Finding of the India Employment Report (IER) 2024: Turning the spotlight on the urban poor

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Source: The post finding of the India Employment Report (IER) 2024 has been created, based on the article “Turning the spotlight on the urban poor” published in “The Hindu” on 4th April 2024.

UPSC Syllabus Topic: GS Paper 3- Economy- Employment

News: The India Employment Report (IER) 2024 raises concerns about whether the working class is actually benefiting from economic growth. It highlights a trend of increasing low-paid, casual jobs and a decrease in better-paying employment in urban areas, exacerbating poverty among the urban poor.

What are the major findings of the India Employment Report (IER) 2024?

The major findings of the India Employment Report (IER) 2024 are:

Economic Growth and Benefit Distribution: Economic growth of 5.4% from 2015-16 to 2022-23 raised questions about its benefits reaching the working class.

Urban-Rural Disparities in Employment and Wages: Urban areas saw a higher unemployment rate at 4.8% in 2000, compared to 1.5% in rural areas. Despite higher urban unemployment, urban wages were notably higher: 76% more for the self-employed, 44% more for regular employees, and 22% more for casual labor in 2022.

Changing Migration Trends:  The report indicates a shift in migration patterns, with overall migration increasing but male migration slightly decreasing from 2000-08 and further in 2021.

Urban Poverty and Migration: Rural-to-urban migration led many to settle in slums, highlighting the need to analyze income and employment trends in these areas to understand economic mobility prospects for the urban poor.

Women in the workforce: The number of women in the workforce has dropped in slums but increased overall in urban areas. The study shows that casual labor wages have increased, but these jobs often lack security and benefits.

For more information read here

Question for practice:

Discuss the implications of the findings presented in the India Employment Report (IER) 2024 regarding the distribution of economic benefits, urban-rural employment disparities, changing migration trends, urban poverty, and the status of women in the workforce.

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