White Cheeked Macaque
Red Book
Red Book

News: Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have found a new mammal species named “White Cheeked Macaque” from central Arunachal Pradesh.

About White Cheeked Macaque (Macaca leucogenys)

It was first discovered in 2015 by a group of Chinese scientists from southeastern Tibet.

This macaque is distinct from other macaques found in the region as it displays white cheeks, long and thick hairs on the neck area and a longer tail.

It is also the last mammal to have been discovered in Southeast Asia.

Note: Arunachal macaque, as well as the White Cheeked Macaque, exist in the same biodiversity hotspot in the eastern Himalayas.

Significance of this discovery

India’s mammal count will increase from 437 to 438 because till now it was not known that the species existed in India.


Septemeranthus – parasitic flowering plant

News: A new genus of a parasitic flowering plant named “Septemeranthus” has recently been discovered from the Nicobar group of islands.

About Septemeranthus

Septemeranthus belongs to the family Loranthaceae, a hemi-parasite under the sandalwood order Santalales.

Note: Loranthaceae is currently represented by nine genera and are found all across India.

Habitat: Endemic to the Nicobar group of islands.

Salient features of Septemeranthus

It grows on the plant species Horsfieldia glabra (Blume) Warb. It partially depends on its host but also has leaves capable of photosynthesis.

The plant has a distinct vegetative morphology, inflorescence architecture and floral characters.

The leaves of the plant are heart-shaped with a very long tip and the ovary, fruit and seeds are ‘urceolate’ (earthen pot-shaped).


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