9 PM Daily Current Affairs Brief – December 12th, 2023

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Mains Oriented Articles
Bihar reservation act- Can Bihar increase its reservation pool?
Source: The post Bihar reservation act has been created on the article “Can Bihar increase its reservation pool?” published in “The Hindu” on 12th December 2023.
UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS paper 2- polity- State Legislatures – structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.
News: The article discusses how the Bihar government approved laws increasing reservations in jobs and education to 75%. This exceeds the Supreme Court’s 50% (60% after EWS) limit set for such reservations. The laws may face legal challenges, and there’s anticipation that the Supreme Court might reconsider this 50% limit.
The Bihar State Legislature recently passed two significant bills unanimously, which have also received the state governor’s approval. These bills propose the same increase in reservations for educational institutions and government jobs and are based on a caste survey conducted by the state government.
The key provisions of these bills are as follows:
The reservation quota for the Extremely Backward Class (EBC) will increase from 18% to 25%. For the Backward Class (BC), it will rise from 12% to 18%. The Scheduled Caste (SC) quota will go up from 16% to 20%, and the Scheduled Tribe (ST) quota will be doubled from 1% to 2%. Additionally, the existing 3% reservation for BC women has been eliminated.
What is the judicial view on Reservations in India?
50% Cap on Reservations: The Supreme Court set a 50% limit on reservations in jobs and education, treating it as an exception under the constitutional framework.
Exceptions to the Rule: In exceptional cases, such as for communities from remote areas, this cap can be exceeded.
10% EWS Reservation: The Court approved an additional 10% reservation for economically weaker sections (EWS), effectively raising the cap to 60%.
For more information on the judicial view on Reservations in India read article1,article2
What Challenges Does the Bihar Government Face with Its Reservation Act?
Breaching the Ceiling: The Bihar government must prove that the communities benefiting from the excess reservation are from remote areas or socially marginalized, as per the Supreme Court’s criteria.
Defending the Motive: Bihar’s Chief Minister rationale, based on caste census results, challenges the Court’s view that reservations should aim for “adequate” representation, not proportionate to population.
Precedent of Legal Challenges: Similar attempts by other states, like Maharashtra and Rajasthan, to exceed reservation limits have been struck down by the courts.
Note: Several states have gone beyond the 50% reservation limit, not including EWS: Chhattisgarh at 72%, Tamil Nadu at 69% (protected by a 1994 Act), and northeastern states like Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Nagaland at 80%. Lakshadweep reserves 100% for Scheduled Tribes.
Way forward
The Bihar government’s reservation act, surpassing the 50% limit, will likely face legal scrutiny. The Supreme Court may be urged to reevaluate this cap, considering Bihar and other states’ precedents. A balance between constitutional guidelines and regional socio-economic realities needs to be found.
Question for practice:
Discuss the potential legal challenges the Bihar government might face with its new reservation laws exceeding the Supreme Court’s cap.
Concerns related to generative AI-Al generates real worries of privacy and accuracy
Source: The post concerns related to generative AI has been created on the article “Gen-Al generates real worries of privacy and accuracy” published in “Live mints” on 12th December 2023.
UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS paper 3- Science and Technology – Developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.
News: The article talks about Google’s generative AI model Gemini, enhancing Bard for handling text, images, and video. It highlights concerns about AI chatbots’ privacy, data use, intellectual property, and reliability. It compares Google’s approach to AI and data privacy with Microsoft’s generative AI model ChatGPT’s methods.
What is Generative AI?
Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence that creates new content, including text, images, music, and videos. It’s powered by large, multi-tasking foundation models requiring minimal training for specific use cases. For example, AI models like DALL-E or DeepDream can generate unique images, OpenAI’s Jukebox can compose new music pieces in various styles, Tools like GPT-3 can write articles, create poetry, or generate code, etc.
Applications of Generative AI
Customer Interactions: Enhances chat and search experiences for better user engagement.
Data Analysis: Processes vast content, generating insights through conversational interfaces and summarizations.
Task Automation: Handles repetitive tasks like responding to RFPs, localizing content in multiple languages, and checking contract compliance.
Content Creation: Capable of generating diverse forms of media for various industries.
Research and Development: Assists in scientific fields by simulating experiments and predicting outcomes.
Personalization: Tailors content and experiences to individual preferences, increasing user engagement in sectors like e-commerce and content streaming.
What are the concerns related to generative AI?
Reliability Issues: AI models can produce unreliable or incorrect results. For example, Bard’s initial version incorrectly stated that the James Webb Space Telescope took the first pictures of a planet outside our solar system, demonstrating AI’s potential for factual errors.
Privacy and Data Use Concerns: AI models are developed using extensive datasets, which might inadvertently include personal details, posing a risk to user privacy. Additionally, the disclaimers for these AI models are often written in complex legal terms. This complexity makes it difficult to understand how they collect and use data, raising concerns about the transparency of their data handling processes.
Intellectual Property and Ownership Issues: There’s uncertainty about who owns the content AI chatbots create, posing legal and ethical challenges.
Accountability for Harmful Outputs: AI chatbots face difficulty in being held accountable for misinformation, offensive content, or hate speech.
What are the initiatives taken to promote AI in India?
- Kamakoti led AI Task Force established for exploring AI applications in various fields.
NITI Aayog’s discussion paper presents a national AI strategy focusing on healthcare, agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, and smart mobility and transportation.
ICMR’s “Ethical Guidelines for Application of AI in Biomedical Research and Health care” sets out 10 key ethical principles for AI in healthcare.
DRDO’s Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) engages in AI research.
IIT Kharagpur collaborates with Amazon Web Services for the National AI Resource Platform (NAIRP) to enhance teaching and learning through AI.
SUVAS (Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software), an AI tool developed for the Supreme Court, helps translate judgments into various regional languages.
What is the status of regulation of AI in India and across the globe?
Question for practice:
Discuss the concerns related to AI chatbots and provide examples to illustrate these concerns.
Odisha’s successful agricultural transformation-Harvest the Odisha story to ensure food security
Source: The post Odisha’s successful agricultural transformation has been created on the article “Harvest the Odisha story to ensure food security” published in “The Hindu” on 12th December 2023.
UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS paper 3- Indian Economy- food security
News: The article discusses Odisha’s successful agricultural transformation model, which can be useful in resolving the global issue of agriculture crises led by climate change.
Why is there a need for agricultural transformation?
Rising Number of Disasters: The climate crisis is escalating the frequency of natural disasters, projected to increase to 560 per year, or about 1.5 disasters per day.
Growing Hunger and Malnutrition: Unchecked climate change is expected to exacerbate hunger and malnutrition by 20%.
Declining Food Productivity: Global warming could lead to a 21% decline in food productivity.
What are the achievements of Odisha’s agriculture model?
Significant National Contribution: Odisha, once faced with food scarcity, is now a major paddy producer, contributing 9% of India’s rice and 4.22% of its total food grain production. For example, Kalahandi district, previously known as the “land of hunger,” has been transformed into Odisha’s rice bowl.
Top National Ranking: In 2022, Odisha was ranked as the top state in India for implementing the National Food Security Act, reflecting its effective food security strategies.
Global Recognition as a Model: Odisha’s transformation is globally acknowledged as a successful example of sustainable agricultural development amidst climate challenges.
What steps did Odisha take for agricultural transformation?
Comprehensive Climate Change Action Plan: Odisha developed a wide-ranging plan addressing sectors like agriculture, energy, and water resources, to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts. A key focus was on these farmers, who form a large part of Odisha’s agricultural community.
Implementing the KALIA Scheme: The Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation (KALIA) program was introduced to provide financial, livelihood, and agricultural support to farmers.
Crop Diversification and Sustainable Practices: Initiatives like the Odisha Millet Mission promoted diversified cropping to build resilience against climate change, alongside training in integrated nutrient and pest management.
Bottom-Up Approach for Climate Resilience: The state adopted a grassroots strategy, with the Crop Weather Watch Group conducting weekly meetings and field visits, enabling timely responses to adverse weather conditions.
Partnership with the UN World Food Programme: This collaboration brought innovative solutions to improve food and nutrition security in the state, like biometric technology in public distribution systems and rice fortification projects.
Way forward
Odisha’s successful agricultural transformation offers a valuable blueprint for the world in combating the effects of climate change on agriculture. By focusing on technological innovation, crop diversification, and strengthening farmer education, other regions can replicate this model. Expanding climate resilience strategies is essential for ensuring sustainable food security globally in the face of increasing environmental challenges.
Question for practice
Evaluate the key strategies and outcomes of Odisha’s agricultural transformation in the context of combating the effects of climate change on agriculture.
Benefits of Underground Mining in India
Source: This post on Underground Mining has been created based on the article “The safe bet of underground mining” published in “Business Standard” on 12th December 2023.
UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 Environment – Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation.
News: The article discusses the importance of coal for India’s energy needs. It discusses the advantages of Underground Mining as a solution for making coal mining environment-friendly.
What is the status of Renewable Energy (RE) production in India with respect to Coal?
Despite India having the fastest RE capacity growth among major economies of the world, RE generation represents only 13.36% of the country’s total generation.
Coal-based generation is 5.24 times RE production.
As renewable energy (RE) is anticipated to grow, the total energy demand is also on the rise. Consequently, although the proportion of coal in the energy mix will decrease, the actual amount of coal needed will still increase.
India’s Energy Mix:
Source: Economic Times.
Since cutting down coal’s use drastically may hamper the country’s energy sector, India should explore the mining of coal in an environment-friendly manner to meet its climate commitments. In this, Underground (UG) Mining can play an important role.
What is UG Mining?
Underground mining is used to extract ore from below the surface of the earth safely, economically and with as little waste as possible. The entry from the surface to an underground mine may be through a horizontal or vertical tunnel, known as a shaft or decline.
Open Cast and Underground Mine. Source: Britannica.
What are the benefits of UG Mining?
- Environmentally Cleaner:
a. Forest cover is not required to be displaced.
b. Prevents land degradation. Leaves the fertile topsoil intact.
c. Much smaller pollution load compared to Open-cast mine. This is because around half of the total pollution load in OC mines is due to overburden removal and associated steps, which is not applicable in UG mines.
d. It has no impact on water pollution.
e. Ambient noise levels are significantly lower. - Society-friendly:
a. It does not dislocate people, necessitating rehabilitation and resettlement.
b. Traditional livelihoods are not lost.
c. Agricultural land is left undisturbed. - Better Quality Fuel:
UG coal is qualitatively superior and helps reduce imports of higher grades of coal.
What factors can help UG mining to grow in India?
Indian coal extraction is predominantly Open-Cast. In 2022, of the total coal produced world over, UG accounted for around 55%. India’s UG output was just 4%. Coal India has drawn up an aspirational plan to quadruple its UG production to 100 MTs by FY 2030.
UG Mining can succeed in India due to the following factors:
- Better Human resources: Well-trained skilled operators, outsourcing to contractors, efficient mine developers and operators, etc.
- Availability of Mass Production technologies: This includes operationally flexible continuous miners (a machine that cuts and loads coal in one continuous operation) suitable for Indian coal seams, the punch entry method for extraction of UG coal at low cost through existing infrastructure, deployment of high wall machines that bypass land acquisition and rehabilitation and resettlement issues, and the use of paste fill technology.
In the current geopolitical landscape, achieving self-sufficiency in energy security is crucial for development. Coal has the potential to provide the highest indigenous resource base among the energy sources. Underground mining can balance these – India’s climate change commitments as well as energy security.
Question for practice:
What is Underground Mining? How can it offer a viable alternative to Open-Cast mining in India’s endeavour to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, while meeting its energy needs?
On the Challenges of Reducing Emissions – Why climate efforts fail to cut emissions
Source: This post on the Challenges of Reducing Emissions has been created based on the article “Why climate efforts fail to cut emissions” published in “Business Standard” on 12th December 2023.
UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 Environment – Conservation, Environmental pollution and degradation.
News: The article discusses the challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also highlights the steps that India should take to fulfill its climate change commitments.
What is the current status of global climate change?
Rising Temperatures: Global temperatures have already increased by 1.4 degrees Celsius and might rise to 3 degrees Celsius by 2100.
Rising Emissions: Greenhouse gas emissions have been continuously increasing, requiring a 42% decrease in emissions by 2030 to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
Timeline of Climate Negotiations:
Source: Clim’Blog.
Read more about the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Climate Accord here.
What are the challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions?
Rising Energy Demand: More renewable energy is being generated, but overall energy demand has risen too, leading to more fossil fuel usage.
Environmental Issues of Renewable Sources: A key renewable source – Hydroelectric power may lead to wildlife disruption, impact on the watershed, etc.
Technology challenges in transitioning to solar and wind: We don’t have the technology yet to run a power grid solely on solar or wind energy. This is due to:
a. Intermittent Nature: Solar and wind power’s inconsistency (as their generation depends on weather conditions) demands substantial energy storage solutions to handle their fluctuations.
b. High Investments Required: Significant upgrades to current grid infrastructure and substantial investment in new technologies and grid modernization will be required.
c. Unsuited for energy-dense applications: Like the production of steel or heavy trucking.
Costlier than Conventional Sources: For instance, Renewable energy sources such as Green Hydrogen are expensive.
High Import Bill: A high import bill is a concern as most inputs for setting up solar capacities come from China.
Non-Binding Nature of Climate Resolutions: The voluntary nature of NDCs raised doubts about their adequacy in achieving the ambitious temperature targets.
Continued financial support for fossil fuels by developed countries: Advanced countries (which have caused 89% of historical emissions) provided $1.8 trillion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry in 2020.
What are India’s climate goals?
India has committed to the various climate goals under the Paris Agreement. These include generating 50% of its electricity from non-fossil fuels by 2030, reducing its emissions intensity by 45% from 2005, and aiming for net-zero emissions by 2070.
What should India do to deepen its climate efforts?
- Maintain Green Transition without taking on new commitments: This is because India needs cheap energy to progress to a middle-income country. It already has low per capita emissions (2.4 tCO2e) compared to the US (17.6 tCO2e) and China (8.6 tCO2e).
- Broaden the scope of climate action: India should also address issues like habitat loss, biodiversity decline, and water scarcity, apart from Net Zero.
- Invest in high-quality climate research: There is a need to move beyond dominant Western narratives to find the real truth regarding climate change.
- Employ tech-savvy experts: Experts should develop and lead practical climate strategies, focusing on realistic transitions, since generalists may not understand technological gaps
Question for practice:
What are the challenges in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in general, and for India in particular? Highlight the steps that should be undertaken to tackle these challenges.
Following articles have already been covered in the 7 PM Articles of the day:
7 PM Article - SC Verdict on Article 370- Explained Pointwise+ InfographicPrelims Oriented Articles (Factly)
Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme
Source– This post is based on the article “Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme launched to promote Sustainable Management of forests and agroforestry” Published in “PIB” on 11th December 2023.
Why in the News?
The Ministry of Environment has launched the Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme.
What is Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme?

Specification | Details |
Purpose | This national certification scheme promotes sustainable forest management and agroforestry in India through voluntary third-party certification. |
Supervised by | Indian Forest and Wood Certification Council (Act as a multistakeholder advisory body) |
Implementing agency | Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal (Responsible for overall management of the Indian Forest and Wood Certification Scheme.) |
Key features of the scheme | 1) Market incentives – This Scheme offers market incentives to various entities such as state forest departments, individual farmers, FPOs, and wood-based industries, that practice responsible forest management and agroforestry. 2) The scheme comprises forest management certification, tree outside forest management certification, and chain of custody certification. 3) A distinct Trees Outside Forests Standard is introduced in the newly launched Indian Forest & Wood Certification Scheme. |
Note: The Forest Management certification is aligned with the Indian Forest Management Standard. It features 8 criteria, 69 indicators, and 254 verifiers, integrated into the National Working Plan Code 2023.
UPSC Syllabus – Schemes and programmes/ Environment
Amrit Technology For Removal Of Arsenic And Metal Ions From Water
Source: The post is based on the article “Amrit Technology For Removal Of Arsenic And Metal Ions From Water” published in “PIB” on 11th December 2023
Why in the News?
Minister of State for Jal Shakti has informed Rajya Sabha about AMRIT Technology.
What is AMRIT Technology?
Specifications | Details |
Full Form | Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology (AMRIT) |
Purpose | It is a water purifier developed for the removal of Arsenic and Metal ions from water. |
Developed by | Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Madras |
Working Process | The technology uses nano-scale iron oxy-hydroxide which selectively removes arsenic when water is passed through it. |
Used for | It can be used for both domestic and community levels. |
Note: According to the Jal Jeevan Mission guidelines, rural areas with unsafe drinking water, like those affected by arsenic, should receive short term measures until permanent piped water systems with clean water sources are built.
What are the other facts covered in the article?
1) Drinking Water is a State Subject.
2) Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM): It was launched in 2019 by the Ministry of Jal Shakti. It aims to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024 to all households in rural India.
UPSC Syllabus: Initiatives in news
Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary: Eastern Ghats Nature Interpretation Centre in Visakhapatnam
Source: The post is based on the article “Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary: Eastern Ghats Nature Interpretation Centre in Visakhapatnam” published in “The Hindu” on 8th December 2023
Why in the News?
The Eastern Ghats Nature Interpretation Centre is being opened in the Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary.
What is the Eastern Ghats Nature Interpretation Centre?
1) Eastern Ghats Nature Interpretation Centre (EG-NIC) is a unique project located in the Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
2) The center offers an immersive experience highlighting the diverse ecosystems of the Eastern Ghats stretching from Odisha to Tamil Nadu.
3) It aims to inform, educate and inspire visitors to care about the rich biodiversity of the Eastern Ghats mountain range.
4) The center is a collaboration between wildlife artists, illustrators, sculptors, architects, wildlife biologists, translators and content creators.
Where is Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary?
Specifications | Details |
Location | Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh |
Named after | A local hill named Kambalakonda |
Forest Type | Dry evergreen forest mixed with scrub and meadows |
Terrain | The terrain is hilly with steep slopes |
Flora | Indian screw tree, Bush plum tree, Jungle berry bunches |
Fauna | 1)Animals: Indian leopard, Indian pangolin, Madras treeshrew, Barking Deer, Jackal 2)Snake: Russel’s viper or Daboia russelii; 3)Birds: Indian Golden oriole, Indian peafowl, Banded Bay Cuckoo |
Where are the Eastern Ghats?
UPSC Syllabus: Environment
VINBAX-2023: Joint Military Exercise
Source – This post is based on the article “VINBAX-2023: INDIAN ARMED FORCES CONTINGENT REACHES HANOI FOR JOINT MILITARY EXERCISE” published in “PIB” on 11th December 2023.
Why in the News?
The Indian Armed Forces contingent arrived in Hanoi, Vietnam for the fourth edition of Joint Military Exercise VINBAX-2023.
What is Exercise VINBAX?

Specification | Details |
What is it? | It’s an annual training event held alternately in India and Vietnam. |
Participating Nations | India and Vietnam |
Type | Military Exercise |
Started in | 2018 (First edition-Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh) |
Aim | To enhance collaboration, promote interoperability, and share best practices under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter on Peacekeeping Operations. |
What are the key features of 2023 edition of Exercise VINBAX?
1) The joint exercise promotes idea exchange and collaborative rehearsal of tactics, techniques, and procedures.
2)They will perform technical military operations aligned with scenarios resembling global deployment of United Nations’ contingents.
3) This joint effort enhances understanding, interoperability, and strengthens defense cooperation between the friendly armies.
UPSC Syllabus- Defence/ Miscellaneous
Budgett Frog: Protein from this can block enzymes of disease-causing pathogens
Source: The post on Budgett Frog is based on the article “Budget Frog: Protein from this can block enzymes of disease-causing pathogens” published in “The Hindu” on 10th December 2023
Why in the News?
Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science(IISc) found that peptides in Budgett frog skin can fight harmful enzymes produced by disease-causing pathogens.
What are the peptides found in Budgett Frog that can fight harmful enzymes?
1) Researchers have found a peptide called LL-TIL in the skin secretions of Budgett’s frog.
2) This peptide can block the action of two important enzymes called subtilisin carlsberg and proteinase K produced by harmful pathogens.
3) These enzymes help pathogens break down protective proteins in the body, making it easier for them to cause infection.
What is Budgett Frog?

Specifications | Details |
What is it | It is a species of frog which belongs to the horned frog family, Ceratophryidae. |
Scientific Name | Lepidobatrachus laevis |
Found in | Gran Chaco region of South America which spans across Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. |
IUCN Status | Least Concern |
Characteristics | 1) The size of females are larger than males. 2) They are primarily nocturnal, spending most of the day submerged in water or mud. 3) During the dry season, they burrow in the mud and cocoon themselves until the rains return. |
Significance | It is kept as a pet in many countries because of their intelligent behavior. |
What are Peptides?
UPSC Syllabus: Environment
President’s actions during State Emergency open to scrutiny: SC
Source – This post is based on the article “Declaration of State emergency under Article 356 and subsequent actions of President should have reasonable nexus: SC” published in “The Hindu” on 11th December 2023.
Why in the News?
The Supreme Court in the recent decision on Article 370 ruled that the State Emergency declaration under Article 356 and the subsequent actions of the President must demonstrate a “reasonable nexus” (A logical and justifiable connection or relationship between different decisions).
What is the timeline of the issue?
1) On November 21, 2018, the Governor dissolved the Legislative Assembly by using the provisions under article 356.
2) In 2019, Parliament repealed provisions of Article 370 and passed the bill for the reorganization of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
3) In this background, Supreme Court gave its ruling on whether the questions can be raised against reasonable connection between the purpose behind the proclamation of Article 356 and the subsequent actions of the President and Parliament.
What was the Supreme Court Ruling?
1) The court held that the President’s actions during a State Emergency are subject to judicial scrutiny.
2) The court held that there should be a reasonable nexus between the object of the President, while declaring the State emergency under Article 356 and the actions taken during the emergency.
3) The burden is on the individual contesting the President’s actions during the Emergency to preliminarily establish that they were a “mala fide or extraneous exercise of power.”
4) The Bench also held that if a prima facie case is established by an individual, the responsibility shifts from the complainant to the Center. Then the center needs to justify that the exercise of power during emergency had a reasonable nexus with the purpose of the proclamation of President’s Rule under Article 356.
What is Article 356 of the Indian constitution?
1) It deals with the provision for the imposition of President’s Rule in states of India on the ground of failure of constitutional machinery.
2) This article also defines the powers of President and its limitations during emergency.
3) It falls under Part XVIII of the Constitution, which deals with Emergency Provisions.
Read More – Article 356 of Indian Constitution
UPSC Syllabus- Polity and Nation