Medicinal plant commonly called Borthekera in Assamese found to have cardioprotective potential

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Source: The post is based on the article Medicinal plant commonly called Borthekera in Assamese found to have cardioprotective potentialpublished in PIB on 24th February 2023

What is the News?

A medicinal plant commonly called ‘Bor Thekera’ in the Assamese language, traditionally forbidden for raw consumption, has been found to protect from heart diseases.

What is Bor Thekera?

Garcinia pedunculata popularly known as Bor Thekera in Assamese, is an evergreen tree related to the more familiar purple mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana).

The tree is endemic to the south-eastern regions of Asia such as parts of Myanmar and north-eastern parts of India.

Uses: The sun-dried slices of the Bor Thekera are used for culinary and medicinal purposes and are known to have therapeutic properties like anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, nephroprotective, and even neuroprotective activity.

– Multiple studies have been reported that G.pedunculata is a rich source of antioxidants. 

– In Assam, such slices are much valued and used for preparing delicacies like “tenga diya masor jol” meaning Assamese sour fish curry.

What have the scientists found about Bor Thekera?

Scientists have conducted a study to explore the medicinal plant “Bor Thekera” potential to prevent heart diseases.

They found that administration of the dried pulp of the ripe fruit of Bor Thekera reduced cardiac hypertrophy indicators and oxidative stress and heart inflammation.

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