[Answered] Highlight the importance of the High Seas Treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of resources in the open oceans.

Introduction: Contextual introduction.
Body: Explain the importance of the High Seas Treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of resources in the open oceans.
Conclusion: Write a way forward.

The High Seas Treaty is being referred to as the ‘Paris Agreement for the Ocean’. It is being negotiated under the UNCLOS. It is expected that the treaty will also help mitigate the impact of climate change on oceans. At present, only 1.2% of international waters fall under protected areas. The high seas account for more than 60% of the world’s ocean area and cover about half of the Earth’s surface, which makes them a hub of marine life.

Importance of the High Seas Treaty:

  • The high seas are home to around 2.7 lakh known species, many of which are yet to be discovered.
  • They regulate the climate by playing a fundamental role in planetary stability by mitigating the effects of climate change through its absorption of carbon and by storing solar radiation and distributing heat around the globe.
  • Activities will be highly regulated, and conservation efforts similar to what happens in forest or wildlife zones, will be undertaken.
  • Oceans host very diverse life forms, many of which can be useful for human beings in areas like drug development. Genetic information from these organisms is already being extracted, and their benefits are being investigated.
  • The treaty seeks to ensure that any benefits arising out of such efforts, including monetary gains, are free from strong intellectual property rights controls, and are equitably shared amongst all.
  • Under the provisions of the new treaty, commercial or other activities that can have significant impact on the marine ecosystem, or can cause large-scale pollution in the oceans, would require an environmental impact assessment to be done, and the results of this exercise have to be shared with the international community.

Just like atmospheric warming; the window to take actions to protect marine ecosystems, before irreversible catastrophic damages happen, will be limited. The countries must act with urgency to reach consensus to protect marine ecosystems in the earnest. A binding High Seas Treaty is necessary in this regard.

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