72 UPSC Interview Questions on Security and Disaster Management
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Hi friends! We are approaching the final stage of UPSC Civil Services Exam i.e. the Interview/ Personality Test Stage. As mentioned in my previous article, questions in the UPSC interview can be asked from any topic of General Studies. Internal Security and Disaster Management are the most debated topics of today and certain questions are surely expected from them. I have made an effort to list certain important questions related to these topics.

They are mentioned below:

  1. How the nature of Indian democracy has impacted its internal security situation? In your view, is the democratic situation of India conducive to its security and unity? Suggest ways in which the democracy and security of India can be enhanced? (Hint: Talk about how free speech impacts security. Talk about naxalism, insurgency, Kashmir militancy and how improper functioning of democracy has impacted the situation there. Accordingly suggest measures)
  2. What is the difference between a law and order, public order and an internal security problem? Give practical examples. Suggest measures to deal with them.
  3. India is vulnerable to internal security threat from various quarters. Explains India’s internal security origin and threats.
  4. Does India require a national security doctrine? Intellectuals of various fields suggest for a national security doctrine for India. What do you suggest? If yes, then why do we need it?
  5. What is the difference between money laundering and black money? How both of them impact the security of India?
  6. What steps have been taken to tackle the black money problem of India? How demonetization has impacted the security and black money problem of India? Give a real analysis and not any hypothetical answer.
  7. What do you understand by the term radicalization and religious indoctrination? How has the online space increased radicalization in India? Being an IPS Officer, how will you deal with this problem?
  8. What are the different types of terrorism prevalent in India? What kind of terrorism have you witnessed in your home state?
  9. We have successfully dealt with the problem of Punjab Terrorism. Then why are we facing many problems in dealing with the Kashmir Terrorism. Considering the present situation, analyze the challenges faced in tackling the Kashmir problem.
  10. In what ways, technology is used in facilitating terrorism in India? (Important for technical background candidates)
  11. What are the different sources of financing of terrorist organizations? How has the demonetization step impacted terrorism financing?
  12. What are Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN)? How are they circulated? What impact do they have on the security, social and economic scenario of India? How demonetization has impacted the circulation of FICN?
  13. What are the anti terror mechanisms (institutions, laws and strategies) adopted by India?
  14. Indian private sector is said to be the next target of terrorism. How can private sector and government cooperate to fight terrorism?
  15. What is the role of civil society in fighting terrorism? Give certain practical examples which you have personally witnesses?
  16. What does government expects from media during a terrorist situation? Why do media behave irresponsibly sometimes? What can be done to increase the government-media cooperation in counter terrorism? Analyze in terms of the “Pathankot Episode” due to which NDTV was blocked for a day by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  17. What do you mean by narco-terrorism and how are narcotics and terrorism related? Have you ever witnessed certain young people who have ruined their life due to drugs usage? What measures would you take as a District Magistrate to improve their lives?
  18. India is a major transit as well consuming country for drugs. Explain the various drugs trafficking routes to India.
  19. Discuss the counter measures (institutional as well as legal) taken to prevent drugs trafficking.
  20. Discuss the history of Kashmir Militancy. Why has the situation deteriorated after 2008? Also analyze the changes after 2016. What are the challenged for the peace process in J&K?
  21. What measures are being taken to decrease J&K militancy?
  22. What are the issues related to AFSPA? In your view, should AFSPA be removed from Kashmir and North-East? Suggest some improvements in the implementation of AFSPA.
  23. What is Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK)? What is its significance for India? What should be the Indian stand regarding POK?
  24. What are Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas mentioned in the Constitution? Are these provisions implemented properly at the ground level? How has the failure to implement them affected the internal security situation of India? Suggest measures for improvement in this regard.
  25. Why has Left Wing Extremism increased in India? Imagine yourself to be posted as an SP of a left wing extremism affected district. How will you tackle the situation in your area?
  26. Recently, we have seen a trend of decreasing left wing extremism in India. Suggest indicators and reasons for this decrease.
  27. Discuss the growth of LWE in India and the reasons of its prosperity. Why Maoism is considered the biggest threat for India?
  28. Special Police Officers (SPOs) and the support of the local people are instrumental in fighting Naxalism. Critically analyze with respect to the Salwa Judum experiment of Chhattisgarh.
  29. What are the natures of conflict in North East?
  30. What are the reasons for growth of insurgency in North East? How is Government responding to it?
  31. You must have heard about people from North East being discriminated in cities like Delhi. What are your views on it? What steps have been taken to tackle it? Being an administrator, how will you respond to such discrimination in your area?
  32. What is ‘Act Easy Policy’? How can it help in the development of the North East region?
  33. There is a demand to implement AFSPA in Meghalaya. Discuss this issue along with the broad debate on AFSPA.
  34. Discuss the security threat related to Rohingya Muslims.
  35. Differentiate between traditional and economic crimes.
  36. Have you or your friend ever come across a Multi Level Marketing Scheme? What is it? What are its features? Being an SP, how will you deal with such nuisance in your district?
  37. What do you mean by nuclear terrorism? In what ways it can happen? What are the nuclear threats to India?
  38. Have you heard about Nuclear Security Summit? What are its aims and achievements?
  39. What do you understand by Critical Infrastructure? Name certain critical infrastructure in your home district and home state.
  40. Why are the reasons for spread of communal violence? Being an SP, how will you deal with a Muzzaffarnagar like communal violence situation?
  41. What is the role of Community Policing in dissolving communal tensions? Describe certain community policing strategies you have seen in your area of residence.
  42. Describe the nexus between organized crime and terrorism. Giving different examples, describe how different types of organized crime support terrorism?
  43. What is criminalization of politics? How is it related with organized crime? Being the Election Commissioner, what steps will you take to prevent it?
  44. Discuss the advantages and security implications of cloud hosting of servers vis-a-vis in-house machine based hosting for government businesses. (CSE 2015)
  45. Cyber warfare is considered by some defense analysts to be a larger threat than even Al Qaeda or terrorism. What do you understand by Cyber warfare? Outline the cyber threats which India is vulnerable to and bring out the state of the country’s preparedness to deal with the same. (CSE 2013)
  46. What are social networking site and what security implications do these sites present?
  47. What is a Critical Information Infrastructure?
  48. Describe the cyber security framework/ architecture of India.
  49. Explain the different provisions of IT Act to enhance cyber security.
  50. What is Internet Governance? Which organizations are presently involved in it? What are the developments in this field? What is India’s stand regarding it.
  51. What is cloud computing? What are its different types? What kinds of cyber security threats have emerged due to it?
  52. How far are India’s internal security challenges linked with border management, particularly in view of the long porous borders with most countries of South Asia and Myanmar? (CSE 2013)
  53. China and Pakistan have entered into an agreement for development of an economic corridor. What threat does this pose for India’s security? (CSE 2014)
  54. How does illegal trans border migration pose a threat to India’s security? Discuss the strategies to curb this, bringing out the factors which give impetus to such migration. (CSE 2014)
  55. What are the security challenges in Border Management?
  56. Describe the importance of Integrated Check Posts and Land Ports Authority of India.
  57. What are the coastal security threats to India? What measures are being taken to address them?
  58. Describe the intelligence setup of India.
  59. Critical assess the role of Central Security Forces in maintaining internal security in India.
  60. In what ways, internal security operations collide with international human rights issues?
  61. What is Criminal Justice System? What are its different branches? What are the lacunae in different branches of the Criminal Justice System in India?
  62. Describe the deficiencies in our Police System and suggest improvements on the basis of the recommendations of various committees.
  63. What are the deficiencies in our judicial system? Suggest improvement while mentioning the positive steps already taken.
  64. What are the causes of rising extremism in India? Give certain ground level examples.
  65. How important are vulnerability and risk assessment for pre-disaster management. As an administrator, what are key areas that you would focus in a disaster management? (CSE 2013)
  66. The frequency of earthquakes appears to have increased in the Indian subcontinent. However, India’s preparedness for mitigating their impact has significant gaps. Discuss various aspects. (CSE 2013)
  67. Describe the different institutions at the Central, State and district level involved in disaster management.
  68. Who all are the responders to a disaster at the local level? What steps are being taken for their capacity development for disaster risk reduction?
  69. What are the financial arrangements for disaster management?
  70. What kinds of partnerships should be built at the local level for disaster management?
  71. What kinds of disasters are prevalent in an urban area? As a DM, what steps will you take to deal with them?
  72. What kinds of disasters are prevalent in rural areas? As a DM, what steps will you take to deal with them?

Lohit Matani is an Indian Police Service (IPS) Officer, serving in Maharastra Cadre. He has deep interest in, and specializes in Internal Security & Disaster Management. He is a published author and a blogger. You can reach him on Facebook or on his blog here or buy his book on Internal Secuity by clicking here.

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