World without narrow domestic walls
Red Book
Red Book

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Source: Indian Express  

Relevance: This article depicts the main reasons behind increasing vaccine nationalism.


The current world order operates under the principle of national sovereignty and national interest, as witnessed by emerging vaccine nationalism during the pandemic. Nonetheless, a better world can be created if the international order is redesigned around the concept of humanity.

  • The international world order is currently built around the principles that were first enunciated in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. This brought the 30 and 80-year overlapping wars in Europe to an end.
  • The principles were again reaffirmed in the Articles of Association of multilateral agencies like the UN, WTO and WHO created in the post the Second World War.
About the principles:
  • The central thrust of these principles was that countries have an exclusive right of control over all matters arising within their territorial boundaries.
  • Further, this “right” is not compromised by their signed commitments to multilateral governance. They centered around the concept of national sovereignty and national interest.
Role in influencing decisions:
  • First, vaccine nationalism was observed in the distribution of Covid vaccines. Scientists did collaborate across national boundaries to develop the vaccine, but when it came to distribution, the politicians first secured supplies for their domestic constituency. After storing sufficient quantities, they shared supplies with the developing world.
  • Second, the G7 leaders have often committed to financially support the efforts of the poorer countries in tackling climate change with a $100 billion package. However, domestic economic considerations have refrained them from meeting this commitment.
  • Third, China is continuing to build new coal plants, which may jeopardise its carbon emission targets. Similarly, President Joe Biden has reportedly backtracked from his pre-election campaign to stall the construction of oil pipelines in his push for clean energy. He is allowing just such a project to continue in Minnesota.
Why do politicians mainly focus on national interest?
  • Politics today is a hard-nosed, 24/7, winner-takes-all, and opportunist profession. With the narrowing margins between electoral victory and possible political oblivion, today’s politicians have no option but to remain continually in election mode. 
  • They cannot afford to rest on their laurels even in the aftermath of victory, or pause to reflect on the longer-term ramifications of their decisions. They have to keep running to stay ahead of the opposition.
  • Likewise, they know that their political future depends on fragmenting the opposition by stoking separatist identities and harnessing nationalistic sentiments. 

Way Ahead:

  • The countries must work with each other in a humane manner. This involves cooperation built on trust, compassion, friendship, and conversation that can create a more equitable world.
  • There should be redesigning of the Westphalian principles and the current hardware of electoral politics. This would be crucial for tackling global warming, environmental degradation, cross-border conflicts, social injustice and other problems.
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