Great Indian Bustard
Red Book
Red Book

  • Great Indian Bustard is one of the heaviest flying birds (weighing up to 15kgs). They inhabit dry grasslands and scrublands on the Indian subcontinent
  • Habitat: It is endemic to the Indian subcontinent. It is found in Rajasthan (Desert National park), Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in India and parts of Pakistan.
  • IUCN Red List: It is a critically Endangered species with less than 150 birds left in the wild.
  • Indian Wildlife (Protection)Act,1972: Schedule I
  • CITES: Appendix I
  • Threats:
    • Death by collision with infrastructure, particularly power lines and wind turbines,
    • Depletion of grasslands,
    • hunting,
    • development of mines and human habitation in and around their habitats among others.
  • Conservation Initiatives:
    • Project Great Indian Bustard: It was launched by Rajasthan Government with the objective of conservation of the remaining population of critically endangered Great Indian Bustard(Ardeotis nigriceps) locally called Godawan.
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