[Answered] Highlighting the reasons behind and impacts of Cloudburst, discuss the measures to prevent and reduce the devastating impacts of cloudbursts.

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Introduction: Contextual introduction.
Body: Explain some points related to the reasons behind and impacts of cloudburst. Also write some measures to prevent and reduce the devastating impacts of cloudbursts.
Conclusion: Write a way forward.

A cloudburst refers to an extreme amount of rain that happens in a short period, sometimes accompanied by hail and thunder. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) defines it as unexpected precipitation exceeding 100mm (or 10 cm) per hour over a geographical region of approximately 20 to 30 square km. All instances of cloudbursts involve heavy rain in a short period, but all instances of heavy rain in a short period are not cloudbursts if they do not fit this criterion.

Reasons behind Cloudburst:

  • It is difficult to predict when exactly a cloudburst will occur. However, they are more likely to occur in mountainous zones mainly because of terrain and elevation.
  • Cloudburstsare mostly caused by an excessive amount of condensation in the clouds during a thunderstorm. During a thunderstorm, the warm air currents pull the falling drops of water upwards creating an excess accumulation of water in the clouds. If it reaches a point where the upward air current is weakened, it results in sudden precipitation and downpour of all the accumulated water, in a short time causing floods in the surrounding areas.

Impacts of Cloudburst:

  • Flooding: A cloudburst can have a devastating impact triggering flash floods. These floods can cause uprooting of trees and movement of boulders and other debris.
  • Damage to infrastructure: Cloudbursts can also damage houses, roads, loss of bridges because of the sheer force in which the downpour occurs.
  • Landslides: Sudden heavy rain caused by cloudburstsin hilly and mountainous areas can trigger landslides.
  • Another effect of cloudbursts is the damage they can cause to trees, plants, and crops, loss of arable land, livestock.

Measures to prevent and reduce the devastating impacts of cloudbursts:

  • Regulation of construction activities along river banks with special consideration to water level during heavy rainfall.
  • Strengthening of embankments, barrages and dams to constrain & regulate water flow.
  • Localized planning taking into consideration the ecologically fragile nature of the region and involving the local communities’
  • Regulate infrastructure projects and preserve the sanctity of eco-sensitive zones.
  • Better forecasting by IMD and incorporation of advanced technology to monitor and predict extreme weather events can enable early warning, evacuation and preparedness
  • Adoption of ecofriendly policies and eco-sensitive tourism for development of the region.
  • Incorporation of disaster management and prevention into the developmental planning process.

Utilization and leverage of local knowledge, resources, can have a multiplier effect on mitigation. Participation of local bodies such as NGOs, Gram Sabhas, Panchayats can strengthen the entire framework of disaster management.

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