India to defend GSP benefits at USTR
Red Book
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India to defend GSP benefits at USTR


  1. India defends its eligibility for benefits under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) programme.
GSP programme: Provides for the duty-free treatment of designated articles when imported from beneficiary developing countries to America.

Important facts:

2.The U. S. dairy and medical device industries levelled charges against India.

3.India challenge these charges before the United States Trade Representative (USTR) office.

  1. Americas’s allegations:
  • A self-initiated review by the USTR focuses on whether India is meeting the US criteria for a GSP beneficiary country and particularly if India provides equitable and reasonable market access to products from the US.
  • USTR has accused India for creating trade barriers that create serious negative effects on U.S. Commerce.
  • The petitions calling for a review of India’s GSP benefits.

5 .India’s arguments:

  • Exports (worth about $ 5 billion annually, of 1,937 products) from India is at stake.

  On dairy products:

  • India informed to U.S. that India’s position is based on religious, cultural and moral grounds.
  • India is committed to respect the religious and cultural beliefs of its people.
  • Several countries export dairy products to India meeting India’s requirements.
  • On medical devices: Submission said that country was India is committed to provide its citizens equitable and affordable access to essential medicines and medical devices.
  • India requires that dairy products be delivered from animals which have never consumed any feeds containing internal organs, blood meal, or tissues of ruminant origin.
  1. India also argued that import barrier on dairy product is due to certification not market access as it allows import from Australia and Switzerland. India advice US to follow the same process
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