[Answered] In the context of the Ukraine crisis, critically analyze the limitations and opportunities for India’s peace diplomacy. How can India contribute to a multilateral approach involving the Global South?” (250 words)
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Contextual Introduction

Body: Highlight limitations & opportunities of India’s peace diplomacy & its multilateral approach.

Conclusion: Way forward

India’s role in peace diplomacy concerning the Ukraine crisis is shaped by its strategic interests, historical ties, and evolving geopolitical landscape. The new momentum for peace efforts, with calls for diplomacy from multiple fronts, presents both opportunities and constraints for India as it considers a more active peacemaking role.

Limitations of India’s Role

  • Limited Direct Influence Over Conflict Parties: While India maintains strategic autonomy and is respected by both Russia and the West, its ability to directly influence the course of the war remains constrained..
  • Dependence on US and Russian Relations: India’s geopolitical strategy is heavily tied to its relationships with both Russia (defense and energy) and the West (economic and security partnerships).

Opportunities for India’s Peace Diplomacy

  • Advocating for Dialogue and Diplomacy: Since the start of the invasion in 2022, India has consistently advocated for dialogue and peaceful resolution. Prime Minister Modi’s recent consultations align with the broader global push for renewed peace efforts, echoing sentiments from leaders like Brazil’s Lula da Silva, China’s Xi Jinping, and Hungary’s Viktor Orban.
  • Opportunity to Shape a New Global Order: India could play a pivotal role in the rearrangement of global geopolitics post-Ukraine war. Given the growing fatigue in Europe over supporting Ukraine unconditionally, India’s neutral diplomacy may contribute to a new security architecture that balances the interests of Russia and the West.

India’s Contribution to a Multilateral Approach Involving the Global South

  • Geopolitical Leverage in the Global South: India’s position as a leading voice of the Global South gives it a unique advantage in representing the interests of developing nations, many of which are grappling with the economic fallout of the Ukraine war, including energy and food security challenges. By amplifying these concerns, India can play a constructive role in ensuring that any peace framework addresses the broader impacts on the Global South.
  • Leveraging BRICS and G20 Platforms: India can use its influence in multilateral organizations like BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and the G20 to propose peace initiatives that reflect the Global South’s priorities.


India has an opportunity to leverage its diplomatic weight in the Ukraine peace process by advocating for dialogue and diplomacy that involves the Global South while maintaining its strategic neutrality.

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