9 PM Current Affairs Brief – June 1st, 2018
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Sharp drop in smoking tobacco in India, says WHO report

Sharp drop in smoking tobacco in India, says WHO report News: According to a WHO report, smoking tobacco in India has dropped down to 11.5% in 2005 from 19.4% in 2000. Important facts: The percentage is expected to drop down further to 9.8% by 2020 and 8.5% by 2025. Although  the reduction is insufficient to… Continue reading Sharp drop in smoking tobacco in India, says WHO report

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U.S. Pacific Command renamed U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

U.S. Pacific Command renamed U.S. Indo-Pacific Command News: The United States renamed its strategically important Pacific Command (PACOM) to the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. Important Facts Renaming the combatant command is strategically significant for US. Firstly it reflects US keenness to count India as a key partner in its strategic planning. It is India’s re-entry into… Continue reading U.S. Pacific Command renamed U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

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Modi, Mahathir hold ‘productive’ talks

Modi, Mahathir hold ‘productive’ talks News: Prime Minster Narendra Modi held his first meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Mahathir Mohammad in Kuala Lumpur. Important facts: The two leaders exchanged views on strengthening strategic partnership. They also discussed ways to boost economic and cultural relations between the two countries. This visit comes in the backdrop of… Continue reading Modi, Mahathir hold ‘productive’ talks

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Tata, EU steel firms brace for tariff war

Tata, EU steel firms brace for tariff war News: US will extend imposition of 25% tariff on steel and 10% tariff on aluminum imports from the European Union, Canada and Mexico. Important facts: This trade action brings an end to potential exemptions and raises the risk of trade war. Due to tariff  U.S steel and… Continue reading Tata, EU steel firms brace for tariff war

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What will the caretakers take care of?

What will the caretakers take care of? News: Akbar Zaidi is a political economist from Karachi argues about the credibility of caretaker government in Pakistan. Important Facts: Pakistan for the first had a caretaker government from the judiciary which comprise of Chief justice of Pakistan. The rise of Pakistan’s judiciary is considered as transitions of… Continue reading What will the caretakers take care of?

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How to be Garbage Free

How to be Garbage Free Article: Author Samir Nazareth observes that there is a need for attitudinal change to achieve cleanliness Analysis: Recently, the government in Goa has announced to make the state garbage-free by 2020. The author takes up the example of Candolim beach in Goa and highlights the need for inculcating civic sense… Continue reading How to be Garbage Free

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Settling disputes out of court- Mandatory Pre-litigation Mediation

Settling disputes out of court- Mandatory Pre-litigation Mediation Article Chitra Narayan, Chennai based Mediator has shared her views about Mandatory pre-litigation mediation in commercial disputes by the recent Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018, which amends the Commercial Courts Act of 2015. Important Analysis Mandatory Pre-litigation mediation… Continue reading Settling disputes out of court- Mandatory Pre-litigation Mediation

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Indian economy grew 7.7% in Q4

Indian economy grew 7.7% in Q4 News: The Indian economy grew at 6.7% for the entire fiscal year 2017-18 government data shows. Important facts: The economy grew at of 5.6 percent, 6.3 percent and 7% percent in the first three quarters of 2017-18. The fourth quarter grew at 7.7%. It is the fastest and strongest… Continue reading Indian economy grew 7.7% in Q4

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Intra-State e-waybills to take effect in final 8 States

Intra-State e-waybills to take effect in final 8 States News: The central government has  announced the  implementation of e-waybill  for final 8 states in June 2018. Important Facts: The central government has implemented the e-waybill from 1 April 2018. E-Way Bill is an electronic generated document which require to be generated for transport of goods of… Continue reading Intra-State e-waybills to take effect in final 8 States

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Mother of all lizards lived in Italian Alps

Mother of all lizards lived in Italian Alps News: The science journal Nature has tracked the oldest lizard Magechirella in Italian Alps. Important Facts: Key observation of the Scientist about Magechirella Magechirella reptile is mother of all lizard and was ancestor of lizards and snakes. The tiny bone in Megachirella’s lower jaw that is unique… Continue reading Mother of all lizards lived in Italian Alps

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