Lame Duck Session

Lame duck session refers to the last session of the old Lok Sabha after a new Lok Sabha has been elected as a result of the general elections.

The term ‘lame ducks’ is used to refer to those members of the old house who could not be re-elected.

Meaning of “Lame Duck”The expression “lame duck” originally applied in 18th century Britain to bankrupt businessmen, who were considered as “lame” in the sense that the impairment of their powers rendered them vulnerable, like a game bird injured by shot.
By the 1830s, the usage had been extended to officeholders whose service already had a known termination date. In USA, for instance, a President is considered a “lame duck” not only if he has been defeated for re-election, or after his successor has been elected, but also whenever he cannot be, or is known not to be, a candidate for reelection.

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