Q. The words “Motion interpolation, video interpolation, and the soap opera effect” is often seen in news is related to which of the following?
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[A] Frame rate of videos

[B] Long distance telescopes

[C] Micro telescopes for drug therapy

[D] Thermal image radar system

Answer: A

Motion smoothing is also known as motion interpolation, video interpolation, and the soap opera effect, it refers to a process of reducing motion blur by artificially inflating the frame rate of the film or series.  

  • So, from 24 frames per second (fps) it is increased to 60fps, 120fps or even higher (higher rates are perceived as motion), digitally combining the images to simulate more.  
  • This effect can be useful when watching sports, as the action moves quickly, and enabling the feature allows viewers to catch more details. 

Source: The Hindu 

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