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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this



How shah faesal can rejoin service??? its all over the media?? is it possible to resign from service and join after 2 years??

how come!!
Curb your enthusiasm just a little bit guys. SC will hear the JEE/NEET petition on 14th. Fate of neet/jee exams depends on that. The fate of other exams also could depend on that decision.

@goldberry any updates on prelims date?

Divine Shakti,
@iskool famous hone ka fayada.....

@Tyler Durden Bhai by seeing SC giving tareek pe tareek for UGC, doesn't seem they will give in favour for postponement. I seriously hope they will consider all the facts. 

Divine Shakti,FinalMission

ForumIAS Academy students have secured Ranks 3, 5, 10, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 46, 50 in CSE 2019 from paid programs of ForumIAS. Many many congratulations to them. ForumIAS Blog and Open Tests ( not paid programs of ForumIAS ) followers have secured Ranks 8, 11, 14, 86, 87, in Top 100 as per verified information on August 10.

Feeling good :)

@iskool famous hone ka fayada.....

This is wrong. I hope govt should not set a wrong precedence.

@iskool test series bhi include hai paid me?

@Thanos_ yes but it's about weight also. Well jee neet aspirants have made sure that their petition carry weight in the court of law. But yes, anything can happen.

@iskool may be government did not accept the resignation and it was pending.


"Substitution to basic and capital goods" means what, in reference to industry production especially in 2nd FYP??

It means import substitution only!

Come on.

Edit- Here's the exact source from where the oldies at UPSC might have framed this Question:

Thanks for the link!

I guess, "import" substitution was implied in the question. 

@iskool test series bhi include hai paid me?

yes bhai! 

@iskool may be government did not accept the resignation and it was pending.

this is great i mean....... govt is a joke then!! 

@iskool Because his resignation was not yet accepted

@sankalpr91 You are correct about the grammar but this is UPSC, chalta hai

@Rudra12 Nobody here is demanding an exam, but when reality is in your face you must accept it. Unnecessary speculation by those who are anyway distracted will draw in many others here, and perhaps affect their studies. No one wants to look like a fool when exam happens on d day and they end up unprepared because they were hoping for a postponement until the previous night. Just get on with it guys, number of cases will keep going up, most of us will get it, there'll be no let up even later so govt won't stop. As far as deaths are concerned, callous as it may sound, we have far more people dying each day in a normal year than from covid alone in a day this year. Anyway, analysis is not the point. If someone feels strongly they may go to the court and sacrifice the attempt doing so!


I loved this reasoning, smiling wryly ryt now. It goes like:

=>There is no solution, so the show must go on. People may die, as they die anyway from AVOIDABLE ISSUES like poverty, malnutrition or hunger. One more reason now- Virus. So WHAT?? People are merely use-and-throw resources, their death merely statistics. There is nothing we can do. Postponing an exam is impossible cuz taking exams are more important than saving lives of our citizens, anyway they are too many. We have absolutely no option: no hope to get vaccine, no hope of getting herd immunity, nothing, no option to club 2 years exam and take them together next year when it's safer. FUTURE is this. Right here. There's no better future. We can do absolutely nothing. So, we must close our eyes and pretend this is the way of life to be. Sacrifice a few of us, so that most of us can carry on with pretenses of normal life.

ps: You will excel at administration. Don't waste time here. Quote me directly when you wish to.

GaryVee,Ayushi7and8 otherslike this

So, if Shah Faesal can be back after a hiatus of 1.5 years to service, so can OP Chaudhary! Or Kannan Gopinathan. Or... well a long list can be made.

But, it would be a horrible precedent for future.
Take Faesal's case: He broke every Code of Conduct for Civil Services (before and) after his resignation. He  formed a political party, openly opposed a law passed by the Parliament, tarnished India's image by ranting on international TV channels before getting arrested last August. He has dishonored the standing and responsibility in every possible manner which he was conferred upon by virtue of being a member (more so an elated topper) of this civil service.

Personally, for him, his two choices are equally bad. He has no future in politics. IF (a big if) he reenters IAS, he would have lost support and respect of kashmiris, his colleagues, juniors and seniors- a sort of pariah.

Feel bad for him.

He was one of the biggest reasons to draw me towards Civil services preparation a decade back.


Anybody applied IBPS RRB i am going to gorakhpur from patna . we can book a cab on sharing basis.

yes i have this exam as backup plan. UPSC CSE is also on 4th so we need to save time and as well as from COVID.

kindly revert back if you are interested

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