[Answered] Assess the impact of climate change on urban water security, using Bengaluru’s water crisis as a case study. Discuss the strategies that urban areas can adopt to build resilience against such climate-induced challenges.

Introduction: Contextual Introduction

Body: Highlight the impact of climate change on water security & measures to deal with challenges.

Conclusion: Way forward

The water crisis in Bengaluru is escalating, resulting in considerable shortages across different regions. Reports indicate that drought has impacted 223 out of the 236 talukas in Karnataka, encompassing Mandya and Mysuru districts, which serve as the primary sources of water for Bengaluru.

Impact of climate change on urban water security

  • Unpredictable Rainfall Patterns: Rainwater harvesting and reservoirs play a major role in Bengaluru’s water supply. However, due to climate change, rainfall patterns have become more erratic, with extended dry spells interspersed with periods of intense rainfall. Planning is difficult and water management is disrupted by this unpredictability.
  • Groundwater Depletion: Bengaluru’s over-exploitation of its groundwater resources is a result of the city’s quick urbanization and population expansion. This problem is made worse by climate change, which changes groundwater levels and recharge patterns, increasing reliance on non-sustainable water sources.
  • Rising Temperatures: As evaporation rates quicken, reservoirs and other surface water bodies have less water available. Heatwaves exacerbate this problem, making water scarcity worse when demand is high.

Strategies that urban centers can adopt to deal with the issue

  • Diversification of Water Sources: To become less dependent on surface and groundwater alone, urban regions like Bengaluru need to diversify their water sources. This entails looking into solutions including desalination, rainfall collection, and wastewater recycling.
  • Water Conservation and Demand Management: One way to lessen the strain on the water resources that are now available is to put water conservation measures into place and encourage businesses, industries, and households to utilize water efficiently.
  • Infrastructure Investment: Improving urban water security requires making infrastructure investments for water distribution, treatment, and storage.
  • Climate-Resilient Urban Planning: Reducing the negative effects of climate change on water security requires integrating climate resilience into urban planning procedures.


Through promoting inclusive participation from all stakeholders and enacting robust policies that prioritize long-term sustainability over immediate benefits, Bengaluru can chart a path toward a future where every Indian can access safe and dependable groundwater.

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