9 PM UPSC Current Affairs Brief 1 February, 2024

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Mains Oriented Articles


On TN Governor’s Remarks on Indian Freedom Struggle

Source: This post on TN Governor’s Remarks on Indian Freedom Struggle has been created based on the article “What is needed from a Governor is reticence” published in “The Hindu” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 1 Indian History – Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues.

News: The article discusses the Tamil Nadu Governor’s remarks on the Indian Freedom Struggle.


The Tamil Nadu Governor was recently in the news due to a controversy over his interpretation of historical events which led to India’s Independence.

What is the controversy?

Minimal Role of the Quit India Movement: The Governor held that the Quit India movement made little impact on the British decision to leave India.

Key Role of INA and Soldier Mutinies: It was insecurity felt by the British at Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose forming the Azad Hind Government and its army (INA) and in 1946 by the Naval Mutiny and the Air Force Rebellion.

Lack of Recognition to Netaji Bose: The Governor feels that Netaji was not given due recognition for his contribution to the country’s Independence by the Congress party because of Jawaharlal Nehru and his successors.

According to the author, the Governor can have his own views, but he shouldn’t have made them public while holding the office of Governor. He should’ve exercised restraint.

What is the truth in this interpretation?

Importance of the Loyalty of Indian Soldiers: It is true that the loyalty of Indian soldiers in the British Indian armed forces was a principal pillar of their rule in India. They were instrumental in the British conquering India.

Key Role of the INA and Royal Naval Mutiny: Most historians of the national movement acknowledge that the INA and the naval mutiny shook British confidence in the loyalty of the Indian members of their army in India. Hence, the Governor was right in praising Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s great contribution in achieving Independence.

What are the issues with his interpretation?

Netaji and INA Not Sidelined: Despite ideological differences in leaders of the freedom movement none of them ever denigrated Netaji or the INA. Lawyers among them came together to defend the three officers — Prem Kumar Sehgal, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon and Shah Nawaz Khan — at their court martial at the Red Fort in 1945-46.
Bhulabhai Desai, a great lawyer, led the defence which included Tej Bahadur Sapru, Jawaharlal Nehru and Kailas Nath Katju.

Question for practice:

The INA and the Royal Naval Mutiny of 1946 had a key role to play in Indian independence. Analyse.


On India-France Bilateral Cooperation – What makes the India-France ‘strategic partnership’ tick

Source: This post on India-France Bilateral Cooperation has been created based on the article “What makes the India-France ‘strategic partnership’ tick” published in “The Hindu” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 2 International Relations – Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.

News: The article discusses the areas of cooperation in the India-France Bilateral Relations.

A detailed article on India-France Bilateral Relations can be read here.


French President Macron recently visited India as the Chief Guest for the Republic Day Parade. According to the author, it highlights the personal ties that he and Indian PM have established, and the importance of the Indo-French relationship.

What are the areas of cooperation in the India-France Bilateral Relations?

Shared Values


a. Both countries espouse multipolarity. This forms a natural convergence with India’s ambitions of seeking strategic autonomy.

b. Both France and India share a common ‘civilisation exceptionalism’ (being unique).

Defence Sector Cooperation a. Collaboration between Safran and DRDO for producing an aircraft engine for India’s 5th generation aircraft with 100% transfer of technology is proposed.

b. 6 Scorpene submarines have been built by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited with transfer of technology from France.

c. Joint exercises between the navies, air forces and the armies have been instituted.

d. Agreement for 36 Rafale aircraft was concluded.

e. A further acquisition of 3 more Scorpenes with enhanced features of air-independent-propulsion and 26 Rafale M aircraft for India’s new aircraft carrier was made.

Space Sector Cooperation a. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the French Space Agency (CNES) work on joint missions.

b. MoU was signed by NewSpace India Limited, the commercial arm of ISRO, and French satellite launch company Arianespace for collaboration on space launches.

c. Both are looking to work together in optimising space defence domain awareness.

People-to-People Contacts a. The target for Indian students going to France for higher education is now 30,000 by 2030.

b. The Young Professionals Scheme under the Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement is being operationalised.

c. UGC’s permission for foreign universities setting up campuses in India will ensure French universities can have presence in India.

Economic Cooperation




a. There are nearly 1,000 French companies in India while nearly 150 Indian businesses have established a presence in France.

b. France can become an entry point for Indian companies to Europe post-Brexit.



a. Joint working groups on agriculture, environment, civil aviation, IT and telecom, urban development, transportation, culture and tourism have been set up over the years.

b. Cooperation has expanded to include counter-terrorism, intelligence sharing and cyber-security issues.

c. Convergence on global challenges such as climate change, reform of multilateral development institutions, globally beneficial AI, and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza is also evolving.

According to the author, the strategic partnership between India and France does not require convergence on all issues, but sensitivity to each other’s interests. This is where India-France ties reflect maturity and resilience.

Question for practice:

France has emerged as one of India’s most important strategic partner in recent years. Elaborate.

success of Indian banks-Indian banks can make 2024-25 a year to remember: Here’s how

Source: The post success of Indian banks has been created, based on the article “Indian banks can make 2024-25 a year to remember: Here’s how” published in “Live mints” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3- Indian economy-mobilisation of resources, growth, development.

News: The article discusses the recent success of Indian banks, their profitability, and the challenges they face, such as competition and digital upgrades.

How have Indian banks performed recently?

Recovery and Profitability: Indian banks have experienced a substantial recovery, with their profitability now higher than before the pandemic. This is mainly due to improved net interest margins and lower credit costs.

Growth and Stability: The sector has seen a notable increase in credit growth. The return on assets for Indian banks is at a ten-year high, showcasing their financial stability. They are also well-capitalized, significantly above the required regulatory standards.

Future Outlook: Despite facing challenges such as competition from fintech companies, Indian banks are on a growth path. McKinsey’s analysis forecasts moderate to high revenue growth across all banking segments up to 2027, indicating a promising future for the sector.

What challenges do Indian banks face?

Slower Deposit Growth: Indian banks face the challenge of slower deposit growth, which can impact their liquidity and funding capabilities.

Higher Operational Costs: Increased operational expenses are a concern for banks, potentially affecting their profitability margins.

Fintech Competition: The rise of fintech players presents a major competitive challenge, offering alternative, often more efficient, financial services.

What should be done?

Enhance Digital Infrastructure: Banks should focus on improving their digital systems, addressing areas like security and privacy, and upgrading from old technology systems to better serve customers.

Broaden Customer Reach: There’s a significant opportunity in rural areas and smaller cities, with a potential customer base of 320-340 million people. Banks can develop customized products for these markets and use digital channels to reach them.

Invest in Green Finance: To support India’s goal of achieving net zero by 2070, banks need to increase their green finance investments. They should build expertise in identifying green business opportunities and managing climate risks.

Improve Talent Recruitment and Retention: Banks need to strengthen their workforce, especially in tech and digital roles. They should focus on creating a better work environment and consider employees’ needs to reduce attrition rates.

Question for practice:

Discuss the recent performance and challenges faced by Indian banks, as well as the recommended actions they should take to address these challenges.

Internet Suspensions in India – The great Indian Internet shutdown

Source: The post internet suspensions in India has been created, based on the article “The great Indian Internet shutdown: how access to the world wide web is curtailed” published in “The Hindu” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper2- Polity- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.

News: The article discusses how the Indian government frequently shuts down the internet, which violates a Supreme Court ruling and negatively impacts the economy and public trust.

What was Anuradha Bhasin judgment?

Recognition of Internet as a Fundamental Right: The Anuradha Bhasin judgment, in January 2020 by the Supreme Court of India, declared that access to the Internet is a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution.

Context of the Judgment: This decision came from the case Anuradha Bhasin vs Union of India, which was in response to internet restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir.

Conditions for Internet Restrictions: The Court ruled that any government restriction on internet access must be temporary, lawful, necessary, and proportionate.

Review of Restrictions: The ruling emphasized that government orders to restrict internet access are subject to judicial review.

Expectation of Limited Suspensions: The judgment was expected to limit internet suspensions to extreme cases involving public emergencies or safety threats.

What actions have been taken by the Parliament in relation to internet suspensions in India?

Amendment to Telecom Suspension Rules in 2020: The Indian Parliament amended the Telecom Suspension Rules, 2017, following the Supreme Court’s judgment. This amendment limited Internet suspension orders to a maximum of 15 days. The amendment did not mandate the publication of suspension orders, nor did it include the Supreme Court’s direction for periodic review of these orders.

Non-Statutory Recognition of Court Rulings: The government has not given statutory recognition to the Supreme Court’s directives in the Anuradha Bhasin judgment, leading to a lack of awareness and compliance among officials.

What is the issue with internet suspensions in India?

Violation of Supreme Court Ruling: Despite the Anuradha Bhasin judgment declaring internet access a fundamental right, India frequently imposes internet shutdowns.

Lack of Transparency in Suspension Orders: The government often fails to publish the reasons for internet shutdowns, undermining legal processes and public trust.

Challenges in Legal Redressal: Without publicly available suspension orders, it’s difficult for citizens to challenge shutdowns in court.

Non-Compliance Across India: Compliance with the Anuradha Bhasin judgment is low nationwide, not just in Jammu and Kashmir.

What are the impacts of internet suspensions in India?

Economic Losses: In 2020, India suffered a $2.8 billion economic loss due to 129 internet suspensions.

Effect on Individuals: Around 10.3 million people were affected by these shutdowns.

Disruption in Daily Life: Internet suspensions hinder access to information, healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities.

Psychological and Social Impact: They cause psychological stress and hinder social and journalistic activities.

Exacerbates Inequality: The majority of users rely on mobile data (97.02% as per 2019 TRAI report), so suspensions disproportionately affect those without broadband access.

Undermines Democracy: Internet shutdowns are often used to suppress democratic exercises like protests, limiting freedom of expression and access to information.

Way forward

The way forward includes more faithful compliance with the Supreme Court’s guidelines by the executive government. This adherence is essential for maintaining transparency in issuing and publishing suspension orders, which is crucial for upholding fundamental rights. Such steps will also contribute to reducing economic losses and shedding India’s tag as the “internet shutdown capital” of the world, thereby fulfilling the potential of Digital India.

Question for practice:

Discuss the key points and implications of the Anuradha Bhasin judgment and the actions taken by the Indian Parliament in relation to internet suspensions in India.


On Building Sovereign AI in India – India’s challenge

Source: This post on Building Sovereign AI in India has been created based on the article “India’s challenge: Building sovereign GenAI” published in “Business Standard” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3 Science and Technology – Developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.

News: The article discusses India’s potential advantages and upcoming challenges in the field of AI, especially Generative AI (GenAI).

A detailed article on Generative AI (GenAI) can be read here.


For India, the 5th-largest economy, aspiring to become the 3rd-largest, not building sovereign capabilities in AI would be a huge mistake. According to the author, India needs to build sovereign AI, including sovereign generative AI (GenAI) capabilities.

What have been the announcements by the government in this regard?

1) Last year’s Budget contained reference to 3 Centres of Excellence for AI.

2) Plans to spend Rs.10,000 crore to set up India’s own GPU cloud infrastructure.

3) NITI Aayog has brought out papers on what can be done in AI in India.

What are India’s advantages in the field of AI?

1) Generation of Large Amounts of Data: AI (and GenAI in particular) needs large amounts of data to train its models properly. India is the 2nd-largest generator of digital data in the world.

2) IT industry’s Capabilities: The IT industry’s growing capabilities in building applications will certainly be an advantage.

What are the challenges for India in the field of AI?

  1. Lack of Research: The US and China are clear leaders in this field, with decades of AI research behind them. India has only started.
  2. Human Resources: To be able to build any significant AI research centre, the government as well as the private sector needs to attract experts (such as Indian-origin experts in foreign countries) in the field to come and lead the effort, just like China.
  3. Lack of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Cloud Infrastructure: However, this problem can be tackled as there are plenty of cloud service providers globally.
    Note: A GPU is a computer chip that renders graphics and images by performing rapid mathematical calculations.
  4. Large Requirement of Electricity (and Water): Gen AI models require large amount of these resources, and the demand for energy will keep going up as GenAI progresses. India’s energy demand projections will have to include the GenAI factor in its energy transition journey.

Question for practice:

What is Generative AI? What are India’s potential advantages and upcoming challenges in this field?

disinvestment in India-Has disinvestment lost priority or got held up?

Source: The post disinvestment in India has been created, based on the article “Has disinvestment lost priority or got held up?” published in “Live mints” on 1st February 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper3-Indian economy- resource mobilisation

News: The article discusses India’s slow progress in selling government-owned business shares, known as disinvestment. Despite plans to sell more, they have not met their targets.

What is the current status of disinvestment in India?

Disinvestment Target vs. Achievement: The Indian government planned to raise ₹51,000 crore through disinvestment in 2023-24 but has only achieved ₹12,504 crore so far.

Trend over the Years: There has been a declining trend in disinvestment targets and achievements. After an initial rise until 2020-21, the targets have been decreasing for three consecutive years.

Comparison with Past Performance: The government has consistently fallen short of its disinvestment goals, except in 2017-18 and 2018-19.

What are the benefits of disinvestment?

Bridging Fiscal Gaps: Disinvestment helps in raising funds for the government, aiding in managing fiscal deficits. The article mentions the target of ₹51,000 crore set for 2023-24 as an example.

Enhancing Economic Efficiency: Private sector participation is believed to bring greater efficiency. The disinvestment of Air India is cited as an instance where such a move can lead to improved business operations.

Promoting Market Discipline: The exposure of state-owned enterprises to market competition can lead to better management practices and operational efficiency.

What are the reasons for the slow progress of disinvestment in India?

Regulatory and Labor Hurdles: The process is complicated by regulatory approvals and labor relations, making it a slow and challenging task.

Political Challenges: There is significant political resistance, with opposition parties criticizing the sale of state-owned enterprises. This political opposition impacts the pace of disinvestment.

Economic Considerations: The government’s approach seems influenced by economic factors, possibly leading to a more cautious stance in selling assets.

Market Conditions: The disinvestment process is also affected by market conditions, which can vary and impact investor interest in state assets.

Focus on Selective Selling: The government appears to prefer selling underperforming businesses while retaining profitable ones, affecting the overall pace and scope of disinvestment.

What should be done?

  1. The government should better explain the economic benefits of disinvestment to counter political resistance and public skepticism.
  2. Focus on selling assets based on their market appeal, rather than just unloading underperforming ones. This includes considering the sale of profitable enterprises.
  3. Despite challenges, the government should stay committed to the disinvestment agenda, showing political confidence and determination.

Question for practice:

Examine the reasons for India’s slow progress in disinvestment and suggest potential strategies to improve the situation.

Prelims Oriented Articles (Factly)

Newly Added Ramsar sites

Source-This post on Ramsar sites has been created based on the article “Shri Bhupender Yadav says India increases its tally of Ramsar sites (Wetlands of International Importance) to 80 by adding Five more wetlands to the list on the eve of World Wetlands Day 2024 (2nd February)” published in “PIB” on 31 January 2024.

Why in the news?

India has increased its tally of Ramsar sites (Wetlands of International Importance) to 80 from existing 75 by designating five more wetlands as Ramsar sites.

About Ramsar site

Aspect Details
About 1) Ramsar Sites, also known as Wetlands of International Importance, are designated areas under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
2) The Ramsar Convention is an international treaty established in 1971 in Ramsar, Iran.
3) There are over 2,400 Ramsar Sites covering 2.5 million sq km on the territories of 171 Ramsar Contracting Parties across the world.
4) The world’s first site was the Cobourg Peninsula in Australia, designated in 1974.
5) The countries with the most Ramsar Sites are the United Kingdom with 175 and Mexico with 142.
Objective to promote the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands, recognizing their ecological importance.
Latest addition to Ramsar sites in India 1) Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu
2) Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve, Karnataka
3) Longwood Shola Reserve Forest, Tamil Nadu
4) Ankasamudra Bird Conservation Reserve, Karnataka
5) Aghanashini Estuary, Karnataka
Features of recently added Ramsar site 1) Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary-It is centred around a large freshwater lake. This lake is the focal point of the sanctuary and serves as a crucial habitat for a variety of bird species, both resident and migratory. It supports 1% population of Black-headed iblis and oriental Darter.
2) Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve-The bar-headed goose is one of the birds which migrate to Magadi wetlands.
3) Longwood Shola Reserve Forest-it derives its name from the Tamil word, “Solai”, which means a ‘tropical rain forest’.
It maintains the hydrological regime of the region, by capturing rainwater through marshes and then releasing it via streams.
It is home to the threatened Nilgiri marten and other rare fauna and flora.
4) Ankasamudra Bird Conservation Reserve-It is the only place in Karnatka where Great Indian Bustard can be seen.
5) Aghanashini Estuary– It is formed at the confluence of Aghanashini River with the Arabian sea.
The brackish water of the Estuary provides diverse ecosystem services including flood and erosion risk mitigation, biodiversity conservation and livelihood support.
States having largest number of Ramsar sites 1) Tamilnadu-16
2) Uttar Pradesh-10
3) Odisha-6
4) Punjab-6

UPSC Syllabus-Environment

Lab grown fish meat

Source-This post on lab grown fish meat has been created based on the article “How to grow seafood outside the sea — and why a Govt lab in Kochi has taken up this project” published in “The Indian Express”  on 30 January 2024.

Why in the news?

The ICAR-CMFRI in Kochi has partnered with a start-up for lab-grown fish meat. It is the first initiative of its kind in the country.

About lab grown fish meat

Process: Cultivated fish meat is produced by isolating specific cells from fish and growing them in a laboratory setting using media that is free of animal components.
The final product is expected to replicate the flavour, texture, and nutritional qualities of ‘real’ fish meat.

Significance of this initiative

1) It will address the ever-growing demand for seafood, and reduce excessive pressure on wild resources.

2) It would help in minimising overfishing and protect marine environment.

3) It would ensure food and nutritional security.

4) Lab grown fish meat would be antibiotics- and environmental contamination-free.

About Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute

Established– by the government of India on 3 February 1947.
Concerned ministry-Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Headquarter- Kochi, Kerala

UPSC Syllabus-Economy and science & technology.

South China Sea

Source-This post on South China Sea has been created based on the article “Philippines and Vietnam agree to expand cooperation in South China Sea, which Beijing also claims” published in “The Hindu” on 30 January 2024.

Why in the news?

The Philippines and Vietnam have recently signed agreements to avoid incidents in the South China Sea and enhance cooperation between their coast guards.

About South China Sea

It is one of the world’s most important, strategic, and contentious bodies of water.

It is an arm of western Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia.

Bordering states and territories

South china sea

(clockwise from north): the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam.


1) It is connected by Taiwan Strait with the East China Sea and by Luzon Strait with the Philippine Sea.
2) It contains numerous shoals, reefs, atolls and islands. For example-The Paracel Islands, the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal.

UPSC Syllabus-Geography in news.

Solid-state batteries

Source-This post on Solid-state batteries has been created based on the article “Toyota fast charges its solid-state battery plans; may spawn 2 BEV ranges” published in “The Indian Express” on 29 January 2024.

Why in the news?

Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp, a late entrant into the battery electric vehicle race, aims to roll out next-generation solid-state batteries over the next three year.

About Solid-state batteries

These batteries use solid electrodes and a solid electrolyte, instead of the liquid or polymer gel electrolytes used in lithium-ion batteries.

How does it work?

Solid-state batteries have almost the same mechanism as lithium-ion batteries for extracting electricity from the batteries.

Metal is used as the material for the electrodes, and electrical flow is generated by ions moving through the electrolyte between the cathode and anode.

The big difference is that the electrolyte is solid whereas in lithium-ion batteries electrolyte is liquid. Thus, in these batteries there is no need of separator unlike lithium-ion batteries.

Solid state battery
Source- Murat

Application of solid state batteries

Solid-state batteries are potentially useful in pacemakers, RFIDs, wearable devices, and electric vehicles.

Advantages of solid-state batteries over lithium-ion batteries

1) A solid-state battery has higher energy density than a Lithium-ion.

2) It doesn’t have a risk of explosion or fire. There is no need to have components for safety, and thus it saves more space

3) Longer Lifespan- Solid-state batteries can last longer than traditional lithium-ion batteries due to their improved stability.


1) Cost- Manufacturing solid-state batteries are currently more expensive than traditional lithium-ion batteries. This has made them less accessible to everyday consumers.

2) Performance Challenges- Solid-state batteries currently have some performance challenges such as limited cycle life, poor cold weather performance, and a high internal resistance that reduces their power output.

3) Unproven Technology- Solid-state batteries are still under development, and more research is required to address their shortcomings and make them a commercially viable option for electric cars.

UPSC Syllabus-Science & Technology

Default Bail

Source-This post on Default Bail has been created based on the article” Accused cannot seek default bail on ground that investigation is pending against others SC” published in “THE WEEK” on 25 January 2024.

Why in the news?

The Supreme Court in Wadhawani brothers multi-crore bank loan scam case, held that an accused can not seek default bail on the grounds that the probe is pending against other co-accused. In cases where there are multiple accused, the default bail can only be sought by an individual if the investigation/probe is pending against that particular individual.

About Default Bail

1) Default bail is also known as statutory bail. It is a type of bail which is given to an accused detained in custody, when the police fails to complete the investigation and file the charge sheet within the time frame mentioned under the law.

2) The time frame for completing the investigation of offences under the IPC, and for filing of the charge sheet, varies depending on the gravity of the offence.
For Example- An offence punishable with imprisonment up to 10 years, the investigation must be completed within 60 days of arrest. For offence where imprisonment is more than 10 years, the investigation must be completed within 90 days of arrest.
Exception to this rule-special laws like the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act where the time period for investigation may be different, such as 180 days.

3) The Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) provides for three kinds of bail:-
Section 438- Anticipatory Bail
Section 439 – Regular bail
Section 167(2) – Default/statutory bail.

Different types of bail

1. Regular Bail- This is granted to accused individuals who are already in legal custody or jail. It allows the individual to be released from custody by giving a bond, either with or without sureties, under section 437 and section 439 of the CrPC.

2. Interim Bail- This is bail which is provided for a short period of time. It is provided to the accused person before the actual bail hearing or anticipatory bail.

3. Anticipatory Bail- This is defined under section 438 of CrPC. It is to be granted to those individuals who are apprehending arrest.

4. Medical Bail- Granted to individuals based on medical grounds, such as life-threatening disease.

Important judgements regarding bail

1) Ritu Chhabaria judgment– The Supreme court held that “the right of default bail under Section 167(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) is not merely a statutory right, but a fundamental right that flows from Article 21 of the Constitution”.

2) Jasbir Singh vs National Investigating Agency (2023) judgement– The Supreme Court held that an accused has no right to ask for default bail by claiming that the charge sheet is incomplete (although it is filed on time) for lack of sanction under Section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

UPSC Syllabus-Indian polity

Fentanyl Trafficking

Source-This post on Fentanyl is based on the article “U.S. and China launch talks on fentanyl trafficking in a sign of cooperation amid differences” published in “The Hindu” on 30th January 2024.

Why in the News?

Recently, discussions between America and China have centred around collaborative initiatives aimed at curbing the influx of fentanyl into the U.S . Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid (a type of drug) has caused chaos in America. It contains ingredients which are made in China.

What is Fentanyl?

1) Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid authorized by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

2) It is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

3) It is typically used to treat severe pain, such as that experienced by cancer patients or those undergoing surgery.

4) However, it is also sometimes made illegally and sold for recreational use. It is often mixed with heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine and formed into pills resembling prescription opioids.

5) Fentanyl is highly addictive and can be deadly, especially in large doses or when combined with other drugs.

UPSC Syllabus- Science & Technology

Brainoware: Scientists fuse Brain-like Tissue with Electronics

Source-This post on Brainoware is based on the article “Scientists fuse brain-like tissue with electronics to make computer” published in “The Hindu” on 3rd January 2024.

Why in the News?

A team of researchers has recently combined brain-like tissue with electronics to create an ‘organoid neural network’ known as Brainoware. It is capable of recognizing voices and solving complex maths problems.

How does it work?

1) Researchers utilized lab-grown real human brain tissue to create mini-brains known as organoids.
Note– Brain organoids are 3D clusters of brain cells. These organoids are not actual brains, they are simply tissue structures without thoughts or feelings. They help in studying how the brain works without using a real human brain.

2) Brainoware connects these organoids to microelectrodes through a method of artificial neural network known as reservoir computing.

3) This device comprises three layers: input, reservoir, and output.

4) The brain organoid, which is connected to microelectrodes, acts as the reservoir. It received inputs via electrical stimulation from the input layer (live brain cells). The output layer comprised modified conventional computer hardware programmed to recognize Brainoware’s neural activity.

5) The researchers showcased Brainoware’s capabilities by forecasting a Henon map. Henon map is a mathematical function that plots a curve on a graph, displaying chaotic or non-chaotic behaviour based on the values of two variables.


It marks a significant advancement in multiple areas of science and engineering, such as tissue engineering, electrophysiology, and neural computation.

UPSC Syllabus- Science & Technology

National Mission for Mentoring (NMM)

Source-This post on National Mission for Mentoring is based on the article “NCTE organizes 2-day Seminar for Sharing Best Practices & Periodic Review of National Mission for Mentoring” published in “PIB” on 31st January 2024.

Why in the News?

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) held a 2-day seminar to share best practices and review the National Mission for Mentoring (NMM) with stakeholders.

What is National Mission for Mentoring (NMM)?

Aspect Details
About  1. It is a programme in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
2. It provides mentors with opportunities to share expertise with mentees, assisting them in becoming effective teachers.
Objective To establish a strong mentorship system that empowers teachers to improve teaching practices and effectiveness.
Launched on  July 29, 2022, in 30 selected Central Schools nationwide by NCTE as a pilot program.
Features 1. NMM enhances mentee teachers’ teaching abilities and fosters a culture of continuous learning.
2. It keeps teachers updated and relevant in today’s dynamic educational landscape.
3. NCTE has onboarded 60 professionals as NMM mentors for various areas including leadership, digital education, socio-emotional learning, inclusive education etc.

What is National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)?

1) About– It is a governmental statutory body established under the National Council for Teacher Education Act of 1993 in India. This council advises both central and state governments on Teacher Education matters.

2) Objective:
a. To achieve coordinated development of teacher education nationwide.
b. To regulate and uphold Norms and Standards in teacher education and related matters.
c. To train individuals to teach at all school levels, including pre-primary, primary, secondary, and senior secondary, as well as non-formal, part-time, adult education (correspondence), and distance education courses.

UPSC Syllabus- Schemes & Programmes
