[Answered] Analyze the impact of the current appointment process and the reliance on the Academic Performance Index (API) in some higher educational institutions.
Red Book
Red Book

Introduction: Provide a brief introduction on the impact of the current appointment process and the reliance on the Academic Performance Index (API) in some higher educational institutions

Body: Write 2-3 points on the Impact of the current appointment process and the reliance on the Academic Performance Index (API) in some higher educational institutions. Write 2-3 points on the Way forward.

Conclusion:  Provide a conclusion on the need to reevaluate the current appointment process, considering a more holistic evaluation of candidates’ capabilities and prioritizing the expansion of higher education opportunities.


The tragic death of a young ad-hoc lecturer at the University of Delhi highlights the deep-rooted issues in higher education institutions. The appointment process in some colleges, based on the Academic Performance Index (API), has led to controversial selections and the exclusion of experienced ad-hoc teachers.

What is the Impact of the current appointment process and the reliance on the Academic Performance Index (API) in some higher educational institutions?

  • Flawed Selection Process: The current selection process focuses excessively on API scores, overlooking the holistic evaluation of candidates’ capabilities as researchers and teachers. Perfunctory interviews with limited interaction lead to the exclusion of competent ad-hoc teachers who have been serving for years.
  • Questionable Merit Criteria: The selection of candidates who have not cleared their Ph.D. confirmation and lack substantial research credentials raises doubts about the emphasis on academic merit. Anecdotal evidence suggests that recommendations from certain social and cultural organizations played a significant role in the selection process.
  • Displacement of Experienced Teachers: The appointment of less-qualified candidates over experienced ad-hoc teachers disregards their competence and years of service. The bleak prospects of securing future teaching jobs due to limited opportunities in higher education further exacerbate the situation.

Way forward:

  • Sympathetic and Humane Approach: Institutions should consider alternative ways to support and uplift existing ad-hoc teachers instead of outright exclusion. A more compassionate administration could devise creative solutions to ensure the inclusion and fair treatment of experienced teachers.
  • Holistic Evaluation: The selection process should go beyond the narrow focus on API scores and incorporate comprehensive assessment methods. A balanced evaluation should consider research achievements, teaching experience, and the overall capabilities of candidates.
  • Focus on Expansion of Higher Education: Governments should prioritize the expansion of higher education institutions to provide more opportunities for teachers and students. Relying solely on online courses may overlook the value of classroom interactions and peer group engagement in holistic education.


The current appointment process, heavily reliant on the Academic Performance Index (API), has resulted in questionable selections and the displacement of experienced ad-hoc teachers. It is crucial to reassess the merit criteria, adopt a more compassionate approach, and prioritize the expansion of higher education to ensure a fair and inclusive environment in higher educational institutions.

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