[Answered] Discuss how proposed code of conduct for legislative bodies can help make our democratic institutions more efficient and productive?

Demand of the question
Introduction. Contextual Introduction.
Body. Need and importance of code of conduct.
Conclusion. Way forward.

In a major move to curb disruptions in legislative bodies, a uniform code of conduct for lawmakers in their respective Houses has been proposed. It is important in the wake of disruptions and poor productivity of legislative bodies in term of laws and bills passed on national issues.

Need of code of conduct for legislative institutions:

  1. There has been continuous disruption of parliament by members in the past. The second half of Budget Session of 2018 witnessed complete washout. Frequent disruptions lead to adjournment of the house. The productivity of the Lok Sabha and that of the Rajya Sabha is impacted by such disruptions.
  2. The behaviour of parliamentarians is seen by the whole country and it impacts the legitimacy of the institution of parliament.
  3. The politicians representing their constituencies in the Parliament and must focus on the issues than political propagandas which often lead to disruption.
  4. Continuous absence from the parliament is a roadblock to passage and discussion on important bills and laws. Code of conduct is needed to ensure attendance in the house.
  5. It is important to prohibit MPs from misusing the power and privileges they get.
  6. A code of conduct for legislators is essential at the time, to develop a discipline in the house and check derogatory remarks.

Importance of code of conduct for legislative institutions:

  1. Parliament and State Legislatures are the representative institutions and accountable to the people. Code of conduct is needed to ensure parliamentarians do their duty efficiently.
  2. Code of conduct is important for matters and issues to be constructively discussed and debated in the House in an efficient manner.
  3. There is a need of extensive and healthy debates in the Legislatures for passing the laws and the House needs to function without any interruptions.
  4. A common Code of Conduct for Legislative Bodies will help in checking unnecessary interruptions and will enhance productivity.

Disruption of Parliament is a serious issue and it is necessary to put in place some mechanism to check unruly Members of Parliament. It should also be ensured that the Code of Ethics should not become a tool to curb the role of Opposition. Like in the UK, Some working days of Parliament should be allotted to Opposition to decide the Agenda of the day.

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