Q. Consider the following statements:
1.The path taught by the Buddha is often referred to as the Middle Path.
2.Buddhism accepts the transmigration and impermanence, and the idea of God and soul.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

[A] 1 only

[B] 2 only

[C] Both 1 and 2

[D] Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: A

Explanation: The path taught by the Buddha is often referred to as the Middle Path (the one between extreme indulgence and extreme asceticism.) It should be noted that ‘Right’ here signifies ‘proper’, ‘whole’, ‘thorough’, ‘integral’, ‘complete’, and ‘perfect’.

  • It does not necessarily mean ‘right’, as opposed to ‘wrong’. For instance, the opposite of ‘Right Awareness’ is not necessarily ‘Wrong Awareness’.
  • It may simply be ‘incomplete’. Buddha had emphasized that if a person follows this Eight-Fold Path, then he will reach his destination of attaining Nibbana/Nirvana without the machinations of the priests.
  • It should be noted that Buddhism accepts the transmigration and impermanence but rejects the idea of God and soul (atman). According to Buddha, the soul is a myth.
  • In the Buddhist universe, there are many realms (worlds) and many kinds of beings; one can be born as any one of them.

Source: Tamil Nadu NCERT
