Palm-leaf manuscript museum with audio-visual technology opens window to little-known history
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Red Book

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Source: The post is based on the article “Palm-leaf manuscript museum with audio-visual technology opens window to little-known history” published in The Hindu on 22nd December 2022

What is the News?

Kerala Chief Minister will inaugurate a palm-leaf manuscript museum with modern audio-visual technology at the Central Archives Fort in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

What is the Palm-leaf Manuscript Museum?

Setup by: Archives Department of Kerala

Purpose: The museum will feature a rare collection of over one crore palm-leaf manuscripts available with the Archives Department with the aim of communicating their importance to the public.

– The manuscripts delve into aspects as diverse as tax, administration and trade to education, prisons, and festivals in the erstwhile Travancore, Kochi and Malabar provide a fascinating glimpse of history that is rarely accessible to the common man.

Significance: This museum will help to learn more and popularize the ancient manuscripts that are part of India’s heritage.

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