9 PM Daily Current Affairs Brief – July 25th, 2023

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Mains Oriented Articles


ASEAN, a persistence with dialogue, on a trodden path

Source– The post is based on the article “ASEAN, a persistence with dialogue, on a trodden path” published in “The Hindu” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus : GS 2- Regional groupings and agreements

Relevance: ASEAN

News- The 56th Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the post-ministerial conferences and other related regional meetings, held in Jakarta, Indonesia in mid-July, 2023.

What is the vision of ASEAN?

Political community that ensures regional peace and a just, democratic and harmonious environment.

Economic community focused on achieving a well-integrated and connected regional economy within the global economic system.

Socio-cultural community to enhance the quality of life of ASEAN’s citizens as well as sustainable development of the region.

What are the challenges faced by ASEAN?

China has close political and economic ties with ASEAN member states. Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar are considered as virtual dependencies.

But, the Philippines has recently become more assertive in its claims in the South China Sea.

Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand hold favourable attitudes towards Beijing. None of these countries raises objections to China’s delaying tactics in negotiating an enforceable code of conduct for the South China Sea.

The strained relationship between the U.S. and China is a cause of worry for ASEAN.

As per China, the U.S. is solely responsible for poor relations. It is not willing to accept and accommodate itself to China’s ‘peaceful rise. The U.S is against the Chinese aggressiveness and coercion in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

ASEAN prefers the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). Its four identified areas are maritime cooperation, connectivity, UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and economic cooperation. But, its actual implementation remains a worry.

ASEAN does not have a united position on the Myanmar situation. ASEAN has barred Myanmar from all its political-level discussions. But, Thailand has its own political dialogue with the military government.

What shows the importance of ASEAN for India?

The significance of the ASEAN meetings for India becomes evident in the decision of External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar to represent India at the post-ministerial conference and other regional dialogues.

He emphasised the importance of a “strong and unified” ASEAN in the emerging Indo-Pacific dynamics and highlighted the alignment between the AOIP and India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative.

He has proposed exploring “newer areas such as cyber, financial, and maritime security domains to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership between India and ASEAN.

On Manipur video, where Women’s Commission went wrong

Source: The post is based on the article “On Manipur video, where Women’s Commission went wrong” published in “The Indian express” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 2- Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies

News: The author discusses the ineffectiveness of women’s commissions in India, especially in addressing women’s issues in Manipur. The commissions focus more on paperwork than on fieldwork. Political appointments impact their neutrality. The author suggests reforms like transparent appointments and regular audits. They urge commissions to actively address ground issues.

About women’s commissions in India

Women’s commissions were set up in India to address women’s issues.

The National Commission for Women was established in 1992, as per the National Commission for Women Act 1990.

Each state, like Manipur, has its own commission.

Manipur State Commission for Women was formed in 2006.

They are meant to investigate women’s rights violations.

Why is the women’s commission of India ineffective in addressing women’s issues in Manipur?

Lack of Proactive Action

The national commission received numerous complaints from Manipur.

Instead of addressing them, they merely forwarded complaints to the state. This led to neglect and no action.

Over-Reliance on Paperwork

The commissions focus heavily on paperwork, neglecting fieldwork.

Actual on-ground issues remain unattended, as members prioritize files over field visits.

Political Appointments

Members are nominated by the ruling political party.

This makes them hesitant to criticize the government, affecting their objectivity.

They might favor states ruled by the opposition, creating bias in their work.

Absence of Real-World Engagement

Commission members often stay in their offices instead of visiting problem areas.

For example, despite numerous complaints from Manipur, there were no extensive field visits to understand the situation.

Recommendations Ignored

Even when they take action, their recommendations might be ignored by state agencies, as seen in Manipur.

What steps should be taken to enhance its effectiveness?

Prioritize Fieldwork

Shift focus from excessive paperwork to direct involvement in problem areas.

As seen in Manipur, numerous complaints demand in-person assessment and not just forwarding issues.

Reform Appointment Process

Move away from political appointments to ensure objectivity.

Advertise roles for chairpersons and members, selecting candidates based on capability, not political affiliations.

Engage External Audits

Conduct regular social audits by competent agencies.

Taxpayers deserve to know if their money is used effectively, and external reviews can provide this insight.

Encourage Real-World Engagement

Commission members should frequently visit areas of concern.

Long-duration stays can help understand the gravity of situations, as in Manipur.

Strengthen Collaboration

Work closely with law enforcement agencies.

Instead of an adversarial approach, support these agencies to address women’s issues effectively.

Transparent Reporting

Regularly share the commission’s activities and achievements with the public.

Transparency will build trust and keep members accountable to their mandate.


Achieve road efficiency at minimal privacy risk

Source– The post is based on the article “Achieve road efficiency at minimal privacy risk” published in the “mint” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus : GS2- Government policies and interventions. GS3- Infrastructure

Relevance: Issues related to road transport

News – The ministry of road transport and highways is planning to implement a toll collection system that uses satellite GPS tracking.

Why does the government want to introduce a toll collection system that uses satellite GPS tracking?

India adopted FASTag system. It eased traffic bottlenecks at toll plazas across the Country. But, toll snarls still persist on busy routes. It took away the pricing flexibility at the booth level.

The users have to pay the same charges for partial road use. There is a need for adjustable road pricing to meet the market demand.

With a network of multiple road options, toll prices that adjust according to varying traffic density can effectively attract or discourage users. It can lead to smoother overall traffic flow. Ultimately, it will save both time and fuel.

What are issues related to the toll collection system that uses satellite GPS tracking?

There are concerns regarding cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the current system. It relies on special wallets that require online money refills.

If the new system allows cars to directly access funds from our bank accounts, it would create a new weakness in our cyber defences due to a policy decision.

Under the proposed system, our personal location data would be transformed into a real-time GPS feed to facilitate toll charges. However, the misuse or unauthorised disclosure of this aerial data poses a significant risk to privacy of individuals.

Way forward

To ensure the tracking of road users, their explicit consent should be obtained upfront as part of the agreement.

Additional safeguards must be implemented. Strict time limits should be set on how long individually identifiable data can be retained once its stated purpose has been fulfilled.

The main objective of the ministry should be to align highway pricing with the fundamental principles of data protection. To avoid potential legal challenges in the future, clarity on privacy measures is essential.

An avoidable controversy over sample surveys

Source– The post is based on the article “An avoidable controversy over sample surveys” published in “The Hindu” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS3- Government policies and interventions

Relevance: Issues related to government statistical exercise

News- An article recently raised doubts on the soundness of data collection procedures of some of the surveys such as the National Sample Survey, National Family Health Survey and Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS).

As per the writer, most of the surveys from 2011-12 till 2019-21 underestimates the proportion of the urban population or overestimates the rural population significantly.

What are counter arguments against the writer’s viewpoints about India’s statistical system?

Bias in population estimate– The sampling designs of the NSS or the PLFS do not specifically aim to estimate the total number of households or population. Instead, their primary purpose is to estimate the major socio-economic indicators.

The estimates of households or population size are considered auxiliary information. Data users appropriately adjust the survey-based estimates for rural and urban areas separately by using projected population figures derived from the Census.

The estimates of the number of households derived from the NSS align closely with the Census-based figures for households. The writer’s accusation about non-representative samples due to outdated sampling frames becomes less relevant for two main reasons.

Firstly, these surveys primarily rely on the population census lists of villages and urban blocks for sampling. It ensures comprehensive coverage.

Secondly, for sampling urban blocks, the NSS and PLFS utilise the latest Urban Frame Survey (UFS) blocks, covering all towns in the country. This helps address any urbanisation that occurred after the census through State government notifications.

Regarding the classification of geographical areas as rural or urban, all these surveys include census towns as part of the urban sampling frame.

Systematic bias in response rate- Some households don’t not share information in the survey. As household income increases, the response rate tends to decline. This challenge is encountered in similar surveys worldwide.

To address this issue, the survey methodology recommends replacing non-responsive households with other households that are as similar as possible.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the substituted households may have relatively lower income levels. It could introduce some downward bias in the overall estimates.

A majority of the welfare programmes of the government are targeted towards households in the lower income brackets. So, a very low non-response rate in these surveys is not likely to have a serious impact on the overall household level indicators.

What is the way forward to remove the concerns regarding the soundness of data collection procedures of some of the surveys?

Sample design and data quality are two distinct components of a survey. Sample design typically involves careful selection using scientific methods.

To remove the concerns about the representation of affluent households, there is a need to create a list of such households through alternative sources.

Incorporate a representative sample of them alongside the conventional survey of the rest of the population should be done.

Evaluating the coverage of the UFS frame is important to overcome the issue of underestimation of the urban population. Establishing a methodological study unit for further improvements in survey design is also a positive step.

To enhance data quality, strengthening the training of field personnel, conducting field inspections, concurrent data validation, and implementing effective publicity measures are other essential steps.

Is there a rural bias in national surveys

Source: The post is based on the article “Is there a rural bias in national surveys?” published in The Hindu on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 2 – Government Policies and Interventions

Relevance: concerns associated with national surveys

News: A panel headed by Pronab Sen, a former chief statistician of India, was recently formed by the Indian government to review the National Statistical Organization’s (NSO) methodology.

Why did the government form the panel?

The government has formed a panel after the shortcomings highlighted by Shamika Ravi and Bibek Debroy in their articles.

They argue that outdated survey methodology used by the National Sample Survey (NSS), National Family Health Survey (NFHS), and Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) have consistently underestimated India’s progress.

They believe the Indian economy has been dynamic in the last 30 years, and the current methodology fails to capture this reality.

Must Read: It is unfair to blame survey methodology when results disagree with a view point and Numbers Game – on data collection methods for surveys

Why is it important to review the methodology used by the National Statistical Organization (NSO)?

National level data are essential for research, policies, and development. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly review and assess the assertions made by various specialists regarding the accuracy of this data.

Moreover, in order to analyze the claims, the article tries to focus on NFHS data.

Does the NFHS have a rural bias?

Ms. Ravi and Mr. Debroy have argued that NFHS which depend heavily on the last Census data, systematically overestimates the rural population.

However, an examination of five rounds of NFHS data contradicts this claim, showing no systematic bias towards the rural population.

When the NFHS estimates of urban population are compared to World Bank estimates and urban percentage projections from Census statistics from 1991, 2001, and 2011, no indication of systemic rural bias can be found.

On the other hand, it has been found that NFHS-3 underestimated the rural population, while NFHS-2 and NFHS-5 may have overestimated it. However, these errors appear to be random rather than systematic.

How can these errors be minimized?

Urban areas tend to have higher percentages of no-response compared to rural areas. However, this is not related to either rural or urban bias in estimation.

An analysis of the percentages of the urban sample in the unweighted sample suggests that giving proper weights may assist in significantly addressing the errors.

Hence, by appropriately assigning sample weights after considering all potential sources of error, the underrepresentation of rural or urban areas can be significantly rectified.

What can be the way ahead?

The Pronab Sen Committee should prioritize addressing concerns regarding sample representation rather than completely overhauling the survey methodology. Otherwise, there is a risk of introducing a systematic urban bias in policymaking, planning, and financing.

Chasing Cheetah – on cheetah reintroduction

Source: The post is based on the article “Chasing Cheetah” published in Business Standard on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 3 – Environment

Relevance: concerns associated with cheetah’s introduction in Kuno National Park

News: The deaths of five adult cheetahs and three cubs in Kuno National Park, have raised concerns about the PM’s project to introduce cheetahs from South Africa and Namibia.

About the recent death of cheetah

Read Here: Radio collars are killing the cheetahs in Kuno. Here is how — and why

Why does the cheetah’s death not raise significant worries?

The experience of cheetah relocations within Africa suggests a 50% death rate and this was taken into consideration while introducing cheetah into the Kuno.

The survival rate of cheetah cubs, even in protected ecosystems like the Serengeti plains, is typically 5-10%. Therefore, the deaths of three cubs, the first to be born in India in over 70 years, are not unexpected.

What are the challenges with the Cheetah’s relocation project?

Effectiveness of Project Management: Concerns have been raised about the efficacy of project management, particularly regarding the deaths of four of the five adult cheetahs in captivity.

For instance, one male cheetah was found disoriented, without any explanation provided. Another cheetah was underweight and had pre-existing health conditions, raising concerns about its care in captivity.

Prolonged Captivity: Some wildlife biologists have expressed concerns about the prolonged captivity of cheetahs. International standards recommend one month of quarantine and four to eight weeks in an acclimatization enclosure before releasing them into the wild.

However, the cheetahs from Namibia, who arrived in September 2022, were released into the wild in mid-March instead of mid-December.

Degree of Intervention: Concerns have been raised about the extent of interference with cheetahs in the wild. Injured females or males fighting for territory are rescued, deviating from the established practice of allowing nature to take its course.

What can be the way ahead?

Project Cheetah needs to be evaluated, especially when lions in Gir are facing habitat issues.

Advancing technologies are not giving all children a better future

Source– The post is based on the article “Advancing technologies are not giving all children a better future” published in the “Live Mint” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 3 – Inclusive growth. GS2- Vulnerable sections of the population

Relevance: Issues related to digital divide

News- The article explains the issue of lack of digital access, connectivity and literacy among children from vulnerable sections.

What are some digital divides among vulnerable sections of the population?

Women, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, ethnic or linguistic minorities, indigenous communities and residents of impoverished or remote areas are mostly impacted by this digital divide.

Children from underprivileged backgrounds are most vulnerable. They lack access to the resources needed to utilise advancing technologies.

As per a report jointly released by Unicef and the International Telecommunication Union, 2.2 billion children and young people aged 25 years or younger lack internet connectivity in their homes. 768 million children without internet access reside in South Asia.

Closer home, report by the Unified District Information System for Education plus, about 66% of schools in India lack access to the internet. Less than 50% of the schools surveyed had functional computers.

What are the impacts of digital divide on children and young population?

It impacts the academic, professional and personal endeavours of children in an increasingly digitised world.

In today’s interconnected world, access to the internet has become a fundamental necessity. It serves as a gateway to knowledge, information and opportunities.

Children from rural households face unequal levels of connectivity and access to online resources compared to their urban counterparts.

Without appropriate interventions, these disparities will only widen. It will limit educational opportunities and hinder their ability to engage in elearning, access online educational material, and participate in virtual classrooms.

The lack of internet access in rural areas also impacts their social development. They are unable to connect with peers, explore diverse perspectives, and access a wealth of online content that could enrich their knowledge and experiences.

This dearth of connectivity also hinders their exposure to digital literacy and essential technological skills. These have become increasingly crucial in today’s workforce.

As a result, the digital divide exacerbates existing socioeconomic inequalities and perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage for rural communities.

Way forward

To bridge the digital divide and ensure equal opportunities for children from rural households, concerted efforts are required.

This entails expanding internet infrastructure, enhancing connectivity in remote areas, and making internet services more affordable and accessible.

Universal Service Obligation Fund can be utilised. It was intended to financially support telecom services in rural and remote regions with limited commercial viability.

Publicprivate partnerships can play a crucial role in implementing initiatives to address these challenges, such as establishing community centers with internet access or leveraging innovative technologies like satellite-based internet connectivity.

Collaborative efforts among government agencies, educational institutions, companies with corporate social responsibility budgets, and non-profit organizations is required.

It can help develop comprehensive strategies aimed at empowering rural communities and providing them with the tools needed to succeed in the digital era.

Investing in closing the digital divide for education is particularly crucial for marginalized children in India. The private sector can play a pivotal role by investing in infrastructure, expanding connectivity, and offering affordable internet services.

Telecom companies can collaborate with governments to extend network coverage, while tech companies can support digital literacy and skills training.

Capacityenhancement programs that combine digital literacy with entrepreneurship initiatives from marginalized communities, to leverage technology for personal and economic development.

Wi-fi hotspot pouches: Internet from a sachet

Source: The post is based on the article “Wi-fi hotspot pouches: Internet from a sachet” published in “The Indian express” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 3- Infrastructure ( Digital ) & Awareness in the fields of IT

News: In this article author is talking about PM-WANI, a system in India that allows people to access the internet using local Wi-Fi hotspots. The system is cheaper and helps those who can’t afford normal internet rates. This can improve internet access in rural and poor areas of India.

About digital infrastructure transformation in India

Connectivity Boom: India has over a billion mobile connections and 4G coverage. Data cost has dropped from Rs 300 per GB to Rs 7 per GB.

Digital Transactions Rise: Due to policies like Net Neutrality and UPI, digital transactions are increasing.

Data Demand Surges: India’s monthly data consumption is 19.5 GB per person. There’s a gap between demand and supply, especially in rural areas.

Low home broadband penetration: Currently, India’s home broadband penetration stands at one of the lowest in the world, hovering at around 10 per cent.

What is PM WANI?

WANI (Wi-Fi Access Network Interface) is a concept introduced by TRAI in 2017 to create interoperable public Wi-Fi hotspots. The vision was to offer connectivity via local providers known as Public Data Offices (PDOs). Building on the success of the WANI pilot, the Indian government introduced PM-WANI, which was approved by the Union Cabinet in December 2020 to implement the WANI vision on a broader scale.

Benefits of PM-WANI:

Affordable Connectivity: With PM-WANI, over a million people are accessing unlimited Internet daily by paying just Rs 5 to 10. For comparison, students are now opting for this “sachet internet” over chips or soft drinks.

Boosting Local Economy: Local shops and households can become PDOs, setting up Wi-Fi hotspots. This not only promotes affordable internet usage but also augments their earnings.

Infrastructure Utilization: Existing infrastructure by companies like RailTel and GAIL, which is currently underused, can be effectively tapped into for PM-WANI.

Benefits for ISPs and Telcos: These major providers can sell more bandwidth by transforming their customers into retailers.

Bridging the Digital Divide: With a low home broadband penetration of around 10% in India, PM-WANI offers an opportunity to improve internet access, especially in underserved areas.

What should be done?

Promote PM-WANI: Given the successful pilot of WANI and the subsequent approval of PM-WANI in December 2020, there’s a need to actively promote this initiative. Over 1.5 lakh hotspots have been set up, benefiting millions.

Engage Stakeholders: Governments, startups, and civil society should collaborate to enhance the reach of this Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI).

Capitalize on Underutilized Infrastructure: Infrastructure from companies like RailTel and GAIL should be tapped into more effectively, boosting PM-WANI’s potential in underserved areas.

What’s UP With The Ban?: Single-use plastic is still choking drains in cities

Source: The post is based on the article “What’s UP With The Ban?: Single-use plastic is still choking drains in cities. Banning it won’t work until there are cheap alternatives” published in Times of India on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS3- Environment (Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation)

News: In this article author says the ban on single-use plastics (SUPs) in India is not effective enough. Many small businesses still use them as alternatives are expensive. The author suggests the government should support cheaper, eco-friendly alternatives. The author also highlights that plastic waste causes floods and environmental problems.

What is single-use plastics (SUPs)?

Read here: What is Single-Use Plastic (SUP) and magnitude of its usage?

Why ban on single-use plastics (SUPs) in India is not effective enough?

  1. Lack of Enforcement: State pollution boards haven’t strongly enforced the ban. For instance, despite the 2016 ban in Karnataka, SUPs still dominate in Bengaluru.
  2. Limited Awareness: Many people know about the ban, but compliance is low.
  3. Small Business Reliance: SUPs are essential for many small businesses due to their low cost.
  4. Costly Alternatives: Eco-friendly alternatives are more expensive, making them less appealing. Like, in Hyderabad, 70% of desilted waste from water bodies is plastic.

What are the impacts of single use plastic?

  1. Environmental Hazards: SUPs increase flood risks during monsoons.
  2. Water Body Contamination: In Hyderabad, 70% of desilted material from water bodies is plastic.
  3. Drain Blockages: Delhi and Mumbai face choked drains due to plastic garbage, affecting drainage.
  4. Ocean Pollution: Mumbai’s drainage system disposes plastics into the sea, harming marine life.

What should be done?

  1. Strengthen Enforcement: Ensure state pollution boards actively enforce the ban.
  2. Boost Awareness: Increase efforts like in Bengaluru with awareness drives and penalties.
  3. Support Small Businesses: Help them transition to affordable alternatives.
  4. Promote Alternatives: Government should prioritize and fund recyclable/compostable innovations.

A big step in reducing the risk of disasters

Source: The post is based on the article “A big step in reducing the risk of disasters” published in “The Hindu” on 25th July 2023.

Syllabus: GS 3 – Disaster and disaster management.

News: The author discusses how recent disasters show the need for more action on climate change. India has started a G20 group for reducing disaster risks. The group will focus on early warnings, resilient infrastructure, and funding for risk reduction. Brazil will continue this work when it leads the G20.

About Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Duration: 2015-2030.

Goal: Reduce disaster risks and losses.

Progress: At its midpoint, efforts are underway, but more is needed.

Global Importance: Recognized as the roadmap for reducing global disaster risks.

Key Calls to Action: Enhance early warning systems, develop resilient infrastructure, and secure funding for risk reduction.

Relation to G20: Directly supported by G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group’s priorities.

What are the initiatives taken by India for disaster risk reduction?

G20 Leadership: India has given high priority to disaster risk reduction during its G20 presidency.

Working Group: Established the first G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group, aiming to influence global economic decisions linked to disaster risks.

Early Warning Systems: Emphasized the role of inclusive and multi-hazard early warning systems. For instances, during Cyclone Biparjoy, India’s effective warning and action systems resulted in zero deaths.

Resilient Infrastructure:

Launched the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure with the UN in 2019.

Focuses on enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure globally.

Aims to support policy development and capacity building, especially in developing countries.

Resource Allocation: India uses risk metrics to distribute resources at local levels for disaster risk reduction. This method aids in targeted and efficient resource utilization.

What additional measures should be considered?

Proactive Approach: Instead of just responding, there should be more upfront investment to prevent or reduce the impact of disasters.

G20’s Role: The G20, representing 85% of global GDP, needs to incorporate disaster risk considerations into economic decisions.

Expand Early Warning Systems:

Use disruptive technologies to enhance forecasting and cater to local needs.

Support the UN Secretary General’s goal of universal early warning coverage by 2027.

Infrastructure Resilience:

Evaluate and enhance the resilience of critical infrastructure globally.

Ensure infrastructure supports sustainable development outcomes.

Financing Strategies:

Develop new methods of funding disaster risk reduction.

Collaborate with private sectors, as many risks are generated by them.

Ecosystem-based Approaches: Scale up methods that prioritize the health of ecosystems to mitigate disaster risks.

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