[Answered] Commercial cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants, or floriculture is much more lucrative compared to normal crop farming. Highlight the factors contributing to the growth of floriculture in India.
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Contextual introduction.

Body: Write some factors contributing to the growth of floriculture in India.

Conclusion: Write a way forward.

The government of India has identified floriculture as a sunrise industry and accorded it 100% export-oriented status. Owing to the steady increase in demand for flowers, floriculture has become one of the important Commercial trades in Agriculture. The net profit from growing flowers, per unit of land, can be 10 to 20 times higher than from most field crops. But it is a high investment- and technology-intensive activity that needs, preferably, to be carried out under controlled environmental conditions in greenhouses.

Factors contributing to the growth of floriculture in India:

  • India’s location in the tropical and subtropical zone provides for varied agro-climatic conditions. These various agro-climatic conditions help in growing any kind of flowers in one or other part of the country, year-round.
  • India’s geographical location between two major export markets viz, Europe and Asia-Pacific provides an ample amount of opportunities for the floriculture industry.
  • Availability of semi-skilled manpower at lower rates.
  • Export-friendly policies of the government and the development of a model floriculture center, floriculture Infrastructure Park for the promotion of exports.
  • Flowers are deeply intertwined with Indian culture either festivals or ceremonies from birth to death, flowers occupy a central position. This provides an ample amount of opportunities.
  • Infrastructure development includes roads for floriculture units, electric supply, water, cold storage at airport, and training of customs officials for faster and careful clearance
  • The floriculture market is gaining opportunities due to the demand for loose and cut flowers in recent times.

Way forward:

  • To capture the international market, India needs to attain quality standards. This requires flowers to be grown in greenhouses where temperature, humidity, and other atmospheric parameters can be manipulated to suit the needs.
  • The institutional support through suitable market surveys and related information.
  • An integrated infrastructure from the hinterland to export centers to make the business less expensive.
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