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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


I do not think people want the exams to be postponed, but demand for a compensatory attempt for 2021 is not unjustified.
@sulawesi i think you are not prepared.
1. there will be no vaccine for next 8 to 10 months if it is india wont get it first. america and britain will save their citizen first.
2. corona does not infect only in exams halls. its right there in your vegetables fruits and nearby markets. it can come from anywhere then why only exams to be postponed? dont be hypocrite.
3. come on man live with it exams requires travel upsc gave you option to change your center. if you dont come out of your home even in your city then you should not come out of your home till next year july August when india gets fully vacinated. but i know you are hypocrite you will come out.
4. what about those guys who are reaching 28+ or nearing 30+ ? dont be selfish. october is better than jan 2021 you will see in future when jan 2021 will have 1 crore infections in india at this pace.

so stop all your speculation about exam postponement and behave like a matured competitor.

corona is really dangerous but when war breaks we wont hide in our house and wait for enemy to disappear. enemy has reached at your door steps and these official datas about infections and deaths are only 30 or 40% of real infections

all the best. dont expect a reply

Heard abt serum institute and bharat bio tech ? India supplies 60_70 percent of vaccine to world.. covaxin human trial has started . Serum ll be producing oxford vaccine with in months.. 

How many centers are there ? People from hinterlands ll visit those cities most of which are hotspot.. Then ll take back those virus to their villages and towns.. I shifted my center frm delhi to raipur nd now its a containment zone.. by oct raipur seems to be one of the worst hit city

And plz..  its not a war . Get over this millitary mindset . It suits only in border .

Ankit_sahu,Destiny93and7 otherslike this
I totally agree with what has been said in the last few comments. Postponing the exam scheduled for 31st May had great utility. Cases were largely confined to a few states, containment zones and interstate borders were sealed, there was uncertainty. Things are now clearer, we have been unable to stop community transmission, which means we are already going down the spiral. As active cases increase, there won't be much utility in postponing the exam which roughly 5 lakh students appear for, when you're dealing with several millions(as is being projected). Rather it would be prudent to take extra precautions, like UGC suggested separate class rooms for those students with high temperature or other covid like symptoms. Situation will be cleared by mid August, as NDA exam is scheduled for September. We'll know whether UPSC is willing to take this gamble or not
@rafael I wish producing vaccines was enough. We are still running Indradhanush type schemes due to poor vaccination. 

Raipur of course was a very safe place but with people moving in and out this was bound to happen. In fact ones the international flights start, greater risk will come.

It all comes down to how long are we ready to sit at our homes and not move out even for something necessary or essential? 
If all the exams are cancelled for a year or two, just imagine the unemployment rate in the country which is already soaring high. 

@rafael There won't be any Vaccine for next 12 Months. We all are already living with this Virus. And even when the  Vaccine arrives it will take 4 or 5 years to get all 140 Crore Indians vaccinated. 

Peace Out. 

India produces 3billion doses of  vaccine per year and serum produces 1.2 bl doses on its own...   we dnt need to vaccinate all 140crore ..  40/50 percent ll do the job .  

@Agog  your concerns are valid and justified my friend. But I don't see any merit from administrative point of view.  Not conducting/postponing prelims is not going to slow down the spread. At the risk of sounding pessimistic, I'll frankly say that government has given up on curbing the disease (contact tracing has almost been discarded, since it's no longer practical to find the source and possible contacts). Yes political and public outrage may force the hand of the government, but Covid-19 itself will not be the primary concern for postponement.
One death is tragedy, a million deaths is just another statistics. That's how human beings cope with things beyond their control. Why else is UGC adamant on conducting final year exams by September?

Tetsuko,MaeveWileyand1 otherslike this
@Agog unemployment problem before COVID-19 and now is very different. I hope you know that. 

Also, if there are people who want to wait for vaccine, they have the option of not writing the exam/withdrawing the application. It won't amount to an attempt for them. 
But there are people who clearly can't wait for vaccine to be out - they are willing to take the risk. And if the economy is getting opened up, work is being resumed, I do not see why exam cannot take place. 

Plus it's easier to take this exam than conducting boards or university exams because people have an option of opting out. 


Everything well and good, just that the virus doesn't like arrogance. Let's just pray that UPSC comes up with some foolproof arrangements to handle such a large crowd on a single day.

Else a few of us may end up paying very dearly. 

Chanakya,slightedge109and1 otherslike this
Exam will happen on 4th. Government is determined to hold exams for JEE and NEET and if these exams are conducted then there's no way Upsc will postpone the exam again. Regarding Corona, cases we are seeing right now is just the tip of the iceberg. There is huge number of people that are asymptomatic and are going unreported. One of my friend who began going to office came in contact with Corona patient and was quarantined at his house but wasn't tested  even though he had very mild symptoms of corona. Doctors told him not to get tested as he is already on the recovery path.. This is just one incident, just imagine how many people will be hiding their symptoms or are asymptomatic.
@sulawesi i think you are not prepared.
1. there will be no vaccine for next 8 to 10 months if it is india wont get it first. america and britain will save their citizen first.
2. corona does not infect only in exams halls. its right there in your vegetables fruits and nearby markets. it can come from anywhere then why only exams to be postponed? dont be hypocrite.
3. come on man live with it exams requires travel upsc gave you option to change your center. if you dont come out of your home even in your city then you should not come out of your home till next year july August when india gets fully vacinated. but i know you are hypocrite you will come out.
4. what about those guys who are reaching 28+ or nearing 30+ ? dont be selfish. october is better than jan 2021 you will see in future when jan 2021 will have 1 crore infections in india at this pace.

so stop all your speculation about exam postponement and behave like a matured competitor.

corona is really dangerous but when war breaks we wont hide in our house and wait for enemy to disappear. enemy has reached at your door steps and these official datas about infections and deaths are only 30 or 40% of real infections

all the best. dont expect a reply

It's true that there won't be any vaccine as against hyped in media. Even if phase-3 trials are successful it will take months to come in the market, specially in india. But at least there has to be some flattening in the curve. (At least spread has to be contained in no of districts... Condition now is we have cases almost in every corner of cities) Right now, if mumbai is getting better , bihar, west bengal etc r going to be worse.

Corona doesn't infect only in exams. But here one doesn't have any safe choice regarding  travel, residence, food etc..All this for one day ...What is the cost to benefit?

I live in MH. In my city (& I think it holds true everywhere), hospitals are billing in not less than 2 lakhs, quarantine centres are in  poor condition. People r under stress more bcoz of this quarantine n hospital bill...This propels them not to take test, hide symptoms. If unemployment is a problem, then in this time this economic costs are also high. No political party is taking any tough stand.

Speaking about vaccines, there accuracy and efficiency is another topic. Availability of vaccine will not do any magic immediately.

What I feel is that this may take 4-5 months more to contain the spread. Corona will not vanish, but then we might have less no of containment zones (actually now I have 2-3 cases in my neighborhood, but only their house is sealed, I can walk through front of the this is also a way containment zones are reducing/no increase...practical though) e.g. now in Germany, Italy, Spain etc, daily no of cases is significantly on lower side and lockdowns r being imposed where second/3rd wave is coming. But how much time it will take nobody knows. Crests and troughs cycle might continue, but gap between must be larger. Active cases rate should go down.

GaryVee,Kapiushonand3 otherslike this

times are such as no prediction stands anywhere..pre will happen or not will be decided by how situation is uptoearly September

Tyler Durden,

One of the easiest ways to start all the activities is through "effective" covering of the face. 

I really wish there was a face mask which could shield mouth, nose and eyes with 99% efficacy. This would enable all activities to return.

But, sadly there are no such masks and people don't even wear masks properly. (Those uncles who cover only their mouth while wearing masks :| ) 

I really hope there is some R & D going on to produce the most efficient face shield. If this is done, we will also get more time to develop proper vaccines. 

Oasis,Tetsukoand4 otherslike this
@pizzza normal face mask hi nahi naseeb ho pa rha , aap face shield ki baat kar rhe hain ...
Mask purchase krne jaao to available hi nii h aur hai bhi 20 rs wala 100 me becha ja rha...

Now coming to exam , as said by someone exam doesnt takes place only in exam halls but also in hotels , railway stations , bus stands , autos etc 
Not everyone is so rich to book to a personal car , book personal room in hotel etc 
People here are so crazy as if upsc is most essential thing for human survival not water or food ...
Govt 1 saal upsc nahi kraegi to govt ko ghanta fark nii padna , 
Jahan tak rahi neet, jee mains ki baat to wo bhi abhi hua nii h ...dates hi di ja rhi hain ...jab ho jaae tab baat kriyega sab log 

Oasis,GaryVeeand6 otherslike this

There are really interesting perspectives here in this discussion. I would like to add mine. 

I currently live in one of the remotest part of the nation. We used to joke about the virus reaching this far

But yesterday it did,  and today there were 2 deaths within my living radius of 2km. The cause of death,  though administratively isn't yet corona, but all here in the community know it definitely is. The age profile of the deceased was 32, fit as ever and healthy. 

The question that needs answering isn't about whether Pre would or would not happen on the 4th of Oct,  but whether as an individual / human being,  you are willing to take the mammoth risk of attempting the exam amidst 500 odd people on a crowded centre in a different city. Whether you would be in a free mind to think as required in Prelims in those 2 hours,  or you would keep your mind occupied with the person sitting behind you sneezing and reportedly has fever/ shivering.  It would not be a fair game at all. 

Corona is for real guys. Its knocking at our doors. The greatest achievement of our lives yet would be to survive this shit China has put us into. 

I think it's time to actually implement the hallowed statement put across by many topers ' Don't make this exam bigger than life'  

I wish for the good health of all here.  :) 

Oasis,neroand15 otherslike this

Not prepared ???? For what risking our family lives. My dad is a CMO and has to Serve the society even in such dire situation . He is diabetic and 8 out of 10 , yes I repeat 8 out of 10 people in his office have been tested positive. He recently lost 2 of his associates. He himself has been tested twice and due to god’s grace reports were negative . But now the situation is getting worse day by day . 

Going by your statements , it seems the only person actually unprepared for the exam is you my friend . Vaccines don’t work that way . They are not supposed to distributed like Prasad. Bharat biotech aur serum institute to bohot badey  h , zydus Cadilla in India is prepared to manufacture 10 million vaccines as soon as any trials are successful. It would be shared worldwide by any country . 

2. Vegetable aur fruits can be washed properly and they are a necessity , ye kya sabko hypocrite , hypocrite laga rakha h . “Corona can come anywhere “ you say and anybody who steps out of his/her home is to buy necessary things and that too on a risk . Upsc and essential items are not the same.

3. And what’s this argument “ what about guys reaching 28+ “ , u mean they don’t have another year to spare hence keeping in mind the urgency of some over aged people let’s risk it all ??? 28+ waley agar 6-8 mahine wait kar liye to menopause aa jaega kya unka ? 

P.s- no offence guys , I myself am 27 .

4. Even if there are 1 crore cases by jan , keep in mind this exam is a yearlong process , and everybody out there isn’t going through the same circumstance as you. Just because you are getting anxious , doesn’t mean u can label anyone as “hypocrite” . Now as the situation warrants we must adjust ourselves to this gap period and prepare accordingly even if exam is conducted in jan , aug or anytime .

Shah,Caesarand21 otherslike this


@rafael There won't be any Vaccine for next 12 Months. We all are already living with this Virus. And even when the  Vaccine arrives it will take 4 or 5 years to get all 140 Crore Indians vaccinated. 

Peace Out. 

India produces 3billion doses of  vaccine per year and serum produces 1.2 bl doses on its own...   we dnt need to vaccinate all 140crore ..  40/50 percent ll do the job .  

@rafael I wish it was as simple as it looks. Please understand herd immunity doesn't work at any proposed loose numbers we throw at each other (saying 40-50% or 70-80%). There are several factors involved like demography, region specific etc etc ( a good layman explanation for understanding this is given in kurzegast video on herd immunity on YT). Also even if we have a number, production doesn't mean accessibility for all especially in a country like India.

As for exams happening or not, will the govt open up or not, we cannot rely on anything as of now, everyone even scientists and policy makers are understanding response to virus as of now. Heck the statistical models of last months can't be relied upon given the dynamic nature of problem here and ultimate shit will follow if it is found out that virus has mutated as major present trials across the world are based on earlier genome sequences of this virus. 

What we can only do is focus on controllables and prepare well for any situation (easier said than done). Pls ensure safety of your loved ones. Call it poetic or whatever, but this makes me realise that this is one of those beautiful tragic moments where maybe you'll come face to face with life and death. something so heart wrenching yet so ignored in our materialistic world. Cherish these moments.

@pizzza normal face mask hi nahi naseeb ho pa rha , aap face shield ki baat kar rhe hain ...
Mask purchase krne jaao to available hi nii h aur hai bhi 20 rs wala 100 me becha ja rha...

Now coming to exam , as said by someone exam doesnt takes place only in exam halls but also in hotels , railway stations , bus stands , autos etc 
Not everyone is so rich to book to a personal car , book personal room in hotel etc 
People here are so crazy as if upsc is most essential thing for human survival not water or food ...
Govt 1 saal upsc nahi kraegi to govt ko ghanta fark nii padna , 
Jahan tak rahi neet, jee mains ki baat to wo bhi abhi hua nii h ...dates hi di ja rhi hain ...jab ho jaae tab baat kriyega sab log 

Availability is always an issue when it's in private hands. That was anyhow not my point. 

The only major way virus comes out of anyone's body is through mouth and nose. If we find a way to block that 99% of times, we have a solution that will bring back economy to its life. Even public gatherings can be held. 

We need a mask for that. There's no such mask on earth as of now and I hope there is one in the future. 

And if there's such a mask in the future, don't worry. The govt will come at your doorsteps and give you that for free.


There are really interesting perspectives here in this discussion. I would like to add mine. 

I currently live in one of the remotest part of the nation. We used to joke about the virus reaching this far

But yesterday it did,  and today there were 2 deaths within my living radius of 2km. The cause of death,  though administratively isn't yet corona, but all here in the community know it definitely is. The age profile of the deceased was 32, fit as ever and healthy. 

The question that needs answering isn't about whether Pre would or would not happen on the 4th of Oct,  but whether as an individual / human being,  you are willing to take the mammoth risk of attempting the exam amidst 500 odd people on a crowded centre in a different city. Whether you would be in a free mind to think as required in Prelims in those 2 hours,  or you would keep your mind occupied with the person sitting behind you sneezing and reportedly has fever/ shivering.  It would not be a fair game at all. 

Corona is for real guys. Its knocking at our doors. The greatest achievement of our lives yet would be to survive this shit China has put us into. 

I think it's time to actually implement the hallowed statement put across by many topers ' Don't make this exam bigger than life'  

I wish for the good health of all here.  :) 

Hope you are safe buddy. Take care. Reminds me of our group conversations in March/April. 


//// Point1 is specifically written for the user: 'The_Deadline'. others may skip this, and move to point2 onwards///

1)Sir, I generally refrain from giving personal replies. But, i am compelled to. I don't know what made you think that i am not well prepared or that i am a hypocrite. When we are discussing an issue, it's better to stick to it, rather than going down into personal remarks, because neither of us know the other:  The fact that we are not using our real names show that we wish to stay impersonal on the platform and share issue based opinions . (Neither of our hall tickets have the names the dead line or sulawesi)  one thing I learned in my journey is never to make uninvited remarks on other's performance or frame an opinion from a hazy uninformed plank. Unless called for, i need not give unsolicited reviews of other's state of mind. Because, that's not my job. That said, the issue:
( since we don't have any property dispute sort of thing , let's end these personal remarks. if at all you comment further, let those be issue specific)

All the best

2) I strongly feel that exam is not just a two hour affair. Not all aspirants live in the centres where exam gets conducted. Personally, my exam centre calls for a eight hour bus journey ( with three transits), which effectively means i should start atleast by the evening of oct-3 and is should make a night stay.
3) this essentially means that the entire secondary infrastructure :- autos, approach roads, bus stands, buses, hotels should be good enough . The primary infrastructure ( exam centre) can be sanitised n- number of times by UPSC, but if the secondary infrastructure is not well kept, things turn out bad. in my home town, i can selectively decide my interactions and plan my life accordingly.and  the neighborhood is an amalgam of trustworthy people whom I meet daily. I remember chiding one of the staff at the milk booth for not wearing a mask, and it didn't turn out bad. he understood the intensity of the issue and rectified it. some of the other customers came to back me off.  that sense of control on surroundings is particularly absent in 'the holy town of exam'

4) It's not just a 5/6 lakh students appearing the exam. most of them have a care taker accompanying them. ( most probably a parent of 50+years) .  people are talking of how immunity system helps in keeping away the virus. CSE aspirants who mostly dwell on non-homefood, are known for the notoriety of their immunity systems. so, we don't know who faces the music first.

5) suppose if a person gives prelims, and lateron he catches the virus, he may  spend the next fortnight in hospital. that effectively reduces his prep time for mains, which is clearly unfair . unlike jee exams which are a one-time performance capture exams, CSE is a multi level exam, where the candidate should excel at every stage. It will be unfair to punish someone for no fault of his.

6) the above point is applicable if he is in the 97% (recovered) category, better he loses a fortnight. But, if he is in the 3% category, he succumbs. It's a statisic for the rest of us, but it is a  life for his family.

6a) even if 1% of the aspirants catch the virus (1% of 6lakh), we end up with 6000 patients. and by a conservative 3% succumb rate, 180 of them will bid farewell.  interestingly, 180 is a sacred number. it is the number of vacancies for the so called elite services  among the total vacancy posts .  everyone of us want to be in that elite 180, but no one want to be in this notorious 180.

7) life is a gamble of assumptions, and i assume that unless the vaccine comes out or unless the cases get plateaued, the chances of exam being conducted is less. Bengaluru and parts of kerala which successfully contained the first blow of virus, opened up and unfortunately they are facing a second wave of infection.

8) fighting with a microbe is not similar to fighting with a person. none of our governments have experience in that. hence they are just selling optimism. and we have to buy what they sell. Even a single careless individual can spoil the entire game. its 100%  not in our hands to be safe. it's like the joker arranging two ships with alt explosives in  dark knight.// "my life is in the other's hands and his life is in my hands."// only if we all of us act sensibly can we get out of this pandemic. its a test to our collective intellect.

All the best.

Oasis,neroand22 otherslike this
Dont use toilet in the centre . That is going to be corona hotspot . 
Oasis,Tetsukoand1 otherslike this
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