Max, Fortis effect: IMA for self-regulation for doctors
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Max, Fortis effect: IMA for self-regulation for doctors


No hospital can force its consultants to work on targets and the choice of drugs and devices should rest with the doctors based on the affordability of a patient and not the hospital management

What has happened?

The Indian Medical Association has urged State governments to subsidise emergencies in the private sector and create a reimbursement mechanism

Views of IMA president

At a press conference IMA president said that,

  • It is time for the medical profession to introspect and come out with self-regulation procedures. From today onwards, all doctors in the country shall choose affordable drugs
  • Referring to the Max Hospital case of a premature baby being wrongly declared dead by the doctors, he said such errors happen due to accident and not intentionally
  • The doctor-patient trust is experiencing a downward spiral in the country as people are looking at the medical profession with suspicion. It is disheartening to see the erosion in trust, and we want to make it more transparent. The doctor-to-patient ratio in India is skewed due to which the doctors are under a lot of stress — they are also human beings
  • It is absurd to victimise a medical practitioner if a patient does not respond to treatment
  • We also appeal to the State governments to come out with an urgent ordinance for ‘one drug-one company-one price policy’
  • Doctors should actively participate in ensuring that no hospital sells any item priced higher than the Market Rate Price. No service charges should be added to procure drugs from outside
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