What is the difference between social and political democracy? How does the Indian constitution promote social and political democracy?
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Dr B R Ambedkar defined social democracy as a way of life which recognises liberty, equality and fraternity. This ‘Trinity’ ensures social justice. It involves equal treatment of all citizens without any social discrimination. It means absence of privileges of any one section of the society and improvement in the conditions of historically marginalised sections. 

Political democracy implies that all the citizens should have equal political rights, equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the governance.  

Indian Constitution and Social Democracy: 

  1. Right to Equality: Article 14 disallows discrimination on the basis of religion, caste , race, sex or place of birth. 
  2. Affirmative actions: Article 15 and 16 provide reservation for backward communities in education and public employment. 
  3. Untouchability: Article 17 abolishes the practice of untouchability in all its forms. 
  4. Protection against Exploitation: Article 23 prevents human exploitation in the form of bonded labour, human trafficking and so on. 
  5. Directive Principles of State Policy: These principles lay the foundation of socio-economic democracy in India-
    A) Article 38- To promote welfare of the people by securing a social order permeated by justice
    B) Article 39- Redistribution of material resources, prevention of concentration of wealth
    C) Article 39A- To provide equal justice. 

Indian Constitution and political democracy: 

  1. Fundamental Rights form the basis of political democracy in India:
    A) Right to freedom: Freedom of expression, to form association, protection to personal liberty, protection against detention and arrest in certain cases etc. 
  2. Universal Adult Franchise: Right to Vote is a Constitutional right under the Indian Constitution. 
  3. Responsible government: the Indian Constitution holds the Executive responsible to the Legislature. 
  4. Representational form of democracy: Indian Constitution provides for Parliamentary form of government where the Executive and Legislature is representative of the will of the people. 
  5. It provides for free and fair election and an institutional framework for the same- Election Commission of India under Article 324. 

The Constitution of India aims to provide both social and political democracy. This can also be seen in its Preamble which envisages social, political and economic justice while ensuring equality, liberty and fraternity among all. 

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