IAS Gamini Singla’s Motivational Journey to the Rank 3 in UPSC CSE 2021

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Gamini Singla’s journey to achieving the AIR 3 in the UPSC CSE 2021 shows her incredible perseverance and thoughtful planning. She faced the tough challenges of this exam with patience, and her strong and determined mindset led her to success. Her story demonstrates how dedication and hard work can turn dreams into reality.

Her experience is best described by a powerful saying: 

“Jo log mehnat ka saath nahi chhodte, Qismat unka haath nahin chhodti.” 

(Those who do not give up on hard work, fortune does not leave their side.)


The Challenge of Choosing a Career Path

Gamini Singla’s journey to becoming an IAS officer was not driven by a lifelong dream. Instead, her interest in civil service was sparked by her parents, both of whom were government doctors in Himachal Pradesh. It was her father who encouraged her to consider the role of an IAS officer and the profound impact such a position could have on society. Entering college, Gamini was faced with a plethora of career choices, but she sought to truly understand what she wanted from her life.

While in college, Gamini explored different fields by interning at corporate firms, gaining firsthand experience of the private sector. Her performance there was so impressive that she was even offered a full-time job. However, her exploration and experiences during this time helped her to refine her career aspirations.

The Crucial Decision: When Gamini Chose UPSC

During a trip to apply for her driving license, Gamini Singla had a chance encounter with the District Collector. They engaged in a meaningful discussion about the differences between corporate and government careers. From this conversation, Gamini learned a vital lesson: happiness in a job doesn’t come from the position itself, but from one’s attitude towards the work. This insight became a pivotal moment in her career decision-making process.

The clarity she gained from speaking with the District Collector was further reinforced during her internship at JP Morgan. This experience helped her solidify her decision to pursue a career in civil service. Motivated by these experiences, Gamini began her serious preparation for the UPSC exam in her final year of college.


Gamini Singla’s Struggle: Balancing College and UPSC Preparation

Starting Simple and Valuing Foundations
Gamini Singla began her UPSC preparation journey with basic textbooks, placing a significant emphasis on NCERT books. Despite a trend among many aspirants to overlook these foundational resources as the UPSC exam becomes increasingly difficult, Gamini stresses their importance.

Balancing College and Preparation
She highlights the common struggles that college students face while preparing for the UPSC exams alongside their studies. For Gamini, this meant sacrificing weekends and foregoing short-term recreational activities to focus on her long-term goal.

Choosing UPSC Over Job Offers
During her preparation, Gamini received a pre-placement offer from a corporate firm, which she decided to turn down. Her choice was supported by her parents, reflecting her clear vision about pursuing a career in civil services. She also sought guidance from a local teacher, which proved helpful during her preparation period.

Learning from Failures: Gamini Singla’s First UPSC Attempt

Technical Improvements

  • Revision: Gamini realized she hadn’t allocated enough time for revision, which she corrected in her subsequent attempts.
  • Mock Tests: Initially, she didn’t simulate the exam environment when practicing mock tests. To remedy this, she began solving mock papers at a nearby government school to better mimic the actual exam setting, and increased the frequency of these tests.
  • Keeping Up with Current Events: She had stopped reading newspapers close to her first attempt. Recognizing this gap, she resumed her habit of reading newspapers daily and revisited basic textbooks for a more thorough preparation.
  • Mains Preparation: Unlike her first attempt, she started practicing answer writing for the mains examination well before the prelims during her second attempt.

Non-Technical Improvements

  • Attitude Adjustment: Gamini felt guilty for not performing her best in her first attempt. Learning from this, she worked on maintaining a positive attitude and building confidence.
  • No Excuses: Previously, she had used health issues as an excuse for her shortcomings. In her second attempt, she adopted a no-excuses policy to stay focused and accountable.

IAS Gamini Singla on Josh Talks
In her talk on Josh Talks, Gamini shared these insights, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, the right attitude, and strategic planning in overcoming the challenges of UPSC preparation. Her journey underscores that failure is a part of the learning process and that success often depends on one’s ability to reflect, adapt, and persist.


IAS Gamini Singla’s Transformation in Her Second Attempt

Overcoming Personal Loss
Gamini’s preparation for the UPSC mains was deeply affected when her grandfather passed away shortly after she cleared her prelims during her second attempt. Despite this personal loss, her proactive approach to preparing for the mains ahead of time proved to be crucial.

Focused Preparation for the Interview
For the interview stage, Gamini focused on broadening her perspectives and deepening her understanding of current events by extensively reading newspapers. This helped her bring a well-informed viewpoint to her responses.

Achieving Success
The hard work and emotional resilience paid off when, on May 29th, Gamini received her results and found she had secured the impressive rank of 3. Her journey from the initial setback in her first attempt to success in the second is a powerful testament to the magic that the right mix of attitude and effort can achieve.

Gamini’s Reflection on the UPSC Journey
In reflecting on her experience, Gamini acknowledges the intense demands of the UPSC preparation process, both mentally and physically. Yet, she firmly believes that despite the challenges, the journey is immensely rewarding. Her story is an inspiring reminder that perseverance and a positive outlook are key components in turning aspirations into achievements.


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