[Answered] Discuss the implications of providing special financial packages to States outside the Finance Commission’s allocations. Evaluate the potential impacts on fiscal federalism and inter-state equity in India. (250 words)

Introduction: Contextual Introduction

Body: What are the implications of special packages and their impact on fiscal federalism and inter-state equity?

Conclusion: Way forward

The issue of providing states with special financial packages to states like Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, outside the Finance Commission’s (FC) allocations is a nuanced one, involving considerations of fiscal federalism, inter-state equity, political influence, and economic efficacy.


  • Addressing Specific Needs: Special packages can be tailored to address urgent issues faced by a particular state, like natural disasters or economic downturns. This targeted approach can provide quicker relief compared to waiting for the next FC recommendations.
  • Promoting Development: Packages can incentivize states to undertake crucial infrastructure projects or social welfare schemes that might be beyond their current means. This targeted investment can accelerate development in lagging regions.
  • Political Expediency: In some cases, special packages can be politically expedient, appeasing voters in a specific state or addressing regional demands.
  • Erosion of Fiscal Federalism: Bypassing the FC, a constitutionally mandated body, weakens its authority and undermines the established framework for resource allocation. This can create uncertainty and politicize the process.
  • Macroeconomic Instability: Unplanned, off-budget expenditures through special packages can strain the central government’s finances and contribute to fiscal deficits. This can have a cascading effect on the entire economy.

Impact on Fiscal Federalism and Inter-State Equity

  • Centralization of Fiscal Power: Special packages increase the central government’s discretionary power over state finances, which can undermine the federal structure and states’ autonomy.
  • Inter-State Inequity: Politically influential states might receive more funds, leading to perceptions of bias and favoritism, which can exacerbate regional inequalities.
  • Governance and Efficiency: Higher allocations from the Centre can boost a state’s growth if managed well. However, states with poor governance might see higher leakages and inefficiencies, as seen in the case of Bihar.


A balanced approach is crucial, involving transparent criteria for allocations, channeling more resources for higher capital investment in the poorer regions of the country for balanced regional development, robust monitoring mechanisms, and collaborative decision-making between the Centre and states. Enhancing states’ fiscal autonomy under GST and reducing political influence on fund allocations can further contribute to fostering a fairer and more efficient fiscal federalism in India.

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