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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this



I gave my first attempt/mains in 2019 but couldn't clear it. 

While i was trying to figure what went wrong - one important thing was proper deconstruction of some of the questions! 

For example in these questions, what heads/dimensions one need to cover  - can anyone experienced, who cleared this year's mains can answer? =     

1. ‘In the context of neo-liberal paradigm of development planning, multi-level planning is expected to make operations cost effective and remove many implementation blockages.’-Discuss. 

2. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

3. What introduces friction into the ties between India and the United States is that Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions” Explain with suitable examples

4. Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss

For example in 1st one, what i wrote was = 
1. Definition of Development Planning
2. Key components of Planning (in neoliberal paradigm), example - Role of PPP, Use of Indices, Inter-sectoral convergence, Local level Plans, Bureaucracy, Use of Pragmatism, etc.
3. Issues faced in current planning models = Corruption, Red tapism, bureaucratic delays, Over-centralization
4. Definition of Multi-level Planning 
5. Significance of Multi-level planning = Bottom up approach, auditing, participation of local level community, etc.
6. Case Study of Jal Jeevan Mission (Local Level Planning, Paani Panchayat)
7. Conclusion 

My question is - it has been asked about making operations cost effective and remove multiple implementation blockages; So how these be focused in the point? Should i go more deep and dig into specifically how it makes operations cost effective and remove implementation blockages. 

This issue I have faced in almost all the "discuss" wale question with a statement. Can anyone tell me how to deal with these questions; Should i deconstruct them in generic - About, Issue, Solutions type or should i specifically deal with the complex statements given in the question? 

Say in the 3rd question, should i only write = what are the contentious points between USA and India and how should India approach them or should i deconstruct in What position USA is aspiring for India, What India wants, How there is conflict.... ? 

Similarly in the 4th question should i focus specifically and dig why there is lack of awareness and why there is no active involvement at all stages of policy process or simply = What Schemes, Issue in Schemes, and Way forward types? 

Please help here. Would appreciate! 

I haven’t written Mains even once. I flunked Prelims in  my first attempt in 2019 and next attempt will be my second attempt but I have done a good amount of answer writing practice and hence I would like to share my opinion/s and perspective/s. Feel free to suggest/improvise further.

First question:-

Post reading your content, I felt that your answer had  a lot of richness in it but IMO, you didn’t address the demand of the question. No where in your content I found you mentioning how multilevel planning helps in making operations cost effective and remove bottlenecks which in actual was the real demand of the question.

My approach:- 

Intro->talk about what is multilevel planning and highlight features,benefits  of multi-level planning.

Body:->talk about lacunae in planning in India like lack of resources, coordination, proper implementation/execution, inefficient targeting etc.

And just after highlighting the lacunae, I’ll talk about how multi-level planning helps to achieve the above mentioned objectives like via coordination, efficiency, accountability, active participation, optimum utilisation and likewise. 

Conclusion/way forward- will talk about , Jal Jeevan mission and PRI tussle, Local Bodies And Covid management like Kerela example, (keeping in mind I’m writing this answer at present post covid emergence), locust management( cooperation between LWO, science ministry, Agri ministry, FPO, PRI) etc

Third question:-

IMO, in this question, the second approach that you mentioned would be synonymous to “Udta Teer lena” in the sense that by proceeding with this approach, it will take a toll on time management as you have to think holistically, relate things between two countries and then write too.

First approach in which you are directly addressing the question seems to be a sound one as per me.

My approach:-

This is a simple question and there is no harm in attacking it directly.

Intro:->talk about India-US relation by quoting bilateral trade data, professional relations example IT professionals , H1b visa etc.

Body:->talk about the differences between the needs and aspirations of India and US. Few examples I would like to give here,:-

First, India’s stake in Iran like India being oil importing country, Charbahar port etc and on the contrary how USA is hell bent to marginalise Iran, ex Iran deal, sanctions etc.

Second, India’s stake in Afghanistan. How Afghan peace deal is led by USA and its allies and how India is being kept out of the discussion table. 

Third, India- Pakistan tussle. Example:- India trying it bests to curb cross border terrorism emanating from Pak and how US shares a similar view but is not able to do much about it due to Taliban-Pak proximity and how pak is a key player in Afghan resolution.

Economic angle can be given too by talking about trade issues like Harley Davidson, medical instruments, dairy products etc 

To balance the answer, I would also talk about how both the countries are increasing bonhomie among them via various military deals, Safe and secure Indo Pacific, quad group etc.

Conclusion/way forward:->How both the countries can contribute in securing and establishing  a new global  order via mutual cooperation like restoration of Iran deal, implementation of Paris accord, International Solar alliance, restoring democracy in Afghan, Honkong and likewise. 

Question 4:-

The approach that you mentioned for this question is a sound one. Even I would proceed along in a similar fashion.

P.S.- This is a very useful and a brilliant post. The only issue with this post is that question 2 and question 4 that you mentioned are repetitive in nature. I wish to upvote this post, please rectify it asap and I will do the same. 


deceptrix,JessicaPearsonand1 otherslike this

Noted! But have questions = 

In the first one, what you are doing is - making the head as "How Multi-level planning helps in making cost-effective" or "How it helps in solving implementation blockage" but you are actually writing "generic points" of Advantages of Multi-level planning. I mean particularly for making cost-effective = there should be specific cost effective wale points? But other way round, in both ways the points would be same! Multi-level planning brings local level participation is one generic advantage of Multi-level planning but it can be used both for the cost and implementation blockage wale points? But my question was how to link the same with these points (cost and implementation blockage); Should there be a directive word? Or is it okay to making the head to what specifically has been asked but writing the same generic points? 

Example, you gave - Optimum utilization as example. But how? How optimum utilization linked to cost effectiveness or implementation blockage? Any directive/linkage word? Or just as = Optimum utilization brings cost effectiveness? My next point is how Multi-level planning itself brings optimum utilization? We can also ask that if you can directly write Multi-level planning brings optimum utilization then why can't we directly write ML planning brings cost effectiveness? Both are alike in way both needs some directive words to prove?

In 2nd question, if you read the question very carefully - it is not same as what are the issues between USA and India? The points you have mentioned is what are the issues between India and USA.  "Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions".  Should not write the other way round (as mentioned in my previous points); 

I have seen some toppers copies and what i see is they create the complex questions into = Intro, Issue, Steps, Way Forward type in almost all the questions. But in some toppers they write what has been specifically asked in a way exactly and dealing with each small part?

Similarly in Policy wala question, should we write about = 

1) Why there is lack of awareness? 

2) Why there is lack of active involvement at all levels? 

Or should i prove that there is lack of awareness and lack of active involvement by examples? 

Or Should i write how lack of awareness and active involvement decreasing policy effectiveness? 

Or Should i give examples of schemes and bring how lack of awareness and active involvement not leading to achievement of goals? 

PS - In almost all these "obvious proving" types question, how to maintain objectivity?

Tyler Durden,

Noted! But have questions = 

In the first one, what you are doing is - making the head as "How Multi-level planning helps in making cost-effective" or "How it helps in solving implementation blockage" but you are actually writing "generic points" of Advantages of Multi-level planning. I mean particularly for making cost-effective = there should be specific cost effective wale points? But other way round, in both ways the points would be same! Multi-level planning brings local level participation is one generic advantage of Multi-level planning but it can be used both for the cost and implementation blockage wale points? But my question was how to link the same with these points (cost and implementation blockage); Should there be a directive word? Or is it okay to making the head to what specifically has been asked but writing the same generic points? 

In 2nd question, if you read the question very carefully - it is not same as what are the issues between USA and India? The points you have mentioned is what are the issues between India and USA.  "Washington is still unable to find for India a position in its global strategy, which would satisfy India’s National self- esteem and ambitions".  Should not write the other way round (as mentioned in my previous points); 

I have seen some toppers copies and what i see is they create the complex questions into = Intro, Issue, Steps, Way Forward type in almost all the questions. But in some toppers they write what has been specifically asked in a way exactly and dealing with each small part?

Similarly in Policy wala question, should we write about = 

1) Why there is lack of awareness? 

2) Why there is lack of active involvement at all levels? 

Or should i prove that there is lack of awareness and lack of active involvement by examples? 

Or Should i write how lack of awareness and active involvement decreasing policy effectiveness? 

Or Should i give examples of schemes and bring how lack of awareness and active involvement not leading to achievement of goals? 


IMO, the first question is one such question which will draw certain commmon generic points only ie the points will revolve around planning. One difference that can be made is via usage of  dynamic examples/ observational examples.

I wont comment further wrt India-US vala question as i wrote whatever came into my mind.

In policy vala question, one ideal option could  be to merge the first two options suggested by you ie by highlighting how and why there is lack of involvement and awareness along with quoting examples. The third option suggested by you can also be used via writing in 2-3 lines how it is resulting in policy ineffectiveness. Conclusively, the answer can be ended by suggesting way forwards ie what can be done to bridge the gap.

Hello friends, have two doubts, first , is this year's budget anymore relevant post atmanirbhar bharat package? Second, also how relevant is this year economic survey given the changed economic scenario within and outside the country for exam point of view ? How should we be going about these two documents now? . 
@inQuisitive  I don't think I can go out for UPSC Prelims if I see such a crowd at my centre. I would rather wait for the next attempt even though I have only 2 left.
One cannot value this exam more than one's life. The only genuine risk takers can be those who are giving their final or penultimate attempt. All others can and should wait for the next year. Just an honest, responsible opinion..

yes true because somewhere it is not about ourselves only but for our family more. :(



There are two possibilities due to which the prelims exam can happen this year or early Jan (or else it will be a washout), 

1. The efficacy of Favipiravir: It will be clear in the next month or two. If this actually brings down viral load in 4 days for 80-90% of people with mild/moderate infections, then things will open up very soon. 

2. I personally think that the testing numbers are nowhere close to the reality, I feel that crores (around 20-30% of our population) have already been infected and because majority of the cases are asymptomatic, they may have gone unnoticed. At this rate, we may see the peak in Sept-Oct because 50-60% of population would have been infected (if everything is opened, like now) and because of herd immunity, we may see a fall in numbers, result of which things can slowly crawl back to normalcy by Jan 2021. [I feel that Mumbai is experiencing peak right now and numbers may begin to fall by next month]

If the above two hypothesis turn out to be false, then we would be heading towards a lot of uncertainty in the foreseeable future.

As per this video, my hypothesis of case 2 is turning out to be true. 

Prelims (as per my personal opinion) may happen in Dec 2020/Jan 2021 , because cases are most certainly going to drop significantly by then in most parts of India. 

A good news for us this morning. Study hard 🙂

Oasis,Raillifeand2 otherslike this

Just to add my perspective, multi level planning = accountability, think from smaller perspective of panchayat samiti, block level, and zila parishad. This point can also be there. Accountability will also ensure cost effectiveness.

The above can also be added in the above queation and can be elaborated, beyond all the points discussed. 

I think one can also go ahead and start with defining or bringing in the perspective of neo liberalism. 

This was my approach, now I don't remember exactly what I had written 😅



» show previous quotes

As per this video, my hypothesis of case 2 is turning out to be true. 

Prelims (as per my personal opinion) may happen in Dec 2020/Jan 2021 , because cases are most certainly going to drop significantly by then in most parts of India. 

A good news for us this morning. Study hard 🙂

One more good news. Oxford vaccine has shown very promising result by producing strong immune response in the phase 1 n 2 trials. Stock prices have gone high. All eyes on this vaccine. And they have partnered with serum institute in Pune to develop billion doses. With this world can hope to resort back to its 'actual normal' by the end of this year.


Is there any file size limit on uploading the mgp copies can some one tell about it. Facing issues in uploading. 

Also@forumiasacademy  is it mandatory to write in anser booklet or , can i write and submit in A4 sheet adhering to the scales and serial !! 


Hah, one more book I’ll read under pretext of perceived relevance for exam :P

Caesar,Chanakyaand1 otherslike this
Can anyone please tell me how can I change my Prelims Centre....  I'm not able to see any link to do the same in given link... 

A short survey to assist your preparation for civil services

Don't you guys think the SOPs(see link below) by AIIMS experts  for neetwill be followed in UPSC too? Looks like the govt is determined to conduct NEET n JEE in Sept. Coz if they are conducted then UPSC will be too on the following lines. These SOPs are quite elaborate and with UPSC "gearing up for the interviews amidst the covid pandemic".  Any opinion on this?
so if neet can happen, we can say with surety that Prelims will be held as well ?
Don't you guys think the SOPs(see link below) by AIIMS experts  for neetwill be followed in UPSC too? Looks like the govt is determined to conduct NEET n JEE in Sept. Coz if they are conducted then UPSC will be too on the following lines. These SOPs are quite elaborate and with UPSC "gearing up for the interviews amidst the covid pandemic".  Any opinion on this?

SOPs can be prepared for what happens inside the exam center, but a lot more actually happens outside the exam center and that is where the threat is. 

1. For UPSC Prelims, At least more than a lakh students will be travelling to a different city to write exams.

2. Buses, Trains, Airplanes, Cars, Petrol stations, Bus/Rail/Air terminals, Hotels, Restaurants, Crowds outside the center. So many potential areas to get infected. 

3. Unlike JEE and NEET, CSE is a three stage exam. The whole attempt may go for a toss if infected. And, people can file petitions because of this and the exam process may also get affected.

4. Unlike JEE and NEET, there's no urgency to conduct recruitment exams. It can be delayed. 

From how UPSC has handled the situation till now, one can say that it is acting in a very responsible manner and it will think thoroughly before taking any step. Exams will be conducted only if the situation is feasible. So my take is that, whenever the prelims exam will be held, be it on time or delayed, it will be in a safe atmosphere (I can trust UPSC on this). 

GaryVee,mickeyviruand4 otherslike this
And also see number of centres. Most of them will not need to travel out of city. Comparing by no of aspirants for UPSC, CSE should have 1/3rd i.e. at least 1500 centres (considering 6 lakh appear for exam...Actually they have to do arrangements for 10 lakh) 

is govt going for herd immunity in month of September- October 😂

पढ़ लो, 2 महीने पहले भी यही बकर पेल रहे थे । 4 महीने का टाइम दे दिया अब भी वही बकर चल रही । UPSC ने सेंटर बदलवा दिए हैं, नए स्कूल भी खरीद लेगी सेंटर्स के लिए , हर सेंटर पर बच्चे भी कम लेगी, प्लास्टिक शीट्स भी लगवा देगी बेंचेज़ पर कवरिंग के लिए, invigilaters को PPE किट्स भी देदेगी और बच्चों को एक मास्क और face shield sanitiser किट भी दे देगी जरूरी हुआ तो - मगर एग्जाम अक्टूबर में ही होगा । 😎😎😎
ssver2,Itachiand38 otherslike this
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