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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@TobyStark Hey! Contrary to one comment above, I'd suggest you to get any notes available on PankajCopiers or ImageRunners, etc. There's one selling for around 1400 which IMO looks complete. You can also get a drive link off Telegram somewhere (i'll try to find it) which has few extra resources, model answers, reference texts, etc.

Bottom line is do not loose sleep over these notes, or any gaps you encounter in different versions. Ultimately you would have to make your own concise notes, compressing these 6-7 odd booklets into not more than 5-10 pages for each topic of the syllabus, and then keep that as your single reading material. You will have to google stuff you don't understand, develop a good conceptual understanding and then enrich the notes with keywords, opinions off the current affairs. And once that's done you would'nt worry about any xyz notes covering this-this topic, because what you know is already more than enough to produce a brilliant answer. Similarly, follow ups and current affairs are over overemphasised, though now topics like "post-covid world order", "rise of china" are up in importance but ultimately whatever questions will come will require you to address the whole issue holistically, which can be easily tackled with solid conceptual base + newspaper (which we already do). Ultimately in that high pressure environment of mains, you're only going to recall stuff off those few sheets which you could study repeatedly, and not those thick reading material. 

@Villanelle Got it. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it!!

@raypitten Positively speaking they should but realistically I dont see any exam/interview happening atleast for next 4 months rest time knows!Mostly 2020 will be a washout. Right now surviving this pandemic is of utmost importance than anything including UPSC.

Osho,Nalandaand1 otherslike this

Speculation band kar ke thoda padh lo aur hass lo🤣👇🏻

Caesar,faildomand1 otherslike this
@cati believe the same. it seems that we should just forget that 2020 ever existed.

any exam/interview is not just a one day affair.
the activity starts at d-2 days,
there should be transit (of students and their guardians)
there should be arrangements for boarding and lodging
then on the d-day, the concerned exam/interview takes place
after the completion, there need to be arrangements for return journey.
so, any decision should be made after considering a minimum of a 5 day time frame.
"d-2 to d+2 via the d-day"

even if the exam is for one day, the risk exposure will be for a minimum of 5 days on average.

considering that the student hotspots are corona hotspots too, arrangements should be made in peripheral cities to absorb the flow.

some questions:-
a) what about a candidate who couldn't pass thermal screening at the exam centre. will he be allowed to write exam, or will  he be quarantined.

b) what if a normal candidate gets infected after writing exam?

c) suppose if a candidate is institutionally quarantined after the exam, does'nt he lose some 10/96 days mains preparation time for no mistake of his.

d) UPSC aspirants who stay away from home for couple of years and survive on high carb roadside food will definitely have less immunity power than those preparing from home. so, corona is inherently biased in the way it affects students.

e) some students suffer from minor respiratory ailments (sinusitis, asthma). they are already immuno-compromised. what about their safety. two days ago, a youngster sneezed in our local town bus, he was made to get down the bus. later he was tested negative. what if the same fate turns to any UPSC candidate on his journey to the exam centre.

GaryVee,Oshoand4 otherslike this
If you can look into the seeds of time
And say which grain will grow and which will not,
Speak, then, to me.
How good was Macbeth 😍, still relevant in these times of uncertainty
ssver2,Tetsukoand3 otherslike this
@sulawesi True 2020 is already gone although that perception might have a personal bias but every crisis should be an oppurtunity. Like for me on a personal level I have been out of upsc cycle for a long time and only filled the form this year because I wanted redemption before I'm 32. I have started prep just a week back but yes now since Im locked at home again like the full time prep days of yore I can study again!So there's a part of me that's happy but yes situation for all of us is grim.

@catall the best


2020 is not washed out. 2020 still not gone. 

Such up down are the life.

From birth to till date, We have lived every year differently.

Our narrow perception of accomplishment should not define that year is gone. 

Mention/ Repetition of negative thought will Re-enforce those thoughts only. 

अनुगच्छतु प्रवाहं - go with the flow.

PS : Sorry for free gyan, But I could not resist seeing such negativity only in this thread. 

Deepak802,Raillifeand4 otherslike this
@raypitten upsc. Ne bola tha tuje job chodne ko gaandu


@raypitten upsc. Ne bola tha tuje job chodne ko gaandu

@Adi_das no matter how valid your point is, but what kind of behaviour it is on such a serious plateform?


ssver2,Oshoand7 otherslike this
@Tetsuko sorry shaktiman 

@Adi_das good language fellow aspirant

ssver2,Tetsukoand3 otherslike this
Guys if schools starts from September and if JEE and NEET exams are held in August then there's high probability that Upsc pre would be conducted on schedule. JEE and NEET are top priority exams for government and it's hell bent on conducting these exams in August or September.

Villages/towns are getting locked down here and there. What if the candidate is from one of these places? Will lose opportunity to appear for the exam.. 

We will soom join USA/Brazil with 30k odd cases per day officially.

@Phagocyte There are 2 ways things can go. Either we completely wait out till a vaccine is found or we continue with our normal lives ie exams/jobs/schools/etc with proper social distancing norms although with the inherent risks. I feel eventually we will have to go with option no.2 if we want our lives back. That is why the govts have been talking about the "new normal" in terms of post covid life. Also I read somewhere that such pandemics are won on 2 fronts-first the physical medical solutions ie drugs/vaccines and secondly the mass psychological belief/feeling that the virus has been reduced to a non-entity. Often these two steps intertwine when a pandemic comes to its closure. This was seen in the case of the Spanish influenza at the fag end of its 2 year course. So with that hindsight bias of the Spanish flu where do we stand wrt to COVID19 is the question which can have some answers,no?

Karol Bagh ke reading rooms khule hai kya?
@Phagocyte imo that can happen till Feb march or well later into next year...not just covid traffic stops have also stopped ppl in either govt need to decide that we go for complete lockdown. Safe people life from one disease , economic cost n other disease burden be damn. Other approach which a developing country have to follow this late into disease is opening economy n taking measures so that hospitals are not overun plus u check susceptible early n have reduced mortality. Covid cannot be focus say post sept, as much as we want to other medical cost n impairments are coming closer to covid due to there relative ignorance. 

So if govt think it's okay for a market area to open,metros to run xyz.... conducting one exam shudnt be big deal...follow same protocol they think is relevant for neet -ug ( which more than likely be done by sept or earlier) can be followed wrt cse. Personally if they start postponing it too much they might as well cancel the whole vacancy for this ye n conduct 2021 say in march. 

@JackFarmer 2/3 are open but even in one i go hardly 5-7 ppl coming since last week...n among them also couple planning to go home...if u can stay n study at home no better option sply till July end...

Does anyone have the UPSC style answer copies? 
Does anyone have the UPSC style answer copies? 

UPSC website has those model copies. 

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