Q. Justice Amitava Roy panel was seen in news recently. The committee has been formed towards which of the following objective?
Red Book
Red Book

[A] Sub-categorization of Other Backward Classes

[B] Digital payments

[C] Prison reforms

[D] Co-operative societies

Answer: C

Justice Amitava Roy panel on prison reforms: 

In 2018, the Supreme Court-appointed this panel. The committee submitted its report on February 2020 with major recommendations includes 

  • For overcrowding 
  • Special fast-track courts should be set up to deal with petty offences. 
  • Lawyers – prisoners ratio: there should be at least one lawyer for every 30 prisoners. 
  • For Understaffing 
  • The Supreme Court should pass directions to start the recruitment process against vacancies 
  • There should be the use of video-conferencing for trial. 
  • For Prisoners 
  • Every new prisoner should be allowed a free phone call a day to his family members to see him through his first week in jail. 
  • Alternative punishments should be explored. 

Read moreState of Prisons in India – Explained, pointwise 
