggesting doctors are inflating cases for a financial reason. His laughable stand on the covid restrictions, and so many more things. 

I respect Elon Musk the entrepreneur, engineer, genius. I don't like Elon Musk the person.

I lost respect for him during that Thai cave rescue incident when he called the diver a pedo. The reason for the outburst was that they politely refused Elon's help, or something like that. Just proved how massive his ego was.

Me too. I was very interested in him. Even read that biography by Ashlee Vance. 

It was only later I realised the Internet in general takes everything he does uncritically. He’s always projected himself as the genius science guy who makes disruptive technologies, for the Internet to drool over. 

But things are actually quite different. First people who like to compare him to Tony Stark forget that Elon is not the one making his products actually. He’s funding them like any other CEO. Plus, Tesla has been involved in so many controversies where he has threatened action against whistleblowers, shows disregard for workers safety, unfair pay and so on. This is not even accounting for the things he does in his personal capacity. 

TwoFace,AJ_and3 otherslike this

First people who like to compare him to Tony Stark forget that Elon is not the one making his products actually. He’s funding them like any other CEO.  Capitalism solved.



First people who like to compare him to Tony Stark forget that Elon is not the one making his products actually. He’s funding them like any other CEO.  Capitalism solved.

Not taking any shot at capitalism here. Just pointing out that he maybe a lot of things, but he’s not an engineer or an inventor. 



space , stars planets ke baare me padna ho to konsi book acchi hai

Cosmos by Carl Sagan 

or you could watch Cosmos on Amazon Prime. 


Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by N..G..Tyson

The Theory of Everything or A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

@PursuitofHappynesstryreading 11th class ncert fine arts book..  n rather doing tn board ncerts .. rs sharma n satish chandra ki ncerts se do only art n architecture portions.. please do only art n architecture portions or else u ll be heavily burdened..

@PursuitofHappynesstryreading 11th class ncert fine arts book..  n rather doing tn board ncerts .. rs sharma n satish chandra ki ncerts se do only art n architecture portions.. please do only art n architecture portions or else u ll be heavily burdened..

@Curious_souls Thanks!! 

I have read once it few months back.. But it is quiet time consuming. Also note making will take time. How do you make notes of it.. I referred Onlyias Udaan after reading TN history as it is easier for quick revision.

@PursuitofHappynesssince you have once read tn ncerts u ll have broad idea..i did both ncerts in 5 days.. what you need to do is,, first see pyqs .. now there are some repeating topics like buddhist art, rock art, u ll also see importance of chola, vijaynagara, gupta, mauryan, post mauryan( gandhara, amravati) , pallava architecture.... toh buss just open ncerts in laptop preferably.. just refer art n architecture pages of these kingdom read it .. write down in you shortening points immediately.. in this u ll nvr have to refer ncerts agn.. ur notes will serve the purpose.. it will also help u develop better understanding.. you can then probably write few points in any question in upsc..

for medieval india you can reely on udaan ias moule i have read that but will suggest for ancient to do this exercise.. it will help you in mains atleast writing general points in complete unknown new questions..
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