Q. What is the objective of the Project REPLAN?
Red Book
Red Book

[A] Making of plastic-mixed handmade paper

[B] Recycling of used batteries

[C] Clean-up of natural beaches

[D] Promotion of eco-tourism

Answer: A

About Project REPLAN 

  • KVIC, as part of its commitment to Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, had started manufacturing of plastic-mixed handmade paper under its project REPLAN (REducing PLAstic in Nature). 
  • In this project, the waste plastic is collected, cleaned, chopped, beaten and treated for softness. 
  • After that, it is mixed with the paper raw material i.e. cotton rags pulp in a ratio of 80 % (pulp) and 20% (plastic waste). 
  • The institute has sold over six lakh handmade plastic mixed carry bags since September 2018. 

