Union Minister Calls For Preparing A Roadmap on Road Safety

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News:Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways has addressed the 18th Meeting of National Road Safety Council(NRSC) and 39th Meeting of Transport Development Council (TDC) in New Delhi.


Key takeaways from the meeting:

  • The minister has emphasised upon combined efforts to curb accidents on roads.He discussed with States the steps required to save the life within the first Golden hour.
  • The minister informed that black spots are being identified and repaired at a fast pace.
  • They also discussed different road safety aspects including the MV (Amendment) Act 2019, inter-state transfer of vehicle registration, harmonisation of road tax across States, vehicle scrapping facility and implementation of vehicle tracking platform under Nirbhaya framework.

About National Road Safety Council(NRSC):

  • National Road Safety Council is an advisory body. It was established under section 215 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
  • It was set up with the objective of improving road safety aspects in road transport sector.
  • The Council is chaired by the Union Minister of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways(MORTH).

About Transport Development Council:

  • The Transport Development Council is the highest body to advise Government of India on all matters relating to roads and road transport. 
  • The Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways is the Chairman of the Council.The Transport Development Council meets at least once in a year.

Additional information:

Golden Hour:It is the time period of up to one hour following a traumatic injury, during which the likelihood of preventing death through prompt medical care is the highest.

Black spot:It is defined as a stretch not more than 500m in length where five accidents have taken place or where ten fatalities have happened in the last three years.They account for 90% of road accidents in the country.

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