[UPSC Interview 2022] – Transcript #84 : Preeti Sudan Board, Uttar Pradesh Home State, PSIR Optional, Meditation, web series Hobbies

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Date of Interview: 10/Feb/23, forenoon (3rd to go)
Board: Preeti Sudan
Duration: around 35 minutes
Homestate: Uttar Pradesh
Background: BSc(Hons) Physics from Delhi University
Optional: PSIR
Hobby: philosophy of Swami vivekanand, walking-meditation, Web series


  1. Chairperson- (After entry and greet..) Ask me to remove the mask.
  2. Ask me about What changed in me after coming to Delhi? (i did my from DU). And follow up questions
  3. Difference between village life and Delhi life
  4. Core philosophy of Swami Vivekanand (my hobby)
  5. After first posting as an IPS officer.. what will be the guiding principles for you (from the Vivekanand’s teaching)
  6. What is walking-meditation? Is it real thing or did you just invented😅?… How do you do it?

Member 1

  1. What is independent judiciary and how it evolved since the enforcement of Constitution
  2. Question on collegium
  3. No other nation in world – where judges appoint judges… Is Indian executive corrupt?
  4. What is best way?
  5. Are judiciary decisions decisions pro people or pro government?
    (I said pro people)
  6. Are you sure?
  7. Situational questions( me as an ips officer) –  If mob attacked on your boss’
  8. house… what will you do? …Will you fire on mob? .. .. What if your boss ordered to fire?….. Follow up questions… what if a person puts gun on your boss’ head and your boss ordered you to kill a person… . Wouldn’t you follow
  9. all the oder?… Which order would you follow?

Member 2

  1. What is the capital budget?
  2. How much increase in capital expenditure in terms of percentage and real value?
  3. If you’re an officer.. How will you decide the project? What should be parameters?
  4. Why is the toll collected? What should be the time period?
  5. Is maintenance of highways a capital expenditure?
  6. What is service before self?
  7. Is it niskam karma?
  8. What do you understand by conflict of interests? Ask me related example
  9. Tell me about two courageous work.. You ever did? And follow up questions

Member 3

  1. what is renewable energy?
  2. Types
  3. Usability
  4. Problems
  5. Solutions
  6. Follow up questions like
  7. Which materials use in solar panels
  8. What is lithium? is it available in India(it was covered in same day’s newspaper)
  9. Where are wind power plants
  10. Ask me about my district

Member 4

  1. Do you about Yudhh sanyasi(about swami Vivekanand)?
  2. Again another question on vivekanand
  3. Is our judiciary responsible for government or people?… i said people
  4. How? It is not elected

Chairperson said thank you

  1. Questions may not be in right order
  2. Some other questions which i can’t recall right now
  3. No question from state, graduation and optional
  4. Board was very good and cordial especially chairwoman
  5. It was very great experience much better than last time

Utility of mocks-

  1. Just for confidence building.. Nothing else
  2. Don’t mind feedback

All the best to everyone

(This transcript has been posted by a community member of ForumIAS)
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