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How many of you suffer from depression/negativity?

jack_Sparrow,rootand10 otherslike this


help me out

What do you need help with?

Feel free to PM if you need someone to talk to.

Aurora,Arseneand5 otherslike this
help me out

What do you need help with?

Feel free to PM if you need someone to talk to.

I also need help. How can I be as good as you in studies? :{

No 1,
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I also need help. How can I be as good as you in studies? :{

That’s a highly questionable assumption about me 😅

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I also need help. How can I be as good as you in studies? :{

That’s a highly questionable assumption about me 😅

No, it's not! Really admire your knowledge & understanding of issues.


Hello people.

I found a YouTube channel which is helping me immensely in dealing with these emotions. It is run by a therapist - Emma McAdam. The channel is Therapy in a nutshell. Thought of sharing it with you all. 

DM,chamomileand4 otherslike this

This year of 2021 has seen so many ups and downs in my life. Happiness has remained momentary for me. I will try to pull myself up again and again. It is a struggle. Everyday I have to smile and laugh so that people around me do not feel that I am undergoing negativity. i will walk and walk lost in my thoughts for hours and I will not stop even if my legs and body are aching nor when I feel like I might fall down or vomit. I do not know what I am doing really.

I feel lonely and maybe broken beyond repair. I am passing days and not doing anything substantive. I want to break this cycle and I actively try to do that but it does not last for long and that negativity consumes me yet again. I do not know what's going on with me.. I am going through ups and downs in my mood throughout the day. It is tiring. It is sickening. I wish I can remove my memories and start over again... I wish I can put on genuine smile for once. i never thought this would happen to me.. Never.. What just happened? i feel lost...

Aurora,chamomileand5 otherslike this

This year of 2021 has seen so many ups and downs in my life. Happiness has remained momentary for me. I will try to pull myself up again and again. It is a struggle. Everyday I have to smile and laugh so that people around me do not feel that I am undergoing negativity. i will walk and walk lost in my thoughts for hours and I will not stop even if my legs and body are aching nor when I feel like I might fall down or vomit. I do not know what I am doing really.

I feel lonely and maybe broken beyond repair. I am passing days and not doing anything substantive. I want to break this cycle and I actively try to do that but it does not last for long and that negativity consumes me yet again. I do not know what's going on with me.. I am going through ups and downs in my mood throughout the day. It is tiring. It is sickening. I wish I can remove my memories and start over again... I wish I can put on genuine smile for once. i never thought this would happen to me.. Never.. What just happened? i feel lost...

check ur inbox.


This year of 2021 has seen so many ups and downs in my life. Happiness has remained momentary for me. I will try to pull myself up again and again. It is a struggle. Everyday I have to smile and laugh so that people around me do not feel that I am undergoing negativity. i will walk and walk lost in my thoughts for hours and I will not stop even if my legs and body are aching nor when I feel like I might fall down or vomit. I do not know what I am doing really.

I feel lonely and maybe broken beyond repair. I am passing days and not doing anything substantive. I want to break this cycle and I actively try to do that but it does not last for long and that negativity consumes me yet again. I do not know what's going on with me.. I am going through ups and downs in my mood throughout the day. It is tiring. It is sickening. I wish I can remove my memories and start over again... I wish I can put on genuine smile for once. i never thought this would happen to me.. Never.. What just happened? i feel lost...

Please please please see a certified psychologist or psychiatrist.Don't keep suffering and thinking maybe you can fix this somehow. After a certain level, you will need help from therapists. It in no way makes you weak or any less of a human being. In fact, I would argue it takes a strong person to realize they need help and to ask for it.


This year of 2021 has seen so many ups and downs in my life. Happiness has remained momentary for me. I will try to pull myself up again and again. It is a struggle. Everyday I have to smile and laugh so that people around me do not feel that I am undergoing negativity. i will walk and walk lost in my thoughts for hours and I will not stop even if my legs and body are aching nor when I feel like I might fall down or vomit. I do not know what I am doing really.

I feel lonely and maybe broken beyond repair. I am passing days and not doing anything substantive. I want to break this cycle and I actively try to do that but it does not last for long and that negativity consumes me yet again. I do not know what's going on with me.. I am going through ups and downs in my mood throughout the day. It is tiring. It is sickening. I wish I can remove my memories and start over again... I wish I can put on genuine smile for once. i never thought this would happen to me.. Never.. What just happened? i feel lost...

Hi. It is good to know that you speak your feelings, admit them and seek help and support.

These are tough times and don't anyhow expect them to fade easily. Our body, heart and mind needs time and you should give time. Don't rush too much and don't push too much. The memories you have built actually are efforts of so many years and you cannot seek for them to vanish in any moment soon. They will take time. And you need to give them that time. 

I understand your urgency to stand on your feet, support family and all things but mate you need to understand until your mind is ready you really can't move forward. So give some space to yourself and your mind to heal. Let it overcome the loss. You should allow yourself to accomdate into the new surroundings and new life and not force into it. 

And seek professional help. Talk about it to people. Dont just let things build up in your brain and accumulate in your heart. Talk and let people know what you are going through. This is one of the many ways to heal. We all are ears. Anytime you feel to talk to someone pls tell.

D503,chamomileand3 otherslike this

This year of 2021 has seen so many ups and downs in my life. Happiness has remained momentary for me. I will try to pull myself up again and again. It is a struggle. Everyday I have to smile and laugh so that people around me do not feel that I am undergoing negativity. i will walk and walk lost in my thoughts for hours and I will not stop even if my legs and body are aching nor when I feel like I might fall down or vomit. I do not know what I am doing really.

I feel lonely and maybe broken beyond repair. I am passing days and not doing anything substantive. I want to break this cycle and I actively try to do that but it does not last for long and that negativity consumes me yet again. I do not know what's going on with me.. I am going through ups and downs in my mood throughout the day. It is tiring. It is sickening. I wish I can remove my memories and start over again... I wish I can put on genuine smile for once. i never thought this would happen to me.. Never.. What just happened? i feel lost...

Hey friend sometimes life throws us into circumstances we never expected to be in, never prepared to face and we just cannot think how we are going to manage things. But that is life, can't blame it, that's what it specialises in.
It must be really hard for you to manage things and cope with circumstances right now. It is absolutely okay to feel overwhelmed at times. You know it is great that you are noticing and acknowledging changes in your moods among other things. I would strongly recommend you to discuss all this with a medically qualified professional too.

Here is the link to govt run online opd. There are various states where psychiatric help is offered. It is not necessary that you choose the state you are currently living in. For Delhi, the top hospitals- Lady harding and CGHS doctors are there. If you choose Himachal you get AIIMS Bilaspur OPD. And various other states like Chandigarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand too have similar choices.
I would request you to take some time off for yourself and talk to any doctor here. You don't have to go anywhere, just from your computer. If nothing, it will help you clear out your mental space.
Please please please do consult.
It feels really heartening to see you back on the platform. Whenever you feel you need someone to talk just log into the platform and we all are here for you.
Hope you climb out of this vicious cycle super soon!
But remember to be kind to yourself. Nurture and protect yourself like you are doing for your loved ones.

Serendipity,Dyslexicstoner19and3 otherslike this

Came across this beautiful video. Thought you folks might find it useful. 


Everyone, how about we share the things that make the days we feel down, a little bit better? 


Play football on field or PC.

Do you guys play anywhere ? Would love to join.

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