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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this




@LeoMessi After 10 years in service most of us il bcm the same.Sm topper IFS video was posted here female 1.See her way of talking,accent within 1 year ,il mak u feel she s trying 2 b special just by passing xam(in reality just an avg woman).And the real man s who keeps such nefarious tendencies at bay,if evry1 cud do tht, humbleness wont b a scarce virtue!!Nd why nly arrogance,we all shuld do reality chck 4 human values,imo civil service competitivenss has made max aspirants crooked,unconnected with society(on forum itself ask smthing abt study see the 1 lways on gossip toes ill tell evrything xcpt hitting bulls eye dilly dallying lik i just clrd dnt know why or simply not replying,interestingly previously talkd IFS wud b role model of these guys),so not r8 2blame solely urban elites just bcauz we r at the receiving end!!

bhai this is the challenge in this world. After reading this anthro i understood that what we are being taught at our school/college is just useless stuff. the world is training us to become consumers, nothing else. and in all this game society is awarding us such #jahils as u told. 

“It is verysimpleto be happy, but it is very difficult to besimple.” ― Rabindranath Tagore

@iskool You will soon realise that what you learnt in the upsc process ie reading optionals/gs and all those plethora of theories all are bs in the real world. CSE is simply an exam and its contents/syllabus shouldn't be overrated to the extent of understanding real human societies or how it all works. Most of the theories you read in social science optionals are all irrelevant claptrap written from an outdated postmodern perspective  by a highly dogmatic group world over regurgitated in a modern way in your newspapers/ca editorials most of which was 0 practical/real world application. Only thing that should matter in this exam is clearing it for an aspirant or when the reality dawns after failures/exhausting attempts leave it for a real world education in a real job/business+societal interactions and experience the reality of living in a more practical way. The covid experience is one such moment in the reality matrix that will awaken the conscience of the bot like aspirant community.

ssver2,Caesarand8 otherslike this

The Commission has come out with a press release on how it managed to ensure movement for interviews despite covid. Simply, states were requested to allow movement across zones for those bearing e summons.

Something similar could be done for prelims, assuming transport is sorted out by then.

Dead Man,
@Agog  yes...that's the 3 idiots movie "chatur" is an embodiment of all these characteristic you said......😂. Plz share the link of ifs topper video...or rank/year ?


These times all we need is positivity, so speculation will only lead to multicipity of negative thoughts which in actuality ( for exam on 4 Oct)wouldnt be there, Let's consider the imminent danger that we face and also gauge it, Fear will paralyze us, and ignorance leads to disaster. What we need is currect balance of both. 

At times though we have greatest perfectest plans (about conducting exams) are bound to have loopholes we can't have fool proof strategy for a situation like this, or may be in years to come ..everyone's in a dilemma.. Getting through this phase, with minimum loss, as possible is what we can hope for.

For me upsc and one more year is the significant loss of time and money. Entirely my perspective. Let the ring masters (upsc) decide what they have to, we are here to nod. 

Jai hind

@Agog Rightly said. A humble human being is rare now a days. Our society will change you.In today's world if someone post (roast) something in abusive language on social media ,that person will become famous. I feel really sorry for the young generation who follows them beleive they are influencer. 

Caesar,Kapiushonand3 otherslike this

Sorry for diverting this thread motive.

Caesar,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this

The Commission has come out with a press release on how it managed to ensure movement for interviews despite covid. Simply, states were requested to allow movement across zones for those bearing e summons.

Something similar could be done for prelims, assuming transport is sorted out by then.

Neither will commission be able to provide "sealed kit" to lakhs of candidates nor can it ensure 100% sanitization of so many centres or safety of staff as well. And this is almost impossible without increasing number of centres multifold. Don't think commission can ensure "the highest standards of safety even as it fulfills it's constitutional mandate.." to conduct pre in October if conditions remains same as of now or get worse. 

P.S. : 100% safety cannot be ensured for long time now, but risk has to be very minimal. Right now we should study 6/7/8+ hours whatever we can consistently without taking too much of stress.

GaryVee,iskooland5 otherslike this
@Constant Commission can follow the lead of JEE and NEET. Even if Commission postpones, Commission will have to grapple with same issues few months down the line. The Commission may be full of babus but it is likely to have at least this foresight. Let's prepare as if the Commission is conducting it on time, and if the Commission wavers, we can count on it to make our lives hell later. 🤫

I think in worst case scenario UPSC should club 2020 and 2021 exams together with fresh advertisement have more number of vacancies and exams in April or May. 

Even that is not possible.
If and when conducted , exams will have to be conducted separately.

They dont have the facilities to train OTs of two batches concurrently. Even if they conduct a common exam the later batch will have to wait until the previous one completes its FC.
So no point in conducting a joint exam


btw interviews have started today. since no postponing info........... i guess yess!!

They wrote to every state govt..  subsidised air fare both two and fro.. Gave face mask , shield, gloves, bottle of sanitizer upon arrival.. made arrangement for lodging . Made arrengement for shield between interviewer and interviewee.. regular santization of rooms and halls .. 

They did a good job .

@rafael doing these arrangements for handful of candidates is easy ; not for lakhs of candidates and their guardians ...

GaryVee,iskooland3 otherslike this

Seems like things are happening with government is determined to risk student life. The pace at which things are opening it seems like exams might happen on schedule. Just few days ago TCS which is tasked with conducting bank exams by ibps has released detailed sop to conduct bank exams with more number of shifts, and many more social distancing measures. 


Seems like things are happening with government is determined to risk student life. The pace at which things are opening it seems like exams might happen on schedule. Just few days ago TCS which is tasked with conducting bank exams by ibps has released detailed sop to conduct bank exams with more number of shifts, and many more social distancing measures. 

also in last week, UPSC scheduled 3 exams in October. So yes!!


Coronavirus vaccine likely by end of 2020 or early next year, says AIIMS director:


Chances of postponement of exam is more. India has not reached it's peak yet,and infection hasn't reached to Bimaru states and it's villages.

Keep studying as there is no  postponement. Anyone from Bengaluru here? Where can I get the  printed copies of insights and iasbaba prelims test series.






@LeoMessi After 10 years in service most of us il bcm the same.Sm topper IFS video was posted here female 1.See her way of talking,accent within 1 year ,il mak u feel she s trying 2 b special just by passing xam(in reality just an avg woman).And the real man s who keeps such nefarious tendencies at bay,if evry1 cud do tht, humbleness wont b a scarce virtue!!Nd why nly arrogance,we all shuld do reality chck 4 human values,imo civil service competitivenss has made max aspirants crooked,unconnected with society(on forum itself ask smthing abt study see the 1 lways on gossip toes ill tell evrything xcpt hitting bulls eye dilly dallying lik i just clrd dnt know why or simply not replying,interestingly previously talkd IFS wud b role model of these guys),so not r8 2blame solely urban elites just bcauz we r at the receiving end!!

bhai this is the challenge in this world. After reading this anthro i understood that what we are being taught at our school/college is just useless stuff. the world is training us to become consumers, nothing else. and in all this game society is awarding us such #jahils as u told. 

“It is verysimpleto be happy, but it is very difficult to besimple.” ― Rabindranath Tagore

@iskool You will soon realise that what you learnt in the upsc process ie reading optionals/gs and all those plethora of theories all are bs in the real world. CSE is simply an exam and its contents/syllabus shouldn't be overrated to the extent of understanding real human societies or how it all works. Most of the theories you read in social science optionals are all irrelevant claptrap written from an outdated postmodern perspective  by a highly dogmatic group world over regurgitated in a modern way in your newspapers/ca editorials most of which was 0 practical/real world application. Only thing that should matter in this exam is clearing it for an aspirant or when the reality dawns after failures/exhausting attempts leave it for a real world education in a real job/business+societal interactions and experience the reality of living in a more practical way. The covid experience is one such moment in the reality matrix that will awaken the conscience of the bot like aspirant community.

bhai its not like that trust me else the world would have collapsed. so far studies i agree with you but these things influence the thought process of a human being and it change" i hate this westernization and value my country, culture, etc more. earlier i was like let's settle in Stockholm or Massachusetts." and this is what i have learnt.second changei learnt to respect women more, the type of sacrifices they do for us, should be respected. became an engineer but never realized this crap of society.
third changevalue human as human not as sc/st, tribal, poor etc. 
maybe all these seem a bit philosophical cant't help. eagarly waiting to demonstrate this through my action on ground zero. 

Although, I think you are not wrong.

nero,Raillifeand4 otherslike this
@iskool You don't need a textbook to teach any of the 3 things that you mentioned as a learning. Simple life experiences would be enough for that. On the contrary your society textbook class 12 would bunch people into pigeon holes of the opressor and opressed. It creates a false  narrative of us v them. It removes the individual aspect that is unique to every individual. Human societies simply are a sum and function of individual values. Anyways good for you that you think you are better now in understanding this relative to what you were before. Hope you practice what u preach out there in the real world and see how it goes😁 Otherwise it would be all talk and no trousers, no?

guys,i wanted to view my application on but i am not able to log in.Is anyone having the same problem?
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