A chaotic world, the perils of multilateralism
Red Book
Red Book

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Source: The post is based on an article “A chaotic world, the perils of multilateralism”” published in the “The Hindu” on 5th July 2022.

Syllabus: GS 2 International Organization; Bilateral Relations

Relevance: Bilateralism and Multilateralism

News: Recently, a Quad summit, a BRICS summit and a G-7 summit were convened across thew world. The world leaders exchanged ideas for seeking common ground on burning issues and recalibrating policy accordingly.

What are the challenges to multilateral negotiations?

Multilateral negotiations have become increasingly difficult in the present chaotic global. These organization have failed to make good attempts for collective bargaining.


The BRICS’s joint statement did not indicate the beginning of a new relationship within BRICS. Its joint statements 2022 incorporated diverse statements rather than a real joint statement.

China attempted to hijack the grouping in its 14th virtual BRICS summit. Surprisingly, the BRICS was not meant to be a political grouping when it was established.

Russia and China are two permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSCs). However, India, South Africa and Brazil are aspiring to become permanent membership. China strongly opposes any expansion of the permanent membership of the UNSC.

The BRICS members like India and China have border disputes. For example, China is trying to change the Line of Actual Control (LAC). It has halted the process of disengagement from certain sectors after Galwan Dispute.

The BRICS failed to determine the dynamics of the future course in the Indo-Pacific. For example, Both China and Russia do not favour even the change of nomenclature of the region from Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific.

Russia and China have come close to each other since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Now, Russia is legally obliged to take the Chinese side in any future showdown between India and China. Russia is engaged in the war and China has failed to disengage from areas occupied in 2020. Both try to support each other at present.

China is unilaterally trying to expand the BRICS grouping. It has brough 13 like-minded countries for a high-level dialogue on global development in the recently concluded summit.

The G7

In the G7 Summit 2022, the members were preoccupied with its increasing involvement in the war through supply of money, sophisticated weapons, etc. It failed to produce any results on other major issues like climate change etc.

Way Forward

India should continue to participate in the grouping as the meeting provides the opportunity to interact with world leaders

Bilateral engagements may be much more productive at this point in history. India should work bilaterally with potential allies.

India can attain the status of a pole in the new world with steadfast friends and followers.

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